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Detailed explanation of linux vi command

2019-10-28 14:27:4619261browse

Detailed explanation of linux vi command

Detailed explanation of linux vi command

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vi editor It is the standard editor under all Unix and Linux systems. Its power is not inferior to any latest text editor. Here is an introduction to its usage and some instructions.

Since the vi editor is exactly the same for any version of Unix and Linux systems, you can learn more about it in any other place where vi is introduced. Vi is also the most basic text editor in Linux. After learning it, you will have no problem in the Linux world.

Detailed explanation of linux vi command

1. The basic concept of vi

Basically vi can be divided into three states, namely command mode (command mode), Insert mode(Insert mode) and bottom line mode(last line mode), the functions of each mode are distinguished as follows:

1 ) Command line mode command mode)

Control the movement of the screen cursor, the deletion of characters, words or lines, move and copy a section and enter Insert mode, or go to last line mode.

2) Insert mode

Only in Insert mode, text input can be done. Press the "ESC" key to return to the command line mode.

3) Bottom line mode (last line mode)

Save the file or exit vi, you can also set the editing environment, such as searching for strings, listing line numbers, etc.

However, generally when we use vi, we simplify vi into two modes, that is, the last line mode (last line mode) is also included in the command line mode (command mode).

2. Basic operations of vi

a) Enter vi

After entering vi and file name at the system prompt, enter vi full screen Editing screen:

$ vi myfile

But one thing to pay special attention to is that after you enter vi, you are in "command mode (command mode)", and you need to switch to "Insert mode (Insert mode)" before you can enter Word. People who use vi for the first time will want to use the up, down, left and right keys to move the cursor first. As a result, the computer keeps beeping, which makes them mad. So after entering vi, don't move around and switch to "Insert mode". !

b) Switch to Insert mode to edit the file

Click the letter "i" in "command mode" to enter "Insert mode", then you can start entering text.

c) Insert switching

You are currently in "Insert mode", you can only keep inputting text, if you find that you have entered the wrong word! If you want to use the cursor keys to move back and delete the word, you must first press the "ESC" key to go to "command mode (command mode)" and then delete the word.

d) Exit vi and save the file

In "command mode (command mode)", click the ":" colon key to enter "Last line mode", for example:

: w filename #(输入 「w filename」将文章以指定的文件名filename保存)
: wq #(输入「wq」,存盘并退出vi)
: q! #(输入q!, 不存盘强制退出vi)

3. Command mode function key

1). Press "


" to switch to insert mode Insert mode "insert mode", after pressing "i" to enter insert mode, the input file starts from the current position of the cursor;

After pressing "a" to enter insert mode, the input file starts from the current position of the cursor. Start inputting text at the next position;

After pressing "o" to enter insert mode, a new line is inserted, and text is entered starting from the beginning of the line.

2). Switch from insert mode to command line mode

Press the "ESC" key.

3). To move the cursor

vi can directly use the cursor on the keyboard to move up, down, left, and right, but regular vi uses lowercase English letters "h", "j", and "k" , "l", respectively controls the cursor to move one space to the left, down, up, and right.


4). Delete the text


5). Copy


6). Replace


7). Restore the last time Operation


8). Change


9). Jump to the specified line


4. Introduction to commands in Last line mode

Before using "last line mode", please remember to press the "ESC" key to confirm that you are in "command mode", and then press ":" Colon to enter "last line mode".

A) List line numbers

「set nu」:输入「set nu」后,会在文件中的每一行前面列出行号。

B) Jump to a certain line in the file


C) Find characters


D) Save the file


E) Leave vi


5. vi command list
1. The following table lists the functions of some keys in command mode:

h  左移光标一个字符
l  右移光标一个字符
k  光标上移一行
j  光标下移一行
^  光标移动至行首
0  数字"0",光标移至文章的开头
G  光标移至文章的最后
$ 光标移动至行尾
Ctrl+f 向前翻屏
Ctrl+b 向后翻屏
Ctrl+d 向前翻半屏
Ctrl+u 向后翻半屏
i 在光标位置前插入字符
a 在光标所在位置的后一个字符开始增加
o 插入新的一行,从行首开始输入
ESC 从输入状态退至命令状态
x 删除光标后面的字符
#x 删除光标后的#个字符
X (大写X),删除光标前面的字符
#X 删除光标前面的#个字符
dd 删除光标所在的行
#dd 删除从光标所在行数的#行
yw 复制光标所在位置的一个字
#yw 复制光标所在位置的#个字
yy 复制光标所在位置的一行
#yy 复制从光标所在行数的#行
p 粘贴
u 取消操作
cw 更改光标所在位置的一个字
#cw 更改光标所在位置的#个字


w filename 储存正在编辑的文件为filename
wq filename 储存正在编辑的文件为filename,并退出vi
q! 放弃所有修改,退出vi
set nu 显示行号
/或? 查找,在/后输入要查找的内容
n 与/或?一起使用,如果查找的内容不是想要找的关键字,按n或向后(与/联用)或向前(与?联用)继续查找,直到找到为止。


1、 用vi打开文件后,是处于「命令行模式(command mode)」,您要切换到「插入模式(Insert mode)」才能够输入文字。切换方法:在「命令行模式(command mode)」下按一下字母「i」就可以进入「插入模式(Insert mode)」,这时候你就可以开始输入文字了。 



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