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Easily understand the WEB front-end

2019-11-23 16:04:352840browse

The first thing that beginners need to understand is what the front end is, that is, what it does.

Easily understand the WEB front-end

The initial front-end web pages are mainly static web pages. The so-called static web pages are web pages that do not interact with users but are only for readers to browse, such as a QQ article Display articles such as a diary and a blog post. (Recommended learning: web front-end video tutorial)

So the only thing the user can do is browse the text and image content of this website. At this time, the user cannot Comment exchange is possible on most websites (lack of interactivity).

Until now, static web pages composed of single text and pictures can no longer meet the needs of users. Web pages include static web pages and dynamic web pages. The so-called dynamic web page means that users can not only browse web pages, but also interact with the server.

For example, when you log in to QQ and enter your account and password, the server needs to verify your account and password.

Now website development is closer to traditional website back-end development in terms of development difficulty and development methods, so it is no longer called "web page production" but "web front-end development".

So what is the core of front-end technology development?

It mainly consists of 3 parts: structure, performance and behavior. The current modes are HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Of course, today’s article is mainly about explaining HTML to you.

What is HTML?

HTML is a descriptive language, the full name is "Hyper Text Markup Language (Hyper Text Markup Language)". The web pages we use are made in HTML language. Compared with other languages, HTML is a language that is relatively easy to get started with.

HTML generally appears in pairs, such as content, a start symbol plus a slash and an end symbol. When browsing When the browser receives the HTML text, it can parse the tags


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