Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >Commonly used functions in javascript (1)_javascript skills
List of main contents of the article:
1. Adjust the image size without losing shape (FF IE compatible)/cut the image (overflow:hidden)
2. Control the number of texts in the textarea
3. Click to display a new window
4. The input box automatically grows longer with the content
5. Add favorites
6. Set up home page
7. Jquery Ajax determines whether the user exists
8. Determine whether the email format is correct
9. Comprehensive judgment of username (length, English field, etc.)
10. News scroll
11. Only positive integers (used by shopping cart) or positive numbers (positive integers and positive decimals) are allowed
12. Convert string to number
13. Determine the file format (get the file suffix)
14. Intercept string
15. Split string
Main content:
1. Adjust the image size without losing shape (FF IE compatible)
// 用法 <img src="this_image_path.jpg" onload="DrawImage(this,450,450);" /> function DrawImage(ImgD,FitWidth,FitHeight){ var image=new Image(); image.src=ImgD.src; if(image.width>0 && image.height>0){ if(image.width/image.height>= FitWidth/FitHeight){ if(image.width>FitWidth){ ImgD.width=FitWidth; ImgD.height=(image.height*FitWidth)/image.width; }else{ ImgD.width=image.width; ImgD.height=image.height; } } else{ if(image.height>FitHeight){ ImgD.height=FitHeight; ImgD.width=(image.width*FitHeight)/image.height; }else{ ImgD.width=image.width; ImgD.height=image.height; } } } }
Cut via overflow: hidden:
function clipImage(o, w, h){ var img = new Image(); img.src = o.src; if(img.width >0 && img.height>0) { if(img.width/img.height >= w/h) { if(img.width > w) { o.width = (img.width*h)/img.height; o.height = h; //o.setAttribute("style", "marginLeft:-" + ((o.width-w)/2).toString() + "px"); $(o).css("margin-left", "-"+((o.width-w)/2).toString() + "px"); } else { o.width = img.width; o.height = img.height; } } else { if(img.height > h) { o.height = (img.height*w)/img.width; o.width = w; //o.setAttribute("style", "margin-top:-" + ((o.height-h)/2).toString() + "px"); //$(o).css("style", "margin-top:-" + ((o.height-h)/2).toString() + "px"); $(o).css("margin-top", "-"+((o.height-h)/2).toString() + "px"); } else { o.width = img.width; o.height = img.height; } } } }
<style type="text/css"> ul{list-style:none;} ul li{float:left;padding:1px;border:#ccc 1px solid;width:120px;height:120px;overflow:hidden;text-align:center;over-flow:hidden;} </style> <ul> <li><img src="1.jpg" onload="DrawImage(this,120,120);" /></li> <li><img src="2.jpg" onload="clipImage(this,120,120);" /></li> </ul>
2. Control the amount of text in the textarea
<script> /** * Calculate how many characters remain in a textarea (jQuery) * @param string textarea * @param int maxLength * @param string div */ function charsRemain(textarea, maxLength, div) { var currentLength = $(textarea).val().length; var charsLeft = maxLength - currentLength; if (charsLeft < 0) { charsLeft = 0; } $("#"+ div +"_charsRemain").html(charsLeft); if (currentLength > maxLength) { var fullText = $(textarea).val().substring(0, maxLength); $(textarea).val(fullText); } } /** * Calculate how many characters remain in a textarea (javascript) * @param string textarea * @param int maxLength * @param string div */ function charsRemain(textarea, maxLength, div) { var currentLength = textarea.value.length; var charsLeft = maxLength - currentLength; if (charsLeft < 0) { charsLeft = 0; } document.getElementById(div +"_charsRemain").innerHTML = charsLeft; if (currentLength > maxLength) { var fullText = textarea.value.substring(0, maxLength); textarea.value = fullText; } } </script> <textarea rows="5" cols="15" onkeyup="charsRemain(this, 250, 'textarea');"></textarea> <span id="textarea_charsRemain">250</span> characters remaining
3. Click to display the new window
//弹窗 function g_OpenWindow(pageURL, innerWidth, innerHeight) { var ScreenWidth = screen.availWidth var ScreenHeight = screen.availHeight var StartX = (ScreenWidth - innerWidth) / 2 var StartY = (ScreenHeight - innerHeight) / 2 var wins = window.open(pageURL, 'OpenWin', 'left='+ StartX + ', top='+ StartY + ', Width=' + innerWidth +', height=' + innerHeight + ', resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, status=no, toolbar=no, menubar=no, location=no') wins.focus(); }
Java code:
<script language="JavaScript"> // 自动弹出窗口 var whatsNew = open('','_blank','top=50,left=50,width=200,height=300,' + 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,directories=no,location=no,' + 'status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=yes'); whatsNew.document.write('<center><b>news</b>< /center>'); whatsNew.document.write('<p>this is a test'); whatsNew.document.write('<p>deos address'); whatsNew.document.write('<p align="right">' + '<a href="javascript:self.close()">Close</a>'); whatsNew.document.close(); </script>
Unfortunately, many browsers block pop-up windows, and you need to manually allow them before you can see them! The following is a forced pop-up window. The principle is to create a form and open it through post.
<script language="javascript"> function ForceWindow (){ this.r = document.documentElement; this.f = document.createElement("FORM"); this.f.target = "_blank"; this.f.method = "post"; this.r.insertBefore(this.f, this.r.childNodes[0]); //XML DOM : insertBefore() 方法可在已有的子节点前插入一个新的子节点。 insertBefore(newchild,refchild) } ForceWindow.prototype.pop = function (sUrl){ this.f.action = sUrl; this.f.submit(); } window.force = new ForceWindow(); </script> <body onLoad="window.force.pop('http://deographics.com/')"> <div> this is a test ! we will open the deographics's website~~ </div> </body>
Of course there is a better way
<script> function openWin(){ window.showModalDialog(url,window, "help:no;scroll:no;resizable:no;status:0;dialogWidth:420px;dialogHeight:200px;center:yes"); } </script>
4. The input box automatically grows longer with the content
// input auto length // <input name="words" size="2" maxlength="100" onkeyup="checkLength(this)"/><span id="char">0</span> function checkLength(which) { var maxchar=100; //var oTextCount = document.getElementById("char"); iCount = which.value.replace(/[^\u0000-\u00ff]/g,"aa").length; if(iCount<=maxchar){ //oTextCount.innerHTML = "<font color=#FF0000>"+ iCount+"</font>"; which.style.border = '1px dotted #FF0000'; which.size=iCount+2; }else{ alert('Please input letter less than '+ maxchar); } }
5. Add favorites
// addfavorite function addfavorite(){ if (document.all){ window.external.addFavorite('http://deographics.com/','deographics'); }else if (window.sidebar){ window.sidebar.addPanel('deographics', 'http://deographics.com/', ""); } }
6. Set the home page
// setHomepage function setHomepage(){ if(document.all){ document.body.style.behavior = 'url(#default#homepage)'; document.body.setHomePage('http://deographics.com/'); }else if(window.sidebar){ if(window.netscape){ try{ netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege("UniversalXPConnect"); }catch(e){ alert(" The operation was refused by browser,if you want to enable this feature, please enter in the address column 'about:config', then, change 'signed.applets.codebase_principal_support' to 'true' "); } } var prefs = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch); prefs.setCharPref('browser.startup.homepage','http://deographics.com/'); } }
7. Jquery Ajax determines whether the user exists
// 检测 用户名是否存在 $("#username").blur(function(){ var name = $(this).val(); var table = $(this).attr('title'); if(name!=''){ var dataString = 'username='+ name + '&table=' + table; $.post("operate.php",dataString,function(data){ //alert(data); if(data==0){ alert('This username already exist !'); $(this).val('').focus(); return false; } }); } });
var datastring = 'id=' + $id + '&pos=' + $pos; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: dataString, beforeSend: function(){}, error: function(){alert('Send Error !');}, success: function(data) { // do something } });
8. Determine whether the email format is correct
function chekemail(temail){ var pattern = /^[\w]{1}[\w\.\-_]*@[\w]{1}[\w\-_\.]*\.[\w]{2,4}$/i; if(pattern.test(temail)){return true;}else{return false;} }
9. Comprehensive judgment of username (length, English field, etc.)
// 实例 var username = $('#username'); var backValue = VerifyInput('username'); if(backValue == 'length'){ alert("Username is make up of 3 - 15 characters!"); username.focus(); return false; }else if(backValue == 'first'){ alert("the First character must be letter or number !"); username.focus(); return false; }else if(backValue == 'back'){ alert("Username only contains letter number or '_' "); username.focus(); return false; } // 判断 function VerifyInput(user){ var strUserID = $('#'+user).val(); if (strUserID.length < 3 || strUserID.length > 15){ return 'length'; }else{ for (nIndex=0; nIndex<strUserID.length; nIndex++){ cCheck = strUserID.charAt(nIndex); if ( nIndex==0 && ( cCheck =='-' || cCheck =='_') ){ return 'first'; } if (!(IsDigit(cCheck) || IsAlpha(cCheck) || cCheck=='-' || cCheck=='_' )){ return 'back'; } } } } function IsDigit(cCheck) {return (('0'<=cCheck) && (cCheck<='9'));} function IsAlpha(cCheck) {return ((('a'<=cCheck) && (cCheck<='z')) || (('A'<=cCheck) && (cCheck<='Z')))}
10. News scrolling
<style type="text/css"> ul,li{margin:0;padding:0;font-size:12px;color:#999;} ul{height:100px;overflow:hidden;} ul li{line-height:20px;height:20px;} </style> <ul id="news"> <li>New York web design Inc.1</li> <li>Your site will be structured 2</li> <li>hat will communicate the 3</li> <li>hat will communicate the 4</li> <li>hat will communicate the 5</li> <li>hat will communicate the 6</li> <li>hat will communicate the 7</li> <li>hat will communicate the 8</li> <li>hat will communicate the 9</li> <li>New York web design Inc. 10</li> <li>New York web design Inc.11</li> <li>New York web design Inc. 12</li> <li>New York web design Inc. 13</li> <li>New York web design Inc. 14</li> </ul>
Java code
// 用法 : 四个参数分别是:操作对象, 停留时间,相对速度(越小越快),每次滚动多少(最好和Li的Line-height一致)。 scroll('news', 3000, 1, 20 ); function scroll(element, delay, speed, lineHeight) { var numpergroup = 5; var slideBox = (typeof element == 'string')?document.getElementById(element):element; var delay = delay||1000; var speed=speed||20; var lineHeight = lineHeight||20; var tid = null, pause = false; var liLength = slideBox.getElementsByTagName('li').length; var lack = numpergroup-liLength%numpergroup; for(i=0;i<lack;i++){ slideBox.appendChild(document.createElement("li")); } var start = function() { tid=setInterval(slide, speed); } var slide = function() { if (pause) return; slideBox.scrollTop += 2; if ( slideBox.scrollTop % lineHeight == 0 ) { clearInterval(tid); for(i=0;i<numpergroup;i++){ slideBox.appendChild(slideBox.getElementsByTagName('li')[0]); } slideBox.scrollTop = 0; setTimeout(start, delay); } } slideBox.onmouseover=function(){pause=true;} slideBox.onmouseout=function(){pause=false;} setTimeout(start, delay); }
11. Only positive integers are allowed (for shopping cart use)
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function checkNum(obj){ var re = /^[1-9]\d*$/; if (!re.test(obj.value)){ alert("只允许正整数!"); obj.value=''; obj.focus(); return false; } } </script> <input name="rate" type="text"onkeyup="checkNum(this)" />
or positive number
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function clearNoNum(obj) { //先把非数字的都替换掉,除了数字和. objobj.value = obj.value.replace(/[^\d.]/g,""); //必须保证第一个为数字而不是. objobj.value = obj.value.replace(/^\./g,""); //保证只有出现一个.而没有多个. objobj.value = obj.value.replace(/\.{2,}/g,"."); //保证.只出现一次,而不能出现两次以上 objobj.value = obj.value.replace(".","$#$").replace(/\./g,"").replace("$#$","."); } </script>
A text box that can only enter numbers and decimal points: 403ca68e8aac00f3652c27c69d136815
12. Convert string to number
/* js提供了parseInt()和parseFloat()两个转换函数。前者把值转换成整数,后者把值转换成浮点数。只有对String类型调用这些方法,这两个函数才能正确运行;对其他类型返回的都是NaN(Not a Number)。 */ parseInt("1234blue"); //returns 1234 parseInt("0xA"); //returns 10 parseInt("22.5"); //returns 22 parseInt("blue"); //returns NaN parseFloat("1234blue"); //returns 1234.0 parseFloat("0xA"); //returns NaN parseFloat("22.5"); //returns 22.5 parseFloat("22.34.5"); //returns 22.34 parseFloat("0908"); //returns 908 parseFloat("blue"); //returns NaN /* 还可使用强制类型转换(type casting)处理转换值的类型。使用强制类型转换可以访问特定的值,即使它是另一种类型的。 Boolean(value)——把给定的值转换成Boolean型; Number(value)——把给定的值转换成数字(可以是整数或浮点数); String(value)——把给定的值转换成字符串。 */ Boolean(""); //false – empty string Boolean("hi"); //true – non-empty string Boolean(100); //true – non-zero number Boolean(null); //false - null Boolean(0); //false - zero Boolean(new Object()); //true – object Number(false) 0 Number(true) 1 Number(undefined) NaN Number(null) 0 Number( "5.5 ") 5.5 Number( "56 ") 56 Number( "5.6.7 ") NaN Number(new Object()) NaN Number(100) 100 var s1 = String(null); //"null" var oNull = null; var s2 = oNull.toString(); //won't work, causes an error
13. Determine the file format (get the file suffix)
// 用法:get_ext(this,'img'); function get_ext(name){ var pos = name.lastIndexOf('.'); var extname = name.substring(pos,name.length) // like: str.split('.') var lastname = extname.toLowerCase(); if (lastname !='.jpg' && lastname !='.gif' && lastname !='.png' && lastname !='.bmp'){ return lastname; }else{ return name; } } }
14. Intercept string
// 简单型 <script type="text/javascript"> var str="Hello world!" document.write(str.substr(3,7)) </script> // 结果是 lo worl // 复杂型(中文或者中英文混合截取) <script> //截取字符串 包含中文处理 //(串,长度,增加...) function subString(str, len, hasDot) { var newLength = 0; var newStr = ""; var chineseRegex = /[^\x00-\xff]/g; var singleChar = ""; var strLength = str.replace(chineseRegex,"**").length; for(var i = 0;i < strLength;i++) { singleChar = str.charAt(i).toString(); if(singleChar.match(chineseRegex) != null) { newLength += 2; } else { newLength++; } if(newLength > len) { break; } newStr += singleChar; } if(hasDot && strLength > len) { newStr += "..."; } return newStr; } document.write(subString("你好,this is a test!",10,1)); // 参数依次为 字符串, 截取的长度 和 是否显示省略号 </script>
15. Split string
<script type="text/javascript"> var str = 'this_is_a_test_!'; var arr = str.split('_'); document.write(arr + "<br />"); // 罗列全部 document.write(arr[0] + "<br />"); // 取单项 </script>
The above are the commonly used javascript functions compiled by the editor for everyone. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's learning. There will be more common javascript functions to share with you in the future, so continue to pay attention.