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Package dependency management tool that PHP developers must know: Composer

2020-01-07 17:48:264636browse

Package dependency management tool that PHP developers must know: Composer

Composer is a very popular PHP package dependency management tool. It has replaced the PEAR package manager. It is necessary for PHP developers to master Composer.

For For users, Composer is very simple. You can download the required code package to the vendor directory with a simple command, and then developers can introduce the package and use it.

The key lies in the definition of your project composer.json, you can define the packages that the project needs to depend on (there may be multiple), and the dependent packages may depend on other packages (this is the benefit of components). You don’t have to worry about these. Composer will automatically download everything you need. , everything lies in the definition of composer.json.

Composer is very transparent to users, but the concept behind it still needs to be understood, and its birth is not accidental, thanks to the speed of Github With the development of Composer, the PHP language is becoming more and more modern and appears to be higher and higher.

In order to understand Composer, first have a general understanding of its structure:

The structure of Composer

##Composer command line tool:

This understanding is relatively simple, through user definition Composer.json to download the code you need. If you just use Composer simply, then you can master some specific commands.

Autoloading code loader:

Through Composer, developers can use it in a variety of ways, and the key lies in the namespace concept of PHP and the development of the PSR-4 standard. Composer only developed a code automatic loader based on these two


With Github, PHP developers can host open source code on it, and the development of Composer originated from Github. Composer essentially downloads the code on Github Go to local.


For users, the command line tool of Composer is used, so how does the command line tool know how many packages can be used by the user? Well, this mainly relies on Packagist. Packagist is Composer's main package information repository. Package developers host specific codes on Github and submit package information to Packagist, so that users can use it through Composer.

Composer queries Packagist based on the locally defined composer.json information. Packagist parses the information based on Composer.json/Package.json and finally corresponds to the github repository. When Composer finally downloads the code, it also depends on the Github repository. Composer.json, three types of composer.json are involved here, and their meanings are different.


This is the core of Composer. The rules of Composer, the three types of Composer.json are also mentioned above. You must pay attention to the distinction when using them. I always messed up when I first learned.

Composer command line Tool

composer init

Users can create composer.json under their own projects to define the dependency packages of your project, or they can pass composer init interactively creates composer.json.

composer install

should be the most commonly used command. Composer will download the installation package based on the local composer.json Put the package into the vendor directory under the project, and put the package version information during installation into composer.lock to lock the version.

In fact, during installation, if the composer.lock version is found to be the same as the current version If the code versions in the vendor directory are the same, Composer will do nothing. The purpose of composer.lock is to allow you to work in the current version without getting the latest version of the package.

composer update

So how to update composer.lock to get the latest version of the package? Use this command to update the latest version of the package

composer config

It is recommended to understand this command. The global configuration is saved in COMPOSER_HOME/config.json, and the non-global configuration information is stored in the project directory.

composer config --list -g
composer config -g notify-on-install false
composer global config bin-dir --absolute
composer create-project

This command is not commonly used. But I personally think it is still very important. Using the ordinary install command is to download all the dependent packages of the project to the vendor directory of the project. With this command, all the code and its dependent packages are placed in one directory, which is quite Because a git clone command is executed, usually the package developer may use this command to fix bugs.

composer global

This is a global installation command , it allows you to execute Composer commands in the COMPOSER_HOME directory, such as install and update. Of course, your COMPOSER_HOME must be in the $PATH environment.

For example, execute composer global require fabpot/php-cs-fixer, now php -cs-fixer command line can now be run globally. If you want to update it later, just run composer global update

composer dump-autoload

when you modify the project It is not necessary to run the composer update command to update the composer.json file under Practice to illustrate this command.

composer require


composer require  cerdic/css-tidy:1.5.2
composer require "ywdblog/phpcomposer:dev-master"




composer require "ywdblog/phpcomposer:dev-master" --prefer-source



composer config repo.packagist composer “https://packagist.phpcomposer.com“


"repositories": {
  "packagist": {
      "type": "composer",
      "url": "https://packagist.phpcomposer.com"


composer本身集成一个autoloader,支持PSR-4,PSR-0,classmap,files autoloading.



"autoload": {
  "classmap": ["othsrc/","classsrc.php"],
  "files": ["othsrc/filesrc.php"],
  "psr-4": {"Foo\Bar\": "src"}  }

composer dump-autoload

通过上述的操作,对于PSR-4来说等同注册了一个PSR-4 autoloader(从FooBar命名空间)

















    "repositories": [
        "type": "vcs",
        "url": "https://github.com/ywdblog/phpcomposer"
    "require": {
        "ywdblog/phpcomposer": "dev-master"

当运行composer update的时候,Comoser实际上是从Github上下载包而不是从http://pckagist.org上下载.






一个资源包是不是ROOT包,取决于它的上下文,比如你git clone ywdblog/phpcomposer,则这时候本地phpcomposer目录就是ROOT包,假如你在本地phpcomposer目录下composer require ywdblog/phpcomposer,则这时候你的项目phpcomposer就是ROOT包.





composer require monolog/monolog  1.0.0-RC1
composer require monolog/monolog  v1.0.0-RC1
composer require monolog/monolog  1.0.*
composer require monolog/monolog  ~1.10






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