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What are the mainstream PHP frameworks?

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PHP, as one of the powerful languages ​​for network development, is now widely used. It has many advantages such as open source code, strong cross-platform, fast development, high efficiency, object-oriented, easy to use, professional and focused. Various PHP development frameworks also make program development simple and effective. PHP is a very powerful and popular programming language for web developers. Many of the world's top websites are developed based on PHP.

What are the mainstream PHP frameworks?

#Every developer knows that having a powerful framework can make development work faster, safer and more effective. Choosing the right framework before developing a project can lay a solid foundation for the future.

What are the mainstream frameworks for php?

ThinkPHP framework

ThinkPHP (FCS) is a lightweight medium-sized framework that is transplanted from Java's Struts structure Chinese PHP development framework. It uses object-oriented development structure and MVC mode, and simulates the implementation of Struts tag library. It is more user-friendly in all aspects. It is relatively easy for developers familiar with J2EE to get started, and it is suitable for beginners of PHP framework. ThinkPHP's purpose is to simplify development, improve efficiency, and be easy to expand. Its database support already includes support for MySQL, MSSQL, Sqlite, PgSQL, Oracle, and PDO. ThinkPHP has rich documentation and examples, and the framework has strong compatibility, but its functions are limited, so it is more suitable for the development of small and medium-sized projects.

Yii Framework

Yii is a high-performance component-based PHP framework for developing large-scale Web applications. Yii is written in strict OOP and has complete library references and comprehensive tutorials. From MVC, DAO/ActiveRecord, widgets, caching, hierarchical RBAC, web services, to theming, I18N and L10N, Yii provides almost everything needed for today's Web 2.0 application development. In fact, Yii is one of the most efficient PHP frameworks.

CodeIgniter Framework

CodeIgniter is a simple and fast PHP MVC framework. CodeIgniter is a small but powerful web application development framework and toolkit for PHP website developers. It provides enough freedom to the organization, allowing developers to work faster.

Advantages: The framework is relatively simple, suitable for entry-level development, easy to learn, quick to get started, easy to staticize, and the documentation is relatively detailed.

Disadvantages: Because the framework is small, the functions are not complete. For example, when using mongoDB, you need to implement the interface yourself, and the operation of the database is not safe enough (write operations). The support for large projects is not good.

Laravel Framework

Laravel is a simple and elegant PHP WEB development framework. It integrates the relatively new features of PHP and various design patterns. It is a framework suitable for learning, but it requires a solid and proficient PHP foundation. Suitable for the development of large and medium-sized projects.

Symfony Framework

Symfony is a PHP framework for web projects, which can help you speed up the creation and maintenance of PHP applications. Symfony can help you save a lot of repetitive coding work, allowing you to shift your focus to design and control.

Symfony is a reusable PHP component. It is open source software based on the MIT license. Many CMS systems and forum programs are developed based on Symfony, such as Drupal and phpBB.

Phalcon framework

Phalcon is the fastest running PHP framework. Its bottom layer is implemented in C, but the upper layer provides some PHP extensions. Phalcon serves as a This PHP framework is known for its high performance and low consumption. Although it is implemented in C language, we do not need to use C language. You can use it as long as you know PHP.

CakePHP Framework

CakePHP is an old PHP framework, and the current stable version is V3.0. CakePHP can help you create PHP applications simply and quickly, and you can achieve powerful functions with very little code.

Kohana Framework

Kohana is an agile but powerful PHP framework. We can use Kohana to quickly create web applications because it has rich components, such as Data access interfaces, code analysis, encryption and authentication, and more.

Fuel PHP Framework

Fuel PHP is a simple, scalable PHP framework. Based on the design concepts of other frameworks, Fuel is already in version V2.0. Currently aware of the beta version.

Fuel fully supports HMVC, which is also part of the Fuel architecture. In addition, Fuel's powerful routing function allows you to flexibly handle the correspondence between controllers and views.

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