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How to use wxs to calculate the obtained data in the applet

2020-03-21 10:24:193557browse

This article introduces the data obtained by using wxs calculation in the applet. The written event function can be exposed through wxs code and called in wxml.

How to use wxs to calculate the obtained data in the applet

How the small program uses wxs to calculate the acquired data

A little bit of calculation is often required for the acquired data , for example, divide two numbers with only two decimal places.

wxs is often used for data processing. WXS code can be written in the tag in the wxml file, or in a file with the .wxs suffix. Case 1: Write in the wxml used a module definition that is only used in this file

step, 1 define this module, write the event processing function and expose it

var getEvery = function(totle,each) {   
 var eachPrice=(totle/each).toFixed(2);   
 return eachPrice; 
module.exports.getEvery = getEvery;

(Recommended learning: Small program development)

This code is written in the wxml file. Each .wxs file and tag is a separate module. Each module has its own independent scope. That is, variables and functions defined in a module are private by default and are not visible to other modules. If a module wants to expose its internal private variables and functions to the outside world, it can only be achieved through module.exports.

step 2. Used in wxml: module name.Method name (parameter one, parameter two);

The parameters are in page.js The


is enough.

Case 2: Defining wxs outside the reference file does not depend on the basic library version of the runtime and can run in all versions of small programs. So you don’t need to worry about the version step 1. The .wxs file is in the WeChat developer tools. You can directly create the .wxs file by right-clicking it and write the WXS script directly in it.

step 2 A single file definition can expose variable names and functions, one or more

var filters = { 
 toFix: function (value) {   
     return value.toFixed(2)//此处2为保留两位小数  
var filt = {  
    toFix: function (value) {    
    return value.toFixed(1)
module.exports = { 
 toFix: filters.toFix,  toFixs: filt.toFix

The .wxs file can be referenced by other .wxs files or tags in WXML .

step 3. Use


on other pages. This is it. The effect is achieved by retaining two decimal places.

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