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The most comprehensive summary of Photoshop shortcut keys in history

2020-06-24 13:03:314027browse

The most comprehensive summary of Photoshop shortcut keys in history

The most complete summary of Photoshop shortcut keys in history

It’s quite long, so I suggest you save it first, in case you need it later You can view it at any time

1. Toolbox

(If multiple tools share the same shortcut key, you can press [Shift] at the same time and add this shortcut key to select)
Rectangle , Elliptical Marquee Tool [M]
Move Tool [V]
Lasso, Polygonal Lasso, Magnetic Lasso [L]
Magic Wand Tool [W]
Crop Tool [C]
Slice tool, slice selection tool [K]
Airbrush tool [J]
Brush tool, pencil tool [B]
Skin stamp, pattern stamp [S]
History brush tool, art History Brush [Y]
Image Eraser, Background Erase, Magic Image Eraser [E]
Gradient Tool, Paint Bucket Tool [G]
Blur, Sharpen, Smear Tool [R]
Dodge, Burn, Sponge Tool [O]
Path Selection Tool, Direct Selection Tool [A]
Text Tool [T]
Pen, Free Pen [P]
Rectangle, Rounded Edge Rectangle, ellipse, polygon, straight line [U]
Writing pad, voice annotation[N]
Eyedropper, color sampler, measurement tool[I]
Grab tool[H]
Zoom tool[ Z]
Default foreground and background colors [D]
Switch foreground and background colors [X]
Switch between standard mode and quick mask mode [Q]
Standard screen mode, with menu Full-screen mode of the bar, full-screen mode [F]
Temporarily use the move tool [Ctrl]
Temporarily use the color absorbing tool [Alt]
Temporarily use the grab tool [Space]
Quick input tool options ( There is at least one adjustable number in the current tool options panel) [0] to [9]
Cycle through the brush selection [ [ ] or [ ] ]
Create a new gradient (in the "Gradient Editor") [Ctrl] 【N】

2. File operation

New graphic file【Ctrl】【N】
Open an existing image【Ctrl】【O ]
Open as... [Ctrl] [Alt] [O]
Close the current image [Ctrl] [W]
Save the current image [Ctrl] [S]
Save as... [Ctrl] [Shift] [S]
Save as graphics for web pages [Ctrl] [Alt] [Shift] [S]
Page settings [Ctrl] [Shift] [P]
Print preview [Ctrl] ] [Alt] [P]
Print [Ctrl] [P]
Exit Photoshop [Ctrl] [Q]

3. Editing operations

Restore/redo the previous step [Ctrl] [Z]
Restore step by step forward [Ctrl] [Alt] [Z]
Redo step by step backward [Ctrl] [Shift] [Z 】
Fade in/out [Ctrl] [Shift] [F]
Cut the selected image or path [Ctrl] [X] or [F2]
Copy the selected image or path [Ctrl] [C ]
Merge copy [Ctrl] [Shift] [C]
Paste the contents of the clipboard into the current graphic [Ctrl] [V] or [F4]
Paste the contents of the clipboard into the selection box Center [Ctrl] [Shift] [V]
Free transformation [Ctrl] [T]
Apply free transformation (in free transformation mode) [Enter]
Start transformation from the center or symmetry point (in free transformation In transformation mode) [Alt]
Restriction (in free transformation mode) [Shift]
Distortion (in free transformation mode) [Ctrl]
Cancel transformation (in free transformation mode) [Esc]
Freely transform the copied pixel data [Ctrl] [Shift] [T]
Transform the copied pixel data again and create a copy [Ctrl] [Shift] [Alt] [T]
Delete selection The pattern in the box or the selected path [DEL]
Fill the selected area or the entire layer with the background color
[Ctrl] [BackSpace] or [Ctrl] [Del]
Fill the selected area with the foreground color Area or entire layer
[Alt] [BackSpace] or [Alt] [Del]
Pop up the "Fill" dialog box [Shift] [BackSpace]
Fill from history [Alt] [Ctrl] [Backspace]
Open the "Color Settings" dialog box [Ctrl] [Shift] [K]
Open the "Pre-Adjustment Manager" dialog box [Alt] [E] Release and press [M]
Preset brush (in the "Pre-adjustment manager" dialog box) [Ctrl] [1]
Preset color style (in the "pre-adjustment manager" dialog box) [Ctrl] [2]
Preset Set gradient fill (in the "Pre-adjustment Manager" dialog box) [Ctrl] [3]
Preset layer effect (in the "Pre-adjustment Manager" dialog box) [Ctrl] [4]
Preset pattern fill (in the "Pre-adjustment manager" dialog box) [Ctrl] [5]
Preset outline (in the "pre-adjustment manager" dialog box) [Ctrl] [6]
Preset custom vector graphics (in the "Preset Manager" dialog box) [Ctrl] [7]
Open the "Preset" dialog box [Ctrl] [K]
Display the last displayed "Preset" "Dialog box [Alt] [Ctrl] [K]
Set the "General" option (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl] [1]
Set the "Storage File" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl] [2]
Set "Display and Cursor" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl] [3]
Set "Transparent Area and Color Gamut" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl 】 【4】
Set "Units and Rulers" (in the Presets dialog box) [Ctrl] 【5】
Set "Reference Lines and Grid" (in the Presets dialog box) [Ctrl] 【 6]
Set "Plug-ins and Scratch Disks" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl] [7]
Set "Memory and Image Cache" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl] 【8】

4. Image adjustment

Adjust color levels [Ctrl] [L]
Automatically adjust color levels [Ctrl] [Shift] [L]
Automatically adjust contrast [Ctrl] [Alt] [Shift] [L]
Open Curve adjustment dialog box [Ctrl] [M]
Add new points on the curve of the selected channel (in the 'Curve' dialog box) [Ctrl] to add points in the image
All points except the compound curve Add a new point on the curve (in the 'Curve' dialog box)
[Ctrl] [Shift] Add point
Move the selected point (in the 'Curve' dialog box) [↑]/[↓]/[← 】/【→】
Move the selected point in 10-point increments (in the 'Curve' dialog box) [Shift] [Arrow]
Select multiple control points ('Curve' dialog box) Center) [Shift] Add point
Move the control point forward (in the 'Curve' dialog box) [Ctrl] [Tab]
Move the control point backward (in the 'Curve' dialog box) [Ctrl] [Shift] [ Tab]
Add new points (in the 'Curve' dialog box) Click on the grid
Delete points (in the 'Curve' dialog box) [Ctrl] Add click points
Deselect the selected channel All points (in the 'Curve' dialog box) [Ctrl] [D]
Make the curve grid finer or rougher (in the 'Curve' dialog box) [Alt] Add points and click on the grid
Select the color channel ( In the 'Curves' dialog box) [Ctrl] [~]
Select the monochrome channel (in the 'Curves' dialog box) [Ctrl] [Number]
Open the "Color Balance" dialog box [Ctrl] [B]
Open the "Hue/Saturation" dialog box [Ctrl] [U]
Adjust the entire image (in the Hue/Saturation" dialog box) [Ctrl] [~]
Adjust only red (in the Hue /Saturation" dialog box) [Ctrl] [1]
Adjust only yellow (in the Hue/Saturation" dialog box) [Ctrl] [2]
Adjust only green (in the Hue/Saturation" dialog box) dialog box) [Ctrl] [3]
Adjust cyan only (in the Hue/Saturation dialog box) [Ctrl] [4]
Adjust only the blue color (in the Hue/Saturation dialog box) ) [Ctrl] [5]
Adjust magenta only (in the Hue/Saturation dialog box) [Ctrl] [6]
Decolorize [Ctrl] [Shift] [U]
Invert [ Ctrl] [I]
Open the "Extract" dialog box [Ctrl] [Alt] [X]
Edge highlight tool (in the "Extract" dialog box) [B]
Fill tool (In the "Extract" dialog box) [G]
Erase tool (in the "Extract" dialog box) [E]
Clear tool (in the "Extract" dialog box) [C]
Edge modification tool (in the "Extract" dialog box) [T]
Scale tool (in the "Extract" dialog box) [Z]
Hand tool (in the "Extract" dialog box) [H]
Change the display mode (in the "Extract" dialog box) [F]
Increase the brush size (in the "Extract" dialog box) [ ] ]
Reduce the brush size (in the "Extract" dialog box) box) [ [ ]
Completely delete the highlight line (in the "Extract" dialog box) [Alt] [BackSpace]
Highlight the entire extraction object (in the "Extract" dialog box) [Ctrl] [BackSpace]
Open the "Liquify" dialog box [Ctrl] [Shift] [X]
Distort tool (in the "Liquify" dialog box) [W]
Rotate the tool clockwise (in In the "Liquify" dialog box) [R]
Counterclockwise rotation tool (in the "Liquify" dialog box) [L]
Pinch tool (in the "Liquify" dialog box) [P]
Expansion tool (in the "Liquify" dialog box) [B]
Reflection tool (in the "Liquify" dialog box) [M]
Reconstruction tool (in the "Liquify" dialog box) [E]
Freeze tool (in the "Liquify" dialog box) [F]
Unfreeze tool (in the "Liquify" dialog box) [T]
Apply the "Liquify" effect and return to the main Photoshop interface (in the "Liquify" dialog box) ” dialog box) [Enter]
Give up the “Liquify” effect and return to the main Photoshop interface (in the “Liquify” dialog box) [ESC]

5. Layer operations

Create a new layer from the dialog box [Ctrl] [Shift] [N]
Create a new layer with default options [Ctrl] [Alt] [Shift] [N]
Create a new layer by copying Layer (without dialog box) [Ctrl] [J]
Create a layer by copying from the dialog box [Ctrl] [Alt] [J]
Create a layer by cutting (without dialog box) [Ctrl] [Shift] [J]
Create a layer through shearing from the dialog box [Ctrl] [Shift] [Alt] [J]
Group with the previous layer [Ctrl] [G]
Ungroup [Ctrl] [Shift] [G]
Move the current layer down one layer [Ctrl] [ [ ]
Move the current layer up one layer [Ctrl] [ ] ]
Move Move the current layer to the bottom [Ctrl] [Shift] [ [ ]
Move the current layer to the top [Ctrl] [Shift] [ ] ]
Activate the next layer [Alt] [ [ ]
Activate the previous layer [Alt] [ ] ]
Activate the bottom layer [Shift] [Alt] [ [ ]
Activate the top layer [Shift] [Alt] [ ] ]
Merge downward Or merge connected layers [Ctrl] [E]
Merge visible layers [Ctrl] [Shift] [E]
Stamp or stamp connected layers [Ctrl] [Alt] [E]
Stamp visible layer [Ctrl] [Alt] [Shift] [E]
Adjust the transparency of the current layer (the current tool has no numerical parameters, such as the move tool) [0] to [9]
Reserved Transparent area of ​​the current layer (switch) [/]
Use predefined effects (in the "Effect" dialog box) [Ctrl] [1]
Blending options (in the "Effect" dialog box) [Ctrl 】 【2】
Projection options (in the "Effect" dialog box) [Ctrl] 【3】
Inner shadow (in the "Effect" dialog box) [Ctrl] 【4】
Outer glow ( In the "Effects" dialog box) [Ctrl] [5]
Inner Glow (in the "Effects" dialog box) [Ctrl] [6]
Bevel and Emboss (in the "Effects" dialog box) [ Ctrl] [7]
Outline (in the "Effect" dialog box) [Ctrl] [8]
Material (in the "Effect" dialog box) [Ctrl] [9]

6. Layer blending mode

Cycle through the blending mode [Shift] [-] or [ ]
Normal [Shift] [Alt] [N]
Dissolve [ Shift】 【Alt】 【I】
Multiply 【Shift】 【Alt】 【M】
Screen 【Shift】 【Alt】 【S】
Overlay 【Shift】 【Alt】 【 O】
Soft Light 【Shift】 【Alt】 【F】
Hard Light 【Shift】 【Alt】 【H】
Color Dodge 【Shift】 【Alt】 【D 】
Color Burn 【Shift】 【Alt】 【B】
Darken 【Shift】 【Alt】 【K】
Lighten 【Shift】 【Alt】 【G】
Difference [Shift] [Alt] [E]
Exclusion [Shift] [Alt] [X]
Hue [Shift] [Alt] [U]
Saturation [Shift] [ Alt] [T]
Color [Shift] [Alt] [C]
Luminosity [Shift] [Alt] [Y]
Color removal sponge tool [Shift] [Alt] [J]
Add color sponge tool [Shift] [Alt] [A]

7. Select function

Select all [Ctrl] [A]
Deselect [Ctrl] [D]
Reselect [Ctrl] [Shift] [D]
Feather selection [Ctrl] [Alt] [D]
Reverse selection [Ctrl] [Shift] [I ]
Load the selection [Ctrl] Click the thumbnail in the layer, path, channel panel
Do the last filter again according to the last parameters [Ctrl] [F 】
Undo the effect of the last filter [Ctrl] [Shift] [F]
Repeat the last filter (adjustable parameters) [Ctrl] [Alt] [F]
Selection tool (in the "3D Change" filter) [V]
Direct selection tool (in the "3D Change" filter) [A]
Cube tool (in the "3D Change" filter) [ M]
Sphere Tool (in the "3D Change" filter) [N]
Cylinder Tool (in the "3D Change" filter) [C]
Add Anchor Point Tool (in the "3D Change" filter) []
Reduce Anchor Point Tool (in the "3D Change" filter) [-]
Trackball (in the "3D Change" filter) [R]
Panorama Camera tool (in the "3D Change" filter) [E]
Move the view (in the "3D Change" filter) [H]
Zoom the view (in the "3D Change" filter) [Z 】
Apply three-dimensional deformation and return to the main Photoshop interface (in the "3D Change" filter) [Enter]
Abandon the three-dimensional deformation and return to the main Photoshop interface (in the "3D Change" filter) [Esc ]

8. View operations

Select the color channel [Ctrl] [~]
Select the monochrome channel [Ctrl] [Number]
Select the quick mask [Ctrl] [\]
Always display the composite channel in the window [~]
Preview in CMYK mode (switch) [Ctrl] [Y]
Turn on/off the color gamut warning [Ctrl] [Shift] [Y]
Enlarge the view [Ctrl] [ ]
Reduce the view [ Ctrl】 【-】
Full canvas display 【Ctrl】 【0】
Actual pixel display 【Ctrl】 【Alt】 【0】
Scroll up one screen【PageUp】
Scroll down Move one screen [PageDown]
Scroll one screen left [Ctrl] [PageUp]
Scroll one screen right [Ctrl] [PageDown]
Scroll up 10 units [Shift] [PageUp] ]
Scroll down 10 units [Shift] [PageDown]
Scroll 10 units left [Shift] [Ctrl] [PageUp]
Scroll 10 units right [Shift] [ Ctrl] [PageDown]
Move the view to the upper left corner [Home]
Move the view to the lower right corner [End]
Show/hide the selection area [Ctrl] [H]
Show/hide the path [Ctrl] [Shift] [H]
Show/hide ruler [Ctrl] [R]
Capture [Ctrl] [;]
Lock guides [Ctrl] [Alt] [;]
Show/hide the "Color" panel [F6]
Show/hide the "Layer" panel [F7]
Show/hide the "Information" panel [F8]
Show/hide the "Action" panel [F9]
Show/hide all command panels [TAB]
Show or hide all palettes except the toolbox [Shift] [TAB]
Word processing (in font editing mode)
Show/hide " "Character" panel [Ctrl] [T]
Show/hide the "Paragraph" panel [Ctrl] [M]
Left or top alignment [Ctrl] [Shift] [L]
Middle alignment [Ctrl] 【Shift】 【C】
Right or bottom aligned 【Ctrl】 【Shift】 【R】
Select 1 character left/right 【Shift】 【←】/【→】
Select bottom/top 1 line [Shift] [↑]/[↓]
Select all characters [Ctrl] [A]
Show/hide font selection shading [Ctrl] [H]
Select from the insertion point to the mouse point Click the clicked character [Shift] and click
Move 1 character left/right [←]/[→]
Move 1 line down/up [↑]/[↓]
Move 1 left/right characters [Ctrl] [←]/[→]
Reduce the text size of the selected text by 2 pixels [Ctrl] [Shift] []
Reduce the text size of the selected text by 10 pixels Pixel [Ctrl] [Alt] [Shift] []
Reduce the line spacing by 2 pixels [Alt] [↓]
Increase the line spacing by 2 pixels [Alt] [↑]
Decrease the baseline displacement by 2 pixels [Shift] [Alt] [↓]
Increase the baseline displacement by 2 pixels [Shift] [Alt] [↑]
Decrease the kerning fine-tuning or kerning adjustment. Small 20/1000ems [Alt] [←]
Increase the kerning fine-tuning or kerning adjustment by 20/1000ems [Alt] [→]
Reduce the kerning fine-tuning or kerning adjustment by 100/1000ems [Ctrl] [Alt] [←]
Increase the kerning fine-tuning or kerning adjustment by 100/1000ems [Ctrl] [Alt] [→]

Thank you for reading, I hope you will benefit a lot.

This article is reproduced from: https://blog.csdn.net/skyfishs/article/details/84662896

Recommended tutorial: "ps tutorial"

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