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Go language uses revel framework to implement user registration tutorial (with code)

2019-11-26 11:29:412829browse

Go language uses revel framework to implement user registration tutorial (with code)

User registration, login and logout are inevitable functions of any website. It can be said that this is an area where reinventing the wheel should be done. Everyone who builds a website should have it. Have done it many times. From such a small function, you can actually see most of the things in the web framework used.

Let us use this basic module to take a look at revel today.

Let’s first sort out the technical framework and components we selected:

web framework: revel

Database: mongodb

Database driver: mgo

If you want to do your job well, you must first sharpen your tools. Here we recommend a GUI client for mongodb - mongovue. It can be said that without this tool, we would be in a lot of pain during the development process.

It is assumed here that you already have the most basic knowledge of Go language and have configured GOROOT and GOPATH.

First, run the following command under GOPATH to install revel, and compile the revel tool.

go get github.com/robfig/revel
go build –o bin/revel.exe github.com/robfig/revel/revel

After completion, go to GOPATH\bin to see if revel.exe has been compiled. For ease of use, I added GOPATH\bin to the environment variable PATH.

Go to the place where you want to store the project files and run

revel new myapp

The entire project framework is established. As you can see from the folder structure below, revel is an MVC framework.

Go language uses revel framework to implement user registration tutorial (with code)

#The entire project is now ready to run. Run the following command line to start the site.

revel run myapp

Open the browser, you can see the following results

Go language uses revel framework to implement user registration tutorial (with code)

I won’t go into details about the internal details for the time being. Come on, let users register first. Note that most of the time there is no need to restart revel during the entire development process.

1. Prepare the Model

According to the development rhythm of MVC, we first prepare the model. Create a new models directory in the app directory, then create a new entity.go in it (you can name this file as you wish), open entity.go and add the User's entity definition.

type User struct {
  Email    string
  Nickname string
  Password []byte
type MockUser struct {
  Email           string
  Nickname        string
  Password        string
  ConfirmPassword string

I won’t go into details about the internal details for the time being. Come on, let users register first. Note that most of the time there is no need to restart revel during the entire development process.

1. Prepare the Model

According to the development rhythm of MVC, we first prepare the model. Create a new models directory in the app directory, then create a new entity.go in it (you can name this file as you wish), open entity.go and add the User's entity definition.

type User struct {
  Email    string
  Nickname string
  Password []byte
type MockUser struct {
  Email           string
  Nickname        string
  Password        string
  ConfirmPassword string

Why define MockUser? The reasons will be mentioned later.

Now write dal (data access layer) and create a new dal.go in the app\models directory. The writing method of dal can actually use the plug-in mechanism of revel. In order to avoid introducing too many concepts at once, this simple method is used first.

package models
import (
const (
  DbName                         = "myapp"
  UserCollection                 = "user"
type Dal struct {
  session *mgo.Session
func NewDal() (*Dal, error) {
  ip, found := revel.Config.String("ip")
  if !found {
    revel.ERROR.Fatal("Cannot load database ip from app.conf")
  session, err := mgo.Dial(ip)
  if err != nil {
    return nil, err
  return &Dal{session}, nil
func (d *Dal) Close() {

revel has provided a configuration system, open conf\app.conf, add the following content

ip =

Now implement the method needed for registration, add the file dal_account in the app\models directory. go, the code is as follows.

func (d *Dal) RegisterUser(mu *MockUser) error {
  uc := d.session.DB(DbName).C(UserCollection)
  i, _ := uc.Find(M{"nickname": mu.Nickname}).Count()
  if i != 0 {
    return errors.New("用户昵称已经被使用")
  i, _ = uc.Find(M{"email": mu.Email}).Count()
  if i != 0 {
    return errors.New("邮件地址已经被使用")
  var u User
  u.Email = mu.Email
  u.Nickname = mu.Nickname
  u.Password, _ = bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(mu.Password), bcrypt.DefaultCost)
  err := uc.Insert(u)
  return err

Do you see the meaning of MockUser’s existence? The user fills in the clear text password on the page, which cannot be directly stored in the database. It needs to be encrypted first. The "code.google.com/p/go.crypto/bcrypt" library is used here.

2. Prepare Controller

Prepare controller, create a new file account.go in app\controllers, and implement the Account controller in it. The code is as follows.

package controllers
import (
type Account struct {
func (c *Account) Register() revel.Result {
  return c.Render()
func (c *Account) PostRegister(user *models.MockUser) revel.Result {
  return c.Render()

3. Add Route

Prepare route, open conf\routes, and add Register URL mapping.

# Routes
# This file defines all application routes (Higher priority routes first)
# ~~~~
GET     /                                          App.Index
GET     /register                                Account.Register
POST   /register                                Account.PostRegister
# Ignore favicon requests
GET     /favicon.ico                           404
# Map static resources from the /app/public folder to the /public path
GET     /public/*filepath                     Static.Serve("public")
# Catch all
*       /:controller/:action                   :controller.:action

Assuming everyone knows what Restful means, here is mapping the two URLs to the two Actions of the Controller.

As you can see, the mapping between all URLs and Controllers is defined here, which is very convenient. This file will be converted by revel into the app\routes\routes.go file before running to participate in compilation. The contents of this file will be used later when talking about ReverseRedirect.

4. Prepare View

Prepare view, create a new file Register.html under app\views, the key content is as follows

<form action="{{url "Account.PostRegister"}}" method="POST">
    {{with $field := field "user.Email" .}}
    <div class="control-group {{$field.ErrorClass}}">
      <label class="control-label" for="{{$field.Id}}">电子邮件</label>
      <div class="controls">
        <input type="email" id="{{$field.Id}}" name="{{$field.Name}}" value="{{$field.Flash}}" required>
        {{if $field.Error}}
        <span class="help-inline">{{$field.Error}}</span>

Explain the above blue part bit by bit The meaning of the keyword.

url是revel提供的一个template function,可以很方便的把Controller的Action变成与之相对的url,它的运作原理实际上就是去刚才定义好的routes映射里面查找。

field是revel提供的一个template function,专门方便生成form,还记得PostRegister方法的签名吗?

func (c *Account) PostRegister(user *models.MockUser) revel.Result

它接受一个名为user的*models.User类型的参数,所以,使用{{with $field := field “user.Email”}}就可以通知revel将form的参数封装到user结构中再传递给PostRegister。


Go language uses revel framework to implement user registration tutorial (with code)


revel.ERROR_CLASS = "error"








Go language uses revel framework to implement user registration tutorial (with code)



func (c *Account) someMethod() revel.Result {
  return c.Render()
func (c *Account) Register() revel.Result {
  return c.someMethod()

5. 实现Controller



func (c *Account) PostRegister(user *models.MockUser) revel.Result {
  c.Validation.Required(user.ConfirmPassword == user.Password)
  if c.Validation.HasErrors() {
    return c.Redirect((*Account).Register)
  return c.Render()





func (c *Account) PostRegister(user *models.MockUser) revel.Result {
  c.Validation.Required(user.ConfirmPassword == user.Password).Message("两次输入的密码不一致")
  if c.Validation.HasErrors() {
    return c.Redirect((*Account).Register)
  return c.Render()



func (c *Account) PostRegister(user *models.MockUser) revel.Result {
  c.Validation.Required(user.ConfirmPassword == user.Password).Message("两次输入的密码不一致")
  if c.Validation.HasErrors() {
    return c.Redirect((*Account).Register)
  dal, err := models.NewDal()
  if err != nil {
    c.Response.Status = 500
    return c.RenderError(err)
  defer dal.Close()
  err = dal.RegisterUser(user)
  if err != nil {
    return c.Redirect((*Account).Register)
  return c.Redirect((*Account).RegisterSuccessful)
func (c *Account) RegisterSuccessful() revel.Result {
  return c.Render()




The above is the detailed content of Go language uses revel framework to implement user registration tutorial (with code). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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