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How to use php to determine whether it is accessed by mobile phone

2020-08-10 09:08:423072browse

How to determine whether it is mobile phone access in php: first check whether it is a wap proxy; then check whether the browser accepts "WML"; then check "USER_AGENT" through the "preg_match" method.

How to use php to determine whether it is accessed by mobile phone

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PHP determines whether the user Mobile phone access

The customized function is as follows:

$agent = check_wap();
    if( $agent )
    header('Location: http://www.nowamagic.net');
// check if wap
function check_wap(){
    // 先检查是否为wap代理,准确度高
            return true;
        // 检查浏览器是否接受 WML.
        elseif(strpos(strtoupper($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']),"VND.WAP.WML") > 0){
        return true;
   elseif(preg_match('/(blackberry|configuration\/cldc|hp |hp-|htc |htc_|htc-|iemobile|kindle|midp|mmp|motorola|mobile|nokia|opera mini|opera |Googlebot-Mobile|YahooSeeker\/M1A1-R2D2|android|iphone|ipod|mobi|palm|palmos|pocket|portalmmm|ppc;|smartphone|sonyericsson|sqh|spv|symbian|treo|up.browser|up.link|vodafone|windows ce|xda |xda_)/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])){
        return true;           
        return false;  

There is another function stripped from the PHP framework to determine whether it is a mobile terminal:

function is_mobile_request(){  
    $_SERVER[&#39;ALL_HTTP&#39;] = isset($_SERVER[&#39;ALL_HTTP&#39;]) ? $_SERVER[&#39;ALL_HTTP&#39;] : &#39;&#39;;  
    $mobile_browser = &#39;0&#39;;  
    if(preg_match(&#39;/(up.browser|up.link|mmp|symbian|smartphone|midp|wap|phone|iphone|ipad|ipod|android|xoom)/i&#39;, strtolower($_SERVER[&#39;HTTP_USER_AGENT&#39;])))  
    if((isset($_SERVER[&#39;HTTP_ACCEPT&#39;])) and (strpos(strtolower($_SERVER[&#39;HTTP_ACCEPT&#39;]),&#39;application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml&#39;) !== false))  
    $mobile_ua = strtolower(substr($_SERVER[&#39;HTTP_USER_AGENT&#39;],0,4));  
    $mobile_agents = array(  
        &#39;w3c &#39;,&#39;acs-&#39;,&#39;alav&#39;,&#39;alca&#39;,&#39;amoi&#39;,&#39;audi&#39;,&#39;avan&#39;,&#39;benq&#39;,&#39;bird&#39;,&#39;blac&#39;,  
    if(in_array($mobile_ua, $mobile_agents))  
    if(strpos(strtolower($_SERVER[&#39;ALL_HTTP&#39;]), &#39;operamini&#39;) !== false)  
    // Pre-final check to reset everything if the user is on Windows  
    if(strpos(strtolower($_SERVER[&#39;HTTP_USER_AGENT&#39;]), &#39;windows&#39;) !== false)  
    // But WP7 is also Windows, with a slightly different characteristic  
    if(strpos(strtolower($_SERVER[&#39;HTTP_USER_AGENT&#39;]), &#39;windows phone&#39;) !== false)  
        return true;  
        return false;  

The above is the detailed content of How to use php to determine whether it is accessed by mobile phone. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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