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How to call functions in php?

2019-09-19 13:20:357858browse

How to call functions in php?

PHP function calling is the same as Java/C/C, just pass the function name (parameter list).

As shown in the picture: (Recommended learning: PHP programming from entry to proficiency)

How to call functions in php?

There are two places in the picture Function calling, session_start() at the beginning is the PHP function called, validate_user($username, $password) is a user-defined function, called in the same way.

Many ways to call PHP functions

	// 最常见的函数调用 --- 2
	$userFunction2 = function($param1, $param2){
		echo 'UserFunction2: Param1 : ',$param1,' , Param2 : ',$param2,'
'; }; $userFunction2('Hello', 'PHP'); // 作为回调函数的函数调用 --- 1 function funcWithCallback1($callback, $param1, $param2){ echo 'funcWithCallback1 : '; if(is_callable($callback)) $callback($param1, $param2); } funcWithCallback1($userFunction2,'Hello','world'); // 作为回调函数的函数调用 --- 2 call_user_func function funcWithCallback2($callback, $param1, $param2){ echo 'funcWithCallback2 : '; if(is_callable($callback)) call_user_func($callback, $param1, $param2); } funcWithCallback2($userFunction2,'Hello','world'); // 一个函数调用示例: 以 用户注册,修改密码为例 $function_pool = array( 'regist' => array( 'validateUsername' => function($username){ return (strtolower($username) !== 'admin') ? true : false; }, 'addUser' => function($username, $password){ $user[$username] = $password; echo 'Add user Ok'; return $user; } ), 'updatePass' => array( 'validatePassword' => function($username, $password, $user){ return (is_array($user) && array_key_exists($username, $user) && $user[$username] == $password); }, 'setPassword' => function($username, $password, $user){ $user[$username] = $password; return $user; } ) ); function regist($function_pool, $username, $password){ if(isset($function_pool) && isset($function_pool['regist'])){ if(isset($function_pool['regist']['validateUsername']) && $function_pool['regist']['validateUsername']($username)){ return $function_pool['regist']['addUser']($username, $password); }else{ return 'User exists or Uniligel '; } } } $user = regist($function_pool, 'Guojunzhou', 'sanyue'); echo '
	echo '
';   function updatePass($function_pool, $username, $password, $newPass, $user){ if(isset($function_pool) && isset($function_pool['updatePass'])){ if(isset($function_pool['updatePass']['validatePassword']) && $function_pool['updatePass']['validatePassword']($username, $password, $user)){ return $function_pool['updatePass']['setPassword']($username, $newPass, $user); } } } $user = updatePass($function_pool, 'Guojunzhou', 'sanyue', '123456', $user); echo '
	echo '
'; ?>

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