As you probably know, the 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a tag is used to specify which JavaScript to execute on a web page. The 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a tag can contain JavaScript code directly or point to a JavaScript external URL. 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83aThe tags are executed in the order in which they appear The following code illustrates this intuitively: var x = 3; alert(x); // Will alert '3'; There is no loading order when using external link resources So intuitive, but still true: Related learning recommendations: javascript video tutorial If you mix external links and inline links For JavaScript, the same rule applies. This means that if your website has slow scripts that are loaded earlier in the page, your page loading will be significantly slower. This also means that scripts loaded later can depend on scripts loaded earlier. The page element will not be rendered until all scripts before it have been loaded. This means that you can do all kinds of crazy things on your web pages before they load, as long as you don't care about the performance issues this causes. However, this rule does not apply to you adding 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a tags to the DOM through methods such as document.appendChild after the web page is loaded. These tags will execute the scripts in the order in which the browser request processing is completed, and the loading order is no longer guaranteed. When a 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a tag is executed, the HTML elements before it are accessible (but those after it are not yet available) // document.head is available // document.body is not! // document.head is available // document.body is available You can imagine that the HTML parser works one tag at a time Access the document taggedly, and when it parses the 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a tag, execute the JavaScript in it. This means that only DOM nodes whose start tag appears before the current script can be accessed in the current JavaScript (via querySelectorALl, jQuery, etc.). A useful corollary is that document.head is almost always available in any JavaScript written on a web page. document.body is only available if you write the 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a tag within or after the 6c04bd5ca3fcae76e30b72ad730ca86d tag. async and defer HTML5 adds two tools to control the execution of scripts. async means "don't execute it right away". More specifically it says: I don't mind if you execute this script after the entire page has loaded, putting it after other scripts. This is very useful for statistical analysis scripts because no other code on the page needs to depend on the statistics script execution. Defining variables or functions required by a page in async code is not possible because you have no way of knowing when the async code will actually be executed. defer means "wait for the page to be parsed before executing". It is roughly equivalent to binding your script to the DOMContentedLoaded event, or using jQuery.ready. When this code is executed, all elements in the DOM are available. Unlike async, all scripts with defer will be executed in the order they appear in the HTML page, it is just postponed until the HTML page is parsed. type Attribute Historically (since the birth of Netsacpe 2), whether to write type= on the 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a tag text/javascript doesn't matter. If you set a non-JavaScript MIME type via type, the browser will not execute it. This is cool when you want to define your own language: make a social network but for cats The actual execution result of this code is up to you, for example: var codez = document.querySelectorAll('script[type="text/emerald"]'); for (var i=0; i < codez.length; i++) runEmeraldCode(codez[i].innerHTML); DefinitionrunEmeraldCode Functions are left as an exercise for you. If you have special needs, you can also override the default type for the 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a tag on the page by passing a meta tag: Or a request returns a Content-Script-Type header. You can read a brief history of the strange scripting languages on the Web in this article for more detailed information on type usage. Use integrity attribute? The integrity attribute is part of the new specification for subresource integrity. It allows you to provide a hash for the content the script file will contain. This means that content can be prevented from being lost or maliciously modified during transmission. Even if SSL is used, this specification still makes sense, because sometimes the resources you want to load are off-site resources that you have no control over, such as If you choose to use it, you need to include a hash type and hash value in the 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a tag, separating them with a hyphen. It looks similar to the following: 我还没有看到有人用了它,然而如果你知道有哪个网站用了,可以在下面评论。 还可以用 crossorigin! 虽然还没有完全被标准化,但是一些浏览器支持 crossorigin 属性。基本的想法是,浏览器会限制对非同源资源的使用(同源资源是指相同的协议、hostname 以及端口,例如: `。 这是为了防止你,例如,向你的竞争对手网站发请求,注销你的用户在对方网站的账号(这不好!)。这个问题牵扯到 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a标记虽然有点意外,但如果实现了 crossorigin,你只要加一个 handler 到 window.onerror 事件上,就能在看控制台上看到一些警告信息,提示你引入了一个不该引入的外站脚本。在安全的浏览器下,除非你指定 crossorigin 属性,不然加载外站脚本不会出错。 crossorgin 不是一个神奇的安全手段,它所做的只是让浏览器启用正常的 CORS 访问检查,发起一个 OPTIONS 请求并检查 Access-Control header。 document.currentScript IE 不支持的一个新奇的东西是个叫做 document.currentScript 的属性。它指向当前正在被执行的脚本。如果你想要从你嵌入的 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a标记中拿一些属性来用,它会非常有用。我个人非常高兴它还没有被完全支持,否则它会让我们在一部分工作中渴望嵌入更复杂的代码。 onafterscriptexecute?! 这个超没用,因为它只被 Firefox 支持。使用 onbeforescriptexecute 能让你绑定事件到每一个脚本的执行前和执行后,这很酷。 如果你对这个感到好奇,你可以研究下。event 对象包含一个被执行的脚本的引用,而 before 事件能通过 perventDefault() 取消脚本的执行。 for / event 到今天, HTML5 规范包含了一个很少见的,以前是 IE 特殊的方法来绑一段代码到一个事件。你应该能向下面这样让一段代码不被执行直到页面加载完成: alert("Hi!") 这段代码在 Chrome 或者 Firefox 下不能实际工作,但是它依然能够在 IE 下工作。 NOSCRIPT 如同你父母一样,很难相信 JavaScript 也曾经年少过。曾经有过这样一段时间你不能确定是否一个浏览器支持 JavaScript。更糟的是,你甚至不能确定那个浏览器能识别 script 标记。而如果一个浏览器不能识别标记,它应该会将它渲染成一个 inline 元素,意味着你所有 JavaScript 代码会被作为文本渲染在页面上! 幸运地是,规范已经能足够有效地避免这个情况发生,你只需要将你的代码包在 HTML 注释里,那些不支持脚本的浏览器会把下面的文本当做注释: <!-- to hide script contents from old browsers // You would probably be pasting a ‘rollover’ script // you got from here // end hiding contents from old browsers --> 当然,像很多事情一样,XHTML将这变得更糟。XML用特殊的方法来转义可能包含结束标记的内容,这是 CDATA 的来历: //<![CDATA[ // Is this the right incantation to get this to pass // the XHTML validator? //]]> 像上面这样写,你的代码可以是一个规范的 XHTML。它对实际功能没有什么影响,但是它对你作为一个 Web 开发者的荣誉也许很重要(现在这个时代,谁还用 XHTML 啊——译者注)。 浏览器也包含一个有用的方法来让你把那些不支持 JavaScript 人赶走,通过 noscript 标记。2b0b25ff593c5b6c03403dd6234ffb2c 标记里的内容只有浏览器不支持脚本的时候才会被渲染出来: Please use Internet Explorer 5.5 or above. exploitInternetExplorer0Day(); 如果你有敏锐的观察力,你会意识到 noscript 不接受 type 参数,这使得那些使用别的 type 类型的脚本的页面上如果出现 noscript 会显得有点歧义。noscript 实际行为在各个浏览器下有所不同。 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a标记和 innerHTML 通过 DOM 动态添加到页面上的 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a标记会被浏览器执行:var myScript = document.createElement('script'); myScript.textContent = 'alert("✋")'; document.head.appendChild(myScript);通过 innerHTML 动态添加到页面上的 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a标记则不会被执行:document.head.innerHTML += 'alert("✋")';为什么会是这样的原因不是很确定,但是它解决了一个小问题:“是否有一个办法让一个 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a标记在 Chrome 代码检查器中显示但不实际执行?”你可以利用这个来对你的同事做恶作剧。