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What is web front-end development

2019-11-23 12:01:295290browse

What is web front-end development

Front-end development is the process of creating front-end interfaces such as Web pages or apps to present to users through HTML, CSS, JavaScript and various derived Technologies, frameworks, and solutions are used to realize user interface interaction of Internet products.

It evolved from web page production, and its name has obvious characteristics of the times. In the evolution of the Internet, web page production is a product of the Web 1.0 era. The main content of early websites was static, mainly pictures and text, and users' behavior when using the website was mainly browsing. (Recommended learning: web front-end video tutorial)

With the development of Internet technology and the application of HTML5 and CSS3, modern web pages are more beautiful, have significant interactive effects, and are more powerful.

The mobile Internet has brought a large number of high-performance mobile terminal devices and fast wireless networks, the widespread application of HTML5 and node.jS, and various framework libraries are emerging in endlessly.

The development of front-end technology is a microcosm of the development and changes of the Internet itself.

Front-end technology refers to the collective name for the browser to the client computer, and what is stored on the server is collectively called the back-end technology.

The main function of front-end development is to better present the interface of the website to users.

In the past, you could create web pages just by knowing Photoshop and Dreamweaver. As website development becomes more difficult and development methods become more diverse, web page production is closer to traditional website back-end development, and web page production is more often called Web front-end. development.

Front-end technology includes 4 parts: front-end art, browser compatibility, CSS, HTML "traditional" technology and Adobe AIR, Google Gears, as well as conceptual interactive design with strong artistic quality visual design, etc.

In the era of Web 1.0, due to limitations of network speed and terminal capabilities, most websites can only present simple graphic and text information, which cannot meet the needs of users in the interface. The lack of interface technology The requirements are not high either. With the improvement of hardware, the emergence of high-performance browsers and the popularization of broadband, technology can realize more possibilities in user experience, and the front-end technology field is bursting with vitality.

After 2005, the Internet entered the Web 2.0 era, and various Web applications similar to desktop software emerged in large numbers, and the front end underwent earth-shaking changes.

Web pages no longer just carry single text and pictures. Various rich media make the content of the web page more vivid. The software-based interactive forms on the web page provide users with a better experience. These are all based on the front-end realized by technology.

As mobile phones become an indispensable part of people's lives and an extension of their bodies, people have ushered in an era where experience is king. The development prospects of front-end technology for mobile terminals are broad. In addition, front-end technology can also be applied to smart TVs, smart watches and even artificial intelligence fields.

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