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Commonly used empire cms directory structure sharing

2019-11-25 14:27:201879browse

Commonly used empire cms directory structure sharing

/ System root directory

Attachment and data storage directory (data)
│├file/ Attachment storage directory
│用js/js calls to generate catalog
│└txt/content Storage text storage catalog
├E/System Program Directory (Empire)
├Html/Custom Content Page Storage of the preset directory
├Images / Default template picture directory
├s/ Special directory (special)
├search/ Advanced search page directory
├skin/ Template CSS and image storage directory
└index.html Home page

/e/ System program directory
├action/ Information dynamic list page and content page directory
├admin/ Backend directory (can be renamed)
├class/ System core file directory
├ data/ System processing data related directory (temporary files, cache, etc.)
├DoInfo/ Front-end member management information directory (page template e/template/DoInfo)
├DoPrint/ Print page directory
├DownSys/ Download System model function directory (page template e/template/DownSys)
├enews/ Front-end processing data entry file
├ftp/ FTP identification directory
├install/ Installation program directory, please delete it after installation
├member/ Front desk member function directory (page template e/template/member)
├message/ Prompt information page directory
├NewsSys/ News system model function directory
├payapi/ Online payment interface directory (page Template e/template/payapi)
├pl/ Comment page directory
├public/ Public function program directory (page template e/template/public)
├sch/ Site-wide full-text search generated directory
├search/ Normal search file directory
├ShopSys/ Mall system model function directory (page template e/template/ShopSys)
├ShowKey/ Front-end verification code file directory
├space/ Member space directory (including template Member space template directory)
├tags/ TAGS list file directory
├tasks/ Scheduled task script storage directory
├template/ Template directory for front-end dynamic pages
├tool/ Plug-in related function directory ( Page template e/template/tool)
├update/ Upgrade program directory (upgrade program is copied to this directory to run)
├ViewImg/ Display large picture directory
├wap/ WAP function directory (where template is WAP template directory)
└web/ RSS display file directory

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