Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >Array specifications and custom collections in PHP
This is almost a style guide for array design, but adding it to the Object design style guide doesn’t feel right Yes, because not all object-oriented languages have dynamic arrays. The examples in this article are written in PHP because PHP is a lot like Java (which you may be familiar with), but uses dynamic arrays instead of built-in collection classes and interfaces.
When using an array as a list When a list (a collection of values in a specific order), each value should be of type z:
$goodList = [ 'a', 'b' ]; $badList = [ 'a', 1 ];
A generally accepted style for annotating list types is:@var array<typeofelement> </typeofelement>
. Make sure not to add the type of the index (it is always int
PHP will automatically create a new index for each element in the list (0, 1, 2, etc.). However, you should not rely on these indexes nor use them directly. The only properties of lists that clients should rely on are iterable and countable.
So, feel free to use foreach
and count()
, but do not use for
to loop over the elements in the list:
// 好的循环: foreach ($list as $element) { } // 不好的循环 (公开每个元素的索引): foreach ($list as $index => $element) { } // 也是不好的循环 (不应该使用每个元素的索引): for ($i = 0; $i <p>(In PHP, the <code>for</code> loop may not even work because there may be missing indices in the list and there may be more indices than there are elements in the list.) </p><h3><span style="font-size: 14px;">Use filters instead of removing elements </span></h3><p> You may want to remove elements from a list by index (<code>unset()</code>), however, you should use <code>array_filter( )</code> to create a new list (without unwanted elements) instead of removing elements. </p><p> Likewise, you should not rely on the index of an element, so when using <code>array_filter()</code>, you should not use the <code>flag</code> parameter to filter elements based on index, even Filter elements based on element and index. </p><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">// 好的过滤: array_filter( $list, function (string $element): bool { return strlen($element) > 2; } ); // 不好的过滤器(也使用索引来过滤元素) array_filter( $list, function (int $index): bool { return $index > 3; }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY ); // 不好的过滤器(同时使用索引和元素来过滤元素) array_filter( $list, function (string $element, int $index): bool { return $index > 3 || $element === 'Include'; }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_BOTH );
when the key is related, not the index (0, 1, 2, etc.). You are free to use arrays as maps (from which values can be retrieved by their unique keys).
The first rule of using arrays as maps is that all keys in the array should be of the same type (most Common ones are keys of type string
$goodMap = [ 'foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'baz' ]; // 不好(使用不同类型的键) $badMap = [ 'foo' => 'bar', 1 => 'baz' ];
The same goes for values in a map: they should be of the same type.
$goodMap = [ 'foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'baz' ]; // 不好(使用不同类型的值) $badMap = [ 'foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 1 ];
A generally accepted mapping type annotation style is: @var array<typeofkey typeofvalue></typeofkey>
Lists can be safely passed between objects because of their simple characteristics. Any client can use it to loop over its elements, or to count its elements, even if the list is empty. Mappings are more difficult to handle because clients may rely on keys that don't have corresponding values. This means that in general, they should remain private to the object that manages them. Clients are not allowed to access the internal mapping directly, instead getters (and possibly setters) are provided to retrieve values. If a value does not exist for the requested key, an exception is thrown. However, if you can keep the map and its values completely private, then do so.
// 公开一个列表是可以的 /** * @return array<user> */ public function allUsers(): array { // ... } // 公开地图可能很麻烦 /** * @return array<string> */ public function usersById(): array { // ... } // 相反,提供一种方法来根据其键检索值 /** * @throws UserNotFound */ public function userById(string $id): User { // ... }</string></user>
When you want to store values of different types in one mapping, Please use an object. Define a class and add public typed properties to it, or add constructors and getters. Examples of objects like this are configuration objects, or command objects:
final class SillyRegisterUserCommand { public string $username; public string $plainTextPassword; public bool $wantsToReceiveSpam; public int $answerToIAmNotARobotQuestion; }
Sometimes, a library or framework needs to use arrays in a more dynamic way . In these cases it is not possible (nor desirable) to follow the previous rules. For example, array data, which will be stored in a database table, or Symfony form configuration.
和其朋友一起使用,但是我发现大多数生成的代码令人很困惑。第一次查看代码的人必须在 PHP 手册中查找详细信息,即使他们是有经验的开发人员。另外,你需要编写更多的代码,你必须维护这些代码(测试、调试等)。所以在大多数情况下,我发现一个简单的数组,加上一些适当的类型注释,就足够了。到底什么是需要将数组封装到自定义集合对象中的强信号?
$names = [/* ... */]; // 在几个地方发现: $shortNames = array_filter( $names, function (string $element): bool { return strlen($element) */ private array $names; public function __construct(array $names) { Assert::that()->allIsString($names); $this->names = $names; } public function shortNames(): self { return new self( array_filter( $this->names, function (string $element): bool { return strlen($element) shortNames();
如果一个客户端使用特定的数组并循环,从选定的元素中取出一段数据,并对该数据进行处理,那么该客户端就与所有涉及的类型紧密耦合: 数组本身、数组中元素的类型、它从所选元素中检索的值的类型、选择器方法的类型,等等。这种深度耦合的问题是,在不破坏依赖于它们的客户端的情况下,很难更改所涉及类型的任何内容。因此,在这种情况下,你也可以将数组包装在一个自定义 的集合类中,让它一次性给出正确的答案,在内部进行必要的计算,让客户端与集合更加松散地耦合。
$lines = []; $sum = 0; foreach ($lines as $line) { if ($line->isComment()) { continue; } $sum += $line->quantity(); } // Turned into a custom collection class: final class Lines { public function totalQuantity(): int { $sum = 0; foreach ($lines as $line) { if ($line->isComment()) { continue; } $sum += $line->quantity(); } return $sum; } }
final class Names { /** * @var array<string> */ private array $names; public function __construct(array $names) { Assert::that()->allIsString($names); $this->names = $names; } public function shortNames(): self { return new self( /* ... */ ); } }</string>
如果你使用 PHP,不用实现所有的Iterator
final class Names implements IteratorAggregate { /** * @var array<string> */ private array $names; public function __construct(array $names) { Assert::that()->allIsString($names); $this->names = $names; } public function getIterator(): Iterator { return new ArrayIterator($this->names); } } $names = new Names([/* ... */]); foreach ($names as $name) { // ... }</string>
The above is the detailed content of Array specifications and custom collections in PHP. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!