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What to do if phpcms 500 internal server error occurs

2020-01-14 09:17:342104browse

What to do if phpcms 500 internal server error occurs

What should I do if phpcms 500 internal server error occurs? The custom form access in PHPCMS reported a server 500 error

Recent company topics require the use of custom forms, but a server 500 error occurred when accessing and submitting the phpcms custom form plug-in.

After searching on Google for an hour or two and posting on the PHPCMS forum, I still haven't found a solution.

It is better to rely on yourself than to ask for help. The first thing I thought of was whether there was a configuration problem with the IIS7 server, so I tested it on the local Apache server, but found that the problem still existed. I was so miserable that I could only debug step by step in the form module of phpcms. After debugging, I found that the error occurred in showmessage() around line 65 of

phpcms\modules\formguide\index.php. method

So I went to the showmessage() method in phpcms\libs\functions\global.func.php to debug

Then I found that the bug appeared when referencing the template() method, because The template() method is a public method and cannot be changed at will. I returned to line 65 of phpcms\modules\formguide\index.php and commented out the showmessage() method and changed it to

echo ""; 
echo ""; 
// showmessage(L('thanks'), APP_PATH);

This is the custom form All functions in can be used normally. If there is a better solution, everyone is welcome to communicate and make progress together.

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