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ajax php 聊天室实例代码

2016-05-25 16:57:28982browse

ajax php 聊天室实例代码
* 署名。你必须明确标明作者的名字。.
* 非商业用途。 你不可将当前作品用于商业目的。
* 保持一致。 如果你基于当前作品更改、变换或构造新作品,你应当按照与当前协议完全相同的协议分发最终作品
* 对于任何二次使用或分发,你必须让其他人明确当前作品的授权条款
* 在得到作者的明确允许下,这里的某些条款可以放弃
此约定是法律文本 (完整的协议)的简单易读概要 
$disonline = true;
$leastnum = 30;
$room = date("y-m-d");
$roomdir = "rooms/";
$charset = "utf-8";
$maxdisplay = 300;
$lang = array(
    "description" => "欢迎来到迷你ajax聊天室。最新版本 1.2。下载请到<a href=&#39;http://phprm.com&#39; target=_blank>www.phprm.com</a>",
    "title" => "mini ajax chatroom by longbill",
    "firstone" => "<span style=&#39;color:#16a5e9;&#39;>welcome to longbill&#39;s mini ajax chatroom!</span>",
    "ban" => "i am a pig!",
    "keywords" => "聊天室,迷你,小型,ajax,chat,chatroom,longbill,phprm.com,php,网页特效",
    "hereyourwords" => "在这里发言!"
error_reporting(e_all ^ e_notice ^ e_warning);
header("content-type:text/html; charset=utf-8");
$get_past_sec = 3; //如果发现丢话,可以适当调大这个值
$touchs = 10; //检查在线人数的时间间隔
if (!function_exists("file_get_contents")) {
    function file_get_contents($path) {
        if (!file_exists($path)) return false;
        $fp = @fopen($path, "r");
        $all = fread($fp, filesize($path));
        return $all;
if (!function_exists("file_put_contents")) {
    function file_put_contents($path, $val) {
        $fp = @fopen($path, "w");
        fputs($fp, $val);
        return true;
$title = $lang["title"];
$earlier = 10;
$description = $lang["description"];
$origroom = $room;
$least = ($_get["dis"]) ? intval($_get["dis"]) : $leastnum;
$touchme = $_post[&#39;touchme&#39;];
if (!is_dir($roomdir)) @mkdir($roomdir) or die("error when creating folder $roomdir");
$room = $_get[&#39;room&#39;];
if (!$room) $room = $_post["room"];
$room = checkfilename($room);
if (!$room) $room = $origroom;
$filename = $roomdir . $room . ".dat.php";
$datafile = $roomdir . $room . ".php";
if (!file_exists($filename)) @file_put_contents($filename, &#39;<?php die();?>&#39; . " " . time() . "|" . $lang["firstone"] . " ");
if (!file_exists($datafile)) @file_put_contents($datafile, &#39;<?php die();?>&#39; . " ");
$action = $_post["action"];
function checkfilename($file) {
    if (!$file) return "";
    $file = trim($file);
    $a = substr($file, -1);
    $file = eregi_replace("^[./]*", "", $file);
    $file = eregi_replace("[./]*$", "", $file);
    $arr = array(
    $file = str_replace($arr, "", $file);
    return $file;
function get_ip() {
    global $_server;
    if ($_server) {
        if ($_server[http_x_forwarded_for]) $realip = $_server["http_x_forwarded_for"];
        else if ($_server["http_client_ip"]) $realip = $_server["http_client_ip"];
        else $realip = $_server["remote_addr"];
    } else {
        if (getenv(&#39;http_x_forwarded_for&#39;)) $realip = getenv(&#39;http_x_forwarded_for&#39;);
        else if (getenv(&#39;http_client_ip&#39;)) $realip = getenv(&#39;http_client_ip&#39;);
        else $realip = getenv(&#39;remote_addr&#39;);
    return $realip;
function array2json($arr) {
    $keys = array_keys($arr);
    $isarr = true;
    $json = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++) {
        if ($keys[$i] !== $i) {
            $isarr = false;
    $json = $space;
    $json.= ($isarr) ? "[" : "{";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++) {
        if ($i != 0) $json.= ",";
        $item = $arr[$keys[$i]];
        $json.= ($isarr) ? "" : $keys[$i] . &#39;:&#39;;
        if (is_array($item)) $json.= array2json($item);
        else if (is_string($item)) $json.= &#39;"&#39; . str_replace(array(
            " ",
            " "
        ) , "", $item) . &#39;"&#39;;
        else $json.= $item;
    $json.= ($isarr) ? "]" : "}";
    return $json;
function keeponline() {
    global $disonline, $datafile;
    if (!$disonline) return;
    $name = $_post[&#39;name&#39;];
    $ip = get_ip();
    $onlines = @file_get_contents($datafile);
    $s1 = "|{$name}|{$ip}|";
    if (strpos($onlines, $s1) === false) {
        if (strpos($onlines, "|" . $name . "|") === false) {
            $fp = @fopen($datafile, "a+");
            if ($fp) {
                if (@flock($fp, lock_ex)) {
                    @fputs($fp, time() . "|" . time() . $s1 . " ");
                    @flock($fp, lock_un);
        } else {
            echo "name";
if ($action == "write") {
    $color = $_post["color"];
    if (!eregi("[0-9a-fa-f]{6}", $color) || $color == "#000000") $color = "";
    $color = "#" . $color;
    $size = intval($_post["size"]);
    $name = htmlspecialchars(str_replace(array(
        " ",
        " "
    ) , "", $_post[&#39;name&#39;]));
    if (!$name) die("no name!!");
    $ip = get_ip();
    $s = "";
    $style = "";
    $font = $_post["font"];
    if ($font == "songti") $font = "宋体";
    else if ($font == "heiti") $font = "黑体";
    else if ($font == "kaiti") $font = "楷体_gb2312";
    else $font = "";
    $style.= (!$font) ? "" : "font-family:" . $font . ";";
    $style.= (!$_post["bold"]) ? "" : "font-weight:bold;";
    $style.= (!$color || $color == "#") ? "" : "color:{$color};";
    $style.= (!$size || $size == "16") ? "" : "font-size:{$size}px;";
    $t = time();
    $arr = explode(" ", $_post[&#39;content&#39;]);
    if (count($arr) > 20) die(&#39;error&#39;);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++) {
        $content = $arr[$i];
        $content = trim($content);
        $content = str_replace(array(
            " ",
            " "
        ) , "", $content);
        if (!$content) continue;
        $content = htmlspecialchars($content);
        $content = preg_replace("~[img](http://[a-za-z0-9.-_+%?]*)[/img]~i", "<img  src=&#39;$1&#39; / alt="ajax php 聊天室实例代码 " >", $content);
        $content = ($style) ? "<span style=&#39;{$style}&#39;>{$content}</span>" : $content;
        $s.= $t . "|" . $name . ":" . $content . " ";
    if (!$s) die("no content!!");
    $fp = @fopen($filename, "a+");
    if (!$fp) die("repeat");
    $re_time = 0;
    while (!@flock($fp, lock_ex)) {
        if ($re_time >= 4) break;
    if ($re_time < 4) {
        @fputs($fp, $s);
        @flock($fp, lock_un);
    } else die("repeat");
    echo "ok";
} else if ($action == "read") {
    $first = $_post["first"];
    $lastmod = intval($_post["lastmod"]) - $get_past_sec; //得到两秒以内的所有发言,
    $alastmod = @filemtime($filename);
    if ($lastmod - $alastmod > 360 * 48) die;
    $name = $_post[&#39;name&#39;];
    $name = str_replace(" ", "", $name);
    $ip = get_ip();
    $json = array();
    $json["lastmod"] = time();
    $item = array();
    $newonline = array();
    $offline = array();
    $fp = @fopen($filename, &#39;r&#39;);
    flock($fp, lock_ex);
    $s = fread($fp, filesize($filename));
    flock($fp, lock_un);
    $lines = explode(" ", $s);
    if ($alastmod >= $lastmod && !$first) {
        foreach ($lines as $l) {
            $item2 = array();
            $l = str_replace(array(
                " ",
                " "
            ) , "", $l);
            if (strpos($l, "|") === false) continue;
            $arr = explode("|", $l);
            $t = intval($arr[0]);
            if ($t >= $lastmod) {
                $item2["time"] = date("h:i:s", $t);
                $item2["word"] = addslashes($arr[1]);
                $item[] = $item2;
    } else if ($first) {
        $item = array();
        $total = count($lines);
        for ($i = $total - 1; $i >= $total - $least; $i--) {
            if ($i <= 0) break;
            $item2 = array();
            $l = str_replace(array(
                " ",
                " "
            ) , "", $lines[$i]);
            if (strpos($l, "|") === false) continue;
            $arr = explode("|", $l);
            $t = intval($arr[0]);
            $item2["time"] = (date("m-d", time()) == date("m-d", $t)) ? date("h:i:s", $t) : date("m-d h:i", $t);
            $item2["word"] = addslashes($arr[1]);
            $item[] = $item2;
        $item = array_reverse($item);
    $s = "";
    $nt = time();
    $onlines = array();
    if ($disonline && $touchme) {
        $users = @file($datafile);
        foreach ($users as $l) {
            $l = str_replace(array(
                " ",
                " "
            ) , "", $l);
            if (strpos($l, "|") === false) {
                $s.= $l . " ";
            $arr = explode("|", $l);
            if ($nt - intval($arr[1]) < $touchs * 3) {
                if (trim($name) == trim($arr[2])) {
                    $s.= $arr[0] . "|" . time() . "|" . $name . "|" . get_ip() . "| ";
                } else $s.= $l . " ";
                $onlines[] = htmlspecialchars($arr[2]);
        @file_put_contents($datafile, $s);
        $json["onlines"] = $onlines;
    $json["lines"] = $item;
    echo array2json($json);
} else if ($action == "keep") {
    echo "keep ok";
} else if ($action == "quit") {
    $name = $_post[&#39;name&#39;];
    if ($disonline) {
        $users = @file($datafile);
        foreach ($users as $l) {
            $l = str_replace(array(
                " ",
                " "
            ) , "", $l);
            if (strpos($l, "|") === false) {
                $s.= $l . " ";
            $arr = explode("|", $l);
            if (trim($name) == trim($arr[2])) continue;
            else $s.= $l . " ";
        @file_put_contents($datafile, $s);
        echo "ok";
} else {
 <title>迷你php+ajax聊天室演示 <?php echo $title; ?></title>
 <meta http-equiv=&#39;pragma&#39; content=&#39;no-cache&#39; />
 <meta http-equiv=content-type content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $charset; ?>" />
 <meta name="keywords" content="<?php echo $lang["keywords"]; ?>">
 <meta name="description" content="mini ajax chatroom by longbill. <?php echo $description; ?>">
<style type=&#39;text/css&#39;>
body { text-align:center; color:#333333; font-size:12px; font-family:宋体;}
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.time { color:#aaaaaa; font-size:10px; font-family:arial;}
.online { margin:5px; padding:0px; display:inline; }
.mybut { width:20px; height:20px; background-color:#ff8c05; text-align:center; font-size:18px; color: #333333;}
function $(obj) {
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function setcookie(name, value, t) {
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function getcookie(name) {
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function createajax() {
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        for (var i = 0; i < versions.length; i++) {
            try {
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                return ohttp;
            } catch (error) {}
    throw new error("your browser doesn&#39;t support xmlhttprequest");
function pickcolor() {
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var isie = (document.all && window.activexobject) ? true : false;
<body >
<div class=mydiv style=&#39;text-align:center; border:0px; background-color:transparent; font-size:25px; color:#ff8c05;&#39;><?php echo $title; ?></div>
<div class="mydiv login" id=&#39;div_description&#39;>
    echo $description; ?>
<div class="mydiv rooms" id=&#39;div_msg&#39;>
<div class=&#39;contents&#39; style=&#39;height:350px;&#39; id=&#39;div_contents&#39;>loading...</div>
<div class="mydiv login" id=&#39;div_name&#39; style=&#39;display:block;&#39;>
name:<input type=text class="inputtext bg" size=8 id=&#39;chat_user&#39; value=&#39;&#39; maxlength=30 /> 
<object id=dlghelper classid="clsid:3050f819-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b" width="0px" height="0px"></object>
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<option value=&#39;fixedsys&#39;>fixedsys</option>
<option value=&#39;heiti&#39;>黑体</option>
<option value=&#39;songti&#39;>宋体</option>
<option value=&#39;kaiti&#39;>楷体</option>
bold:<input type=checkbox id=&#39;input_bold&#39; class=&#39;inputtext&#39; style=&#39;border-bottom:0px;&#39; />
window:<a class=&#39;mybut&#39; href=&#39;#&#39; onclick=&#39;resize(1)&#39;>+</a>
 <a class=&#39;mybut&#39; href=&#39;#&#39; onclick=&#39;resize(0)&#39;>-</a>
 <a class=&#39;mybut&#39; style=&#39;width:25px;font-size:16px;&#39; href=&#39;#&#39; onclick=&#39;clearall()&#39;>clear</a>
<div class="mydiv login" id=&#39;div_word&#39;>
<textarea type=text class="inputtext bg" rows=1 scrolling=no style=&#39;height:20px;overflow:hidden;width:500px;&#39; id=&#39;chat_word&#39; onfocus="if (this.value == &#39;<?php echo $lang["hereyourwords"]; ?>&#39;) this.value=&#39;&#39;; window.editing=0; " 
 onkeydown="return check_send(event);" ><?php echo $lang["hereyourwords"]; ?></textarea>
<input type=button class=submit value=&#39;send&#39; onclick="chat_send();$(&#39;chat_word&#39;).style.height=20;" onfocus="this.blur();"/>
<div class=&#39;mydiv&#39; style=&#39;display:<?php
    if (!$disonline) echo "none"; ?>&#39; id=&#39;div_online&#39;>loading online...</div>
var debug = 0;
var lastmod =  <  ? php echo time() - $earlier * 60;
 ?  > ;
var login = 1;
var loading = false;
var olduser = getcookie(&#39;chatusername&#39;);
if (olduser != "")
    $(&#39;chat_user&#39;).value = olduser;
var room = "<?php echo $room; ?>";
var first = 1;
var dis = "<?php echo $least; ?>";
var lastword;
var color = &#39;&#39;;
var touchs =  <?php echo $touchs;?> ;
var dotouch = true;
var maxdisplay =  <?php echo $maxdisplay;?> ;
var nowdisplay = 1;
var sending = 0;
var loaded_lines = [];
var editing = 0;
function encode(s) {
    return (encodeuricomponent) ? encodeuricomponent(s) : s;
$(&#39;chat_user&#39;).onfocus = setonfocus;
$(&#39;input_size&#39;).onfocus = setonfocus;
function setonfocus() {
    window.editing = 1;
function setonblur() {
    window.editing = 0;
var keep_ajax;
function keeponline() {
    var name = $(&#39;chat_user&#39;).value;
    if (!name)
    keep_ajax = createajax();
    keep_ajax.open(&#39;post&#39;, &#39;<?php echo basename(__file__); ?>&#39;, 1);
    keep_ajax.setrequestheader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    keep_ajax.onreadystatechange = function () {
        if (keep_ajax.readystate == 4 && keep_ajax.status == 200) {
    keep_ajax.send("action=keep&name=" + encode(name));
setinterval("keeponline()", touchs * 1000);
function quitroom() {
    if (confirm("你真的要离开聊天室吗?")) {
        var ajax = createajax();
        ajax.open(&#39;post&#39;, &#39;<?php echo basename(__file__); ?>&#39;, 0);
        ajax.setrequestheader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
        ajax.send("action=quit&name=" + encode($(&#39;chat_user&#39;).value));
        //alert("sending close  action=quit&name="+encode($(&#39;chat_user&#39;).value));
    } else
        return &#39;&#39;;
document.body.onbeforeunload = quitroom;
setinterval(" load_word()", (debug) ? 6000 : 1000);
var load_word_ajax;
function load_word_change() {
    if (load_word_ajax.readystate == 4) {
        if (load_word_ajax.status != 200) {
        window.loading = false;
        var body = $(&#39;div_contents&#39;);
        try {
            if (debug)
            eval("var arr = " + load_word_ajax.responsetext);
        } catch (e) {
            alert(&#39;error 101 json syntax error! &#39; + load_word_ajax.responsetext);
        if (!arr || !arr.lastmod || typeof(arr.lastmod) == "undefined") {
        var html = "";
        var line = arr.lines;
        var i = 0;
        var v1 = 0;
        var div_online = $(&#39;div_online&#39;);
        if (window.first) {
            body.innerhtml = "";
            window.first = false;
        if (arr.onlines) {
            $(&#39;div_online&#39;).innerhtml = "";
            for (var i = 0; i < arr.onlines.length; i++)
        for (var i = 0; i < line.length; i++) {
            var linekey = line[i].word.substring(line[i].word.length - 20, line[i].word.length) + line[i].time;
            if (window.loaded_lines[linekey] === true) {
                if (debug)
                    alert("jump:" + linekey);
            var div1 = document.createelement("div");
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            div1.classname = "content";
            div1.id = "contentitem" + window.nowdisplay;
            div1.innerhtml = line[i].word + " <span class=&#39;time&#39;>(" + line[i].time + ")</span>";
            window.loaded_lines[linekey] = true;
            body.scrolltop = 655350;
            v1 = 1;
        if (v1) {
            window.lastmod = arr.lastmod;
            if (debug)
                alert("lastmod = " + arr.lastmod + " window.lastmod=" + window.lastmod);
            if ($(&#39;chat_word&#39;).disabled == false && window.editing != 1) {
function load_word_error() {
    window.loading = false;
    window.status = &#39;error 102:while loading words&#39;;
    settimeout("window.status = &#39;&#39;;", 5000);
function load_word() {
    load_word_ajax = createajax();
    if (window.loading) {
        try {
            window.loading = false;
        } catch (e) {}
    if (!window.lastmod) {
        alert("window.lastmod=" + window.lastmod);
    load_word_ajax.open(&#39;post&#39;, &#39;<?php echo basename(__file__); ?>&#39;, true);
    load_word_ajax.onreadystatechange = load_word_change;
    var urlstring = &#39;&#39;;
    urlstring += "lastmod=" + window.lastmod;
    urlstring += "&room=" + room;
    urlstring += "&action=read";
    urlstring += "&name=" + encode($(&#39;chat_user&#39;).value);
    if (window.first) {
        urlstring += "&first=true";
        urlstring += "&dis=" + dis;
    if (window.dotouch) {
        urlstring += "&touchme=true";
        window.dotouch = false;
        try {
        } catch (e) {}
    window.loading = true;
    if (debug)
        alert("sending:" + urlstring);
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function touchme() {
    window.dotouch = true;
    settimeout("touchme()", window.touchs * 1000);
function showalert(a, n) {
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function addonline(name) {
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function check_send(e) {
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        e = window.event;
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var send_ajax;
send_ajax_change = function () {
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        if (send_ajax.status != 200) {
        if (debug)
            alert("send_ajax response:" + send_ajax.responsetext);
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function on_send_begin() {
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function on_send_ok() {
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function on_send_error() {
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function send_ajax_error() {
    alert(&#39;error 103 when send words you can send them again!&#39;);
    $(&#39;chat_word&#39;).value = window.lastcontent;
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function chat_send() {
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    if (name == "") {
        alert(&#39;please enter your nick name first!!&#39;);
    if (content == "" || content == " " || content == " " || content == " ") {
        alert(&#39;please enter your words!&#39;);
        $(&#39;chat_word&#39;).value = "";
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