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It’s been a long time since I looked back at some basic knowledge of html and js. When I had nothing to do on the weekend, I saw an article about interview questions, and suddenly I discovered a lot I have all forgotten, okay, let’s strike while the iron is hot and learn some basic knowledge.
html is the abbreviation of Hyper Text Markup Language (Hyper Text Markup Language), an application under the standard universal markup language. HTML is not a programming language, but a markup language, which is necessary for web page production. Can contain non-text elements such as pictures, music, videos, links, programs, etc.
DOCTYPE is the abbreviation of document type. It is not an html tag. It is a document type of markup language. Statement, intended to tell the browser what version of the current HTML is written. Which specification (DTD) the browser should use to parse the document (such as HTML or XHTML specification).
css is a cascading style sheet (full English name: Cascading Style Sheets), which is a type of HTML (Standard Universal Markup Language) application) or XML (a subset of Standard Generalized Markup Language). CSS can not only statically modify web pages, but can also cooperate with various scripting languages to dynamically format various elements of web pages.
The box model is also called the box model (Box Model), including element content (content), padding ( padding), border (border), margin (margin). Calculate the width and height of a box: content padding border.
1.px (represents pixels, which is an absolute unit. It will not change due to changes in the size of other elements. The page is displayed according to precise pixels)
2.pt (Points is an absolute unit and a physical unit of length, equal to 1/72 inch. Its value range is similar to px)
3.em (relative The font size of the text in the current object, for example, body's font-size: 12px; then for the child elements inside the body, 1em=12px)
4.rem (relative to the unit of the root element font size, it is also a Relative unit, somewhat similar to em, except that one calculation rule depends on the root element and the other on the parent element)
5.vh (1/100 of the height of the layout viewport)
6.vw (the height of the layout viewport 1/100)
When do you need to clear floating and what are the methods to clear floating?
When the float attribute is set on the child element, and the parent element does not set the width and height, and is supported by the child element, it will cause the width and height of the parent element to collapse. At this time, the float needs to be cleared.
Method: 1. Set the attribute overflow:hidden on the parent element || auto
2、子元素最后一个元素添加clear:both 3、父级定义伪类:after和zoom {display:block;clear:both;content:"",visibility:hidden;height:0} {zoom:1} 4、父级定义height 5、父级也一起浮动
1 , transform
position:absolute; top:50%; left:50%; -webkit-transform: translate(-50%,-50%)
display:flex; justify-content:center; align-items: center;
3. When the width and height of the child element are fixed, the parent element When the width and height are not 0,
width:100px; height:100px; position:absolute; top:50%; left:50%; margin: -50px 0 0 -50px;
1. Tag selector (body, p, etc.)
2. Class selector (class="box")
3. ID selector (id="app")
4, global selector (*{})
5, combined selector (.header .header_box)
6, descendant selector (.#header ul li)
7. Group selector (.box .header .content)
8. Inherited selector (p p)
9. Pseudo-class selector (link visited active hover)
10. Attribute selectors for string matching (^ $ * correspond to the beginning, end, and inclusion respectively)
11, sub-selector (p>p)
12, css adjacent sibling selector (p p)
!important > Inline Style> ID Selector> Class Selector> Tag Selector> Wildcard> Inheritance> Browser Default Properties
行内样式 1000
ID选择器 100
class选择器 10
HTML标签选择器 1
sass: 是一款强化css的辅助工具,它在css语法的基础上变量、嵌套、混合、导入等高级功能,可提高开发效率。
sass有两种语法格式,首先是scss,是在css3的语法基础上进行拓展,所有css3语法在scss中都是通用的,同时加入sass的特色功能。此外,scss也支持大多数css hacks写法以及浏览器前缀写法,以及早期的IE滤镜写法,这种格式以.scss作为拓展名。
另一种也是最早的sass语法格式,被称为缩进格式(Indented Sass)通常简称“sass”,只是与scss相比个别地方采取了不同的表达方式。
定义变量($width:5rem #box{width:$width})
混合器 (@Minxin class {
border-radius:5px; background:#f00;
@include class
原始数据类型 - String Number Boolean Undefined null
对象类型 - Array Function Object
null和undefined的区别 - undefined是一个特殊值,通常不是变量尚未赋值。null是在计算机中具有保留的值,用于指示指针不引用有效对象。可以把undefined作为空的变量,null看做是空的对象。
原始类型和引用类型的区别 - 基本类型指的是保存在栈内存中的简单数据段,
访问的方式也不同 - 基本类型是按值访问,操作也是他们的实际保存的值,
复制的类型也不同 - 基本类型变量的复制,从一个变量向另一个变量复制时,会在栈中创建一个新值,然后把值复制到新变量分配的位置上。
function Parent(name){ this.drink = function(){ return 'I Can Drink\t' + name } } let parent = new Parent('red wine') console.log(parent.drink())//I Can Drink red wine function Person (name, age) { Parent.call(this,'beer') this.name = name; this.age = age; } Person.prototype.sayName = function() { return this.name } let person = new Person('sunny', 18) let person1 = new Person('cherry',28) console.log(person.sayName()) // sunny console.log(person1.drink())// I Can Drink beer
function sum(){ let x = 1,y = 2; function res(){ //闭包 return x + y } return res //闭包函数 } let result = sum(); result() // 3
function Person() { let name = 'sunny' this.getName = () => name } let person = new Person; person.name //undefined person.getName() // sunny
const handleDom = () => { let dom = document.getElementById('#el'); let id = dom.id; dom.onclick = () => { console.log(id) } dom = null; }
(() => { let num = 0; setInterval(() => { console.log(num++); }, 1000) })() // 1 2 3 4 5 6 ....
let person = { name:'sunny', age:13, sayName:function(){ console.log(this.name) } } let person1 = person; console.log(person1) //和person的相同 person1.name = 'cherry' console.log(person1.name) //cherry console.log(person.name) //cherry
es6的 "..."可以实现一个深拷贝,其实也说不上深拷贝, 如果对象里面包含引用类型,也会失败。
let obj = { name:'sunny', age: 30, arr: [1,2,3,4] } let obj1 = obj // console.log(obj1) // obj1.name = 'cherry' // console.log(obj1) let copyObj = { ...obj } copyObj.name = 'cherry' copyObj.arr[0] = 8 console.log(copyObj) console.log(obj)//obj的arr被改变了 ,但是基本类型没有受到影响
const deepClone = (val) => { let res; if (val && Array.isArray(val)) { res = []; val.forEach((item) => { res.push(deepClone(item)); }); } else if (typeof val === 'object' && val !== null) { res = {}; for (let key of Object.keys(val)) { res[key] = deepClone(val[key]); } } else { res = val; } return res; }
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