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class CacheException extends Exception {
 * 缓存抽象类
abstract class Cache_Abstract {
	 * 读缓存变量
	 * @param string $key 缓存下标
	 * @return mixed
	abstract public function fetch($key);

	 * 缓存变量
	 * @param string $key 缓存变量下标
	 * @param string $value 缓存变量的值
	 * @return bool
	abstract public function store($key, $value);

	 * 删除缓存变量
	 * @param string $key 缓存下标
	 * @return Cache_Abstract
	abstract public function delete($key);

	 * 清(删)除所有缓存
	 * @return Cache_Abstract
	abstract public function clear();

	 * 锁定缓存变量
	 * @param string $key 缓存下标
	 * @return Cache_Abstract
	abstract public function lock($key);

	 * 缓存变量解锁
	 * @param string $key 缓存下标
	 * @return Cache_Abstract
	abstract public function unlock($key);

	 * 取得缓存变量是否被锁定
	 * @param string $key 缓存下标
	 * @return bool
	abstract public function isLocked($key);

	 * 确保不是锁定状态
	 * 最多做$tries次睡眠等待解锁,超时则跳过并解锁
	 * @param string $key 缓存下标
	public function checkLock($key) {
		if (!$this -> isLocked($key)) {
			return $this;

		$tries = 10;
		$count = 0;
		do {
		} while ($count <= $tries && $this->isLocked($key));// 最多做十次睡眠等待解锁,超时则跳过并解锁

		$this -> isLocked($key) && $this -> unlock($key);

		return $this;


 * APC扩展缓存实现
 * @category   Mjie
 * @package    Cache
 * @author     流水孟春
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2008- <cmpan(at)qq.com>
 * @license    New BSD License
 * @version    $Id: Cache/Apc.php 版本号 2010-04-18 23:02 cmpan $
class Cache_Apc extends Cache_Abstract {

	protected $_prefix = &#39;cache.mjie.net&#39;;

	public function __construct() {
		if (!function_exists(&#39;apc_cache_info&#39;)) {
			throw new CacheException(&#39;apc extension didn&#39;t installed&#39;);

	 * 保存缓存变量
	 * @param string $key
	 * @param mixed $value
	 * @return bool
	public function store($key, $value) {
		return apc_store($this -> _storageKey($key), $value);

	 * 读取缓存
	 * @param string $key
	 * @return mixed
	public function fetch($key) {
		return apc_fetch($this -> _storageKey($key));

	 * 清除缓存
	 * @return Cache_Apc
	public function clear() {
		return $this;

	 * 删除缓存单元
	 * @return Cache_Apc
	public function delete($key) {
		apc_delete($this -> _storageKey($key));
		return $this;

	 * 缓存单元是否被锁定
	 * @param string $key
	 * @return bool
	public function isLocked($key) {
		if ((apc_fetch($this -> _storageKey($key) . &#39;.lock&#39;)) === false) {
			return false;

		return true;

	 * 锁定缓存单元
	 * @param string $key
	 * @return Cache_Apc
	public function lock($key) {
		apc_store($this -> _storageKey($key) . &#39;.lock&#39;, &#39;&#39;, 5);
		return $this;

	 * 缓存单元解锁
	 * @param string $key
	 * @return Cache_Apc
	public function unlock($key) {
		apc_delete($this -> _storageKey($key) . &#39;.lock&#39;);
		return $this;

	 * 完整缓存名
	 * @param string $key
	 * @return string
	private function _storageKey($key) {
		return $this -> _prefix . &#39;_&#39; . $key;


 * 文件缓存实现
 * @category   Mjie
 * @package    Cache
 * @author     流水孟春
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2008- <cmpan(at)qq.com>
 * @license    New BSD License
 * @version    $Id: Cache/File.php 版本号 2010-04-18 16:46 cmpan $
class Cache_File extends Cache_Abstract {
	public $useSubdir = false;

	protected $_cachesDir = &#39;cache&#39;;

	public function __construct() {
		if (defined(&#39;DATA_DIR&#39;)) {
			$this -> _setCacheDir(DATA_DIR . &#39;/cache&#39;);

	 * 获取缓存文件
	 * @param string $key
	 * @return string
	protected function _getCacheFile($key) {
		$subdir = $this -> useSubdir ? substr($key, 0, 2) . &#39;/&#39; : &#39;&#39;;
		return $this -> _cachesDir . &#39;/&#39; . $subdir . $key . &#39;.php&#39;;

	 * 读取缓存变量
	 * 为防止信息泄露,缓存文件格式为php文件,并以"<?php exit;?>"开头
	 * @param string $key 缓存下标
	 * @return mixed
	public function fetch($key) {
		$cacheFile = self::_getCacheFile($key);
		if (file_exists($cacheFile) && is_readable($cacheFile)) {
			// include 方式
			//return include $cacheFile;
			// 系列化方式

			return unserialize(@file_get_contents($cacheFile, false, NULL, 13));

		return false;

	 * 缓存变量
	 * 为防止信息泄露,缓存文件格式为php文件,并以"<?php exit;?>"开头
	 * @param string $key 缓存变量下标
	 * @param string $value 缓存变量的值
	 * @return bool
	public function store($key, $value) {
		$cacheFile = self::_getCacheFile($key);
		$cacheDir = dirname($cacheFile);

		if (!is_dir($cacheDir)) {
			if (!@mkdir($cacheDir, 0755, true)) {
				throw new CacheException("Could not make cache directory");
		// 用include方式
		//return @file_put_contents($cacheFile, &#39;<?php return &#39; . var_export($value, true). &#39;;&#39;);

		return @file_put_contents($cacheFile, &#39;<?php exit;?>&#39; . serialize($value));

	 * 删除缓存变量
	 * @param string $key 缓存下标
	 * @return Cache_File
	public function delete($key) {
		if (emptyempty($key)) {
			throw new CacheException("Missing argument 1 for Cache_File::delete()");

		$cacheFile = self::_getCacheFile($key);
		if (!@unlink($cacheFile)) {
			throw new CacheException("Cache file could not be deleted");

		return $this;

	 * 缓存单元是否已经锁定
	 * @param string $key
	 * @return bool
	public function isLocked($key) {
		$cacheFile = self::_getCacheFile($key);
		return file_exists($cacheFile . &#39;.lock&#39;);

	 * 锁定
	 * @param string $key
	 * @return Cache_File
	public function lock($key) {
		$cacheFile = self::_getCacheFile($key);
		$cacheDir = dirname($cacheFile);
		if (!is_dir($cacheDir)) {
			if (!@mkdir($cacheDir, 0755, true)) {
				if (!is_dir($cacheDir)) {
					throw new CacheException("Could not make cache directory");

		// 设定缓存锁文件的访问和修改时间
		@touch($cacheFile . &#39;.lock&#39;);
		return $this;

	 * 解锁
	 * @param string $key
	 * @return Cache_File
	public function unlock($key) {
		$cacheFile = self::_getCacheFile($key);
		@unlink($cacheFile . &#39;.lock&#39;);
		return $this;

	 * 设置文件缓存目录
	 * @param string $dir
	 * @return Cache_File
	protected function _setCacheDir($dir) {
		$this -> _cachesDir = rtrim(str_replace(&#39;\&#39;, &#39;/&#39;, trim($dir)), &#39;/&#39;);
		if (!is_dir($this -> _cachesDir)) {
			mkdir($this -> _cachesDir, 0755, true);
		return $this;

	 * 清空所有缓存
	 * @return Cache_File
	public function clear() {
		// 遍历目录清除缓存
		$cacheDir = $this -> _cachesDir;
		$d = dir($cacheDir);
		while (false !== ($entry = $d -> read())) {
			if (&#39;.&#39; == $entry[0]) {

			$cacheEntry = $cacheDir . &#39;/&#39; . $entry;
			if (is_file($cacheEntry)) {
			} elseif (is_dir($cacheEntry)) {
				// 缓存文件夹有两级
				$d2 = dir($cacheEntry);
				while (false !== ($entry = $d2 -> read())) {
					if (&#39;.&#39; == $entry[0]) {

					$cacheEntry .= &#39;/&#39; . $entry;
					if (is_file($cacheEntry)) {
				$d2 -> close();
		$d -> close();

		return $this;


 * 缓存单元的数据结构
 * array(
 *         &#39;time&#39; => time(),     // 缓存写入时的时间戳
 *         &#39;expire&#39; => $expire, // 缓存过期时间
 *         &#39;valid&#39; => true,         // 缓存是否有效
 *         &#39;data&#39; => $value         // 缓存的值
 * );
final class Cache {
	 * 缓存过期时间长度(s)
	 * @var int
	private $_expire = 3600;
	 * 缓存处理类
	 * @var Cache_Abstract
	private $_storage = null;
	 * @return Cache
	static public function createCache($cacheClass = &#39;Cache_File&#39;) {
		return new self($cacheClass);

	private function __construct($cacheClass) {
		$this -> _storage = new $cacheClass();

	 * 设置缓存
	 * @param string $key
	 * @param mixed $value
	 * @param int $expire
	public function set($key, $value, $expire = false) {
		if (!$expire) {
			$expire = $this -> _expire;

		$this -> _storage -> checkLock($key);

		$data = array(&#39;time&#39; => time(), &#39;expire&#39; => $expire, &#39;valid&#39; => true, &#39;data&#39; => $value);
		$this -> _storage -> lock($key);

		try {
			$this -> _storage -> store($key, $data);
			$this -> _storage -> unlock($key);
		} catch (CacheException $e) {
			$this -> _storage -> unlock($key);
			throw $e;

	 * 读取缓存
	 * @param string $key
	 * @return mixed
	public function get($key) {
		$data = $this -> fetch($key);
		if ($data && $data[&#39;valid&#39;] && !$data[&#39;isExpired&#39;]) {
			return $data[&#39;data&#39;];

		return false;

	 * 读缓存,包括过期的和无效的,取得完整的存贮结构
	 * @param string $key
	public function fetch($key) {
		$this -> _storage -> checkLock($key);
		$data = $this -> _storage -> fetch($key);
		if ($data) {
			$data[&#39;isExpired&#39;] = (time() - $data[&#39;time&#39;]) > $data[&#39;expire&#39;] ? true : false;
			return $data;

		return false;

	 * 删除缓存
	 * @param string $key
	public function delete($key) {
		$this -> _storage -> checkLock($key) -> lock($key) -> delete($key) -> unlock($key);

	public function clear() {
		$this -> _storage -> clear();

	 * 把缓存设为无效
	 * @param string $key
	public function setInvalidate($key) {
		$this -> _storage -> checkLock($key) -> lock($key);
		try {
			$data = $this -> _storage -> fetch($key);
			if ($data) {
				$data[&#39;valid&#39;] = false;
				$this -> _storage -> store($key, $data);
			$this -> _storage -> unlock($key);
		} catch (CacheException $e) {
			$this -> _storage -> unlock($key);
			throw $e;

	 * 设置缓存过期时间(s)
	 * @param int $expire
	public function setExpire($expire) {
		$this -> _expire = (int)$expire;
		return $this;




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