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PHP function to sort two-dimensional array according to specified fields

2019-10-14 18:20:272373browse

PHP One-dimensional data sorting, we all know, just use the various array functions that come with PHP (such as arsort(), asort(), krsort(), asort(), etc.), and two-dimensional data Sorting can be achieved according to the following custom methods.

 * 二维数组根据字段进行排序
 * @params array $array 需要排序的二维数组
 * @params string $field 排序的字段
 * @params string $sort 排序顺序标志 SORT_DESC 降序;SORT_ASC 升序
function arraySequence($array, $field, $sort = 'SORT_DESC')
    $arrSort = array();
    foreach ($array as $uniqid => $row) {
        foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
            $arrSort[$key][$uniqid] = $value;
    array_multisort($arrSort[$field], constant($sort), $array);
    return $array;

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The above is the detailed content of PHP function to sort two-dimensional array according to specified fields. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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