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PHP implements functions similar to the Construct library in Python (2) Implementing the adapter function

2019-08-19 16:18:422964browse


In the previous article"PHP implements functions similar to the Construct library in Python (2) Implementing adapter functions"Introduced how to use PHP to parse binary data The basic idea. There are two tasks to be done next.

1. In the previous article, the parsing function was used, but now it is changed to a parsing class, and the parse method is included in the class.

2. When defining the structure data items, add the adapter function and use the pipe operator | to connect the data items and the adapter to realize data transformation.

Recommended PHP video tutorial: https://www.php.cn/course/list/29/type/2.html

Basic Idea

1. Modify the lexical analysis rules so that they can accept pipeline operators|

2. Modify the syntax analysis rules so that they can accept adapter calls

3, use php language to implement the adapter function

Implementation content

Structure definition file to be parsed

struct student
  char name[2];
  int num|IntOffset(100);
  int age;
  char addr[3];

struct teacher
  char name[2];
  int num|Int2str; 
  char addr[3];

The biggest difference from the structure definition in the previous article is the following two sentences

  int num|IntOffset(100); 
  int num|Int2str;  

Here two adapters are called through pipelines, IntOffset(100) means based on the original value Offset 100, Int2str means converting the original integer value into a string

Let’s take a look at the specific implementation of these two adapters



namespace Ados;

class IntOffset {

	public function __construct($offset)
		$this->offset = $offset;		

	function parse($obj){
			return array_map(function($value) {
					    return $value + $this->offset;
		return $obj+ $this->offset;

	function build($obj){
		throw new \Exception("Int2str build method not implements");


class Int2str {

	function parse($obj){
			return array_map(function($value) {
					    return &#39;&#39;.$value;
		return &#39;&#39;.$obj;

	function build($obj){
		throw new \Exception("Int2str build method not implements");


In order to focus on the analysis of binary data , only the parse method is implemented in the above two classes, and the build method is not implemented yet.

Correspondingly, the template file must also be adjusted



class structName{

	static function parse($context,$size=0){
		$totalSize = 0;

		$expRes = parseByte($context,$filedSize);

		$expRes[&#39;value&#39;] = (new Adapter())->parse($expRes[&#39;value&#39;]);		

			$filed = &#39;$filedName&#39;;
			$totalSize+= $expRes[&#39;size&#39;];
			return [&#39;value&#39;=>False,&#39;size&#39;=>0,&#39;error&#39;=>$expRes[&#39;error&#39;],&#39;msg&#39;=>$expRes[&#39;msg&#39;]];

		return [&#39;value&#39;=>$valueArray,&#39;size&#39;=>$totalSize,&#39;error&#39;=>0,&#39;msg&#39;=>&#39;ok&#39;];

The lexical rule file has not changed much, just increase the matching of the pipeline operator

[&#39;/^\|/&#39;,&#39;_pipe&#39;		,&#39;|&#39;],

The syntax rule file The changes are relatively large, because it is necessary to be able to analyze this type of statements

 int num|IntOffset(100);

The content of the modified grammar rule file is as follows:

 * structwkr的语法规则处理器
 * 45022300@qq.com
 * Version 0.9.0
 * Copyright 2019, Zhu Hui
 * Released under the MIT license

namespace Ados;

require_once &#39;const.php&#39;;
require_once __SCRIPTCORE__.&#39;syntax_rule/base_rules_handler.php&#39;;

class StructwkrRulesHandler extends BaseRulesHandler{

function startToken(){

	return &#39;_structList&#39;;

function elementSize($extraArray){
		return intval($extraArray[0]);
		return 0;


// struct list  {{{

function _structList_0_structList_struct($stack,$coder){

	return [&#39;#&#39;,[]];

function _structList_0_struct($stack,$coder){	
	return [&#39;#&#39;,[]];

// struct list  }}}

// struct   {{{

function _struct_0_structName_blockStatement_semi($stack,$coder){

	$t1= $this->topItem($stack,3);
	$structName = 	$t1[TokenValueIndex];

	$t2= $this->topItem($stack,2);
	return [$structName,$extraArray];

// struct   }}}

// struct name     {{{

function _structName_0_strukey_iden($stack,$coder){  

	$t1= $this->topItem($stack,1);
	$structName = 	$t1[TokenValueIndex];

	return $this->pass($stack,1);

// struct name     }}}

// blockStatement    {{{

function _blockStatement_0_lcb_statementList_rcb($stack,$coder){

	return $this->pass($stack,2);


// blockStatement    }}}

// statement list  {{{

function _statementList_0_statementList_statement($stack,$coder){
	return $this->pass($stack,1);

function _statementList_0_statement($stack,$coder){
	return $this->pass($stack,1);

// statement list  }}}

// statement       {{{

function _statement_0_expression_semi($stack,$coder){

	$t1= $this->topItem($stack,2);
	$elementName = 	$t1[TokenValueIndex];	
	return $this->pass($stack,2);

// statement        }}}

// function expression {{{

function _term_0_funcTerm($stack,$coder){  

	$t1= $this->topItem($stack,1);
	$paras = implode(",", $paraArray);
	$exp = $funcName.&#39;(&#39;.$paras.&#39;)&#39;;	
	return [$exp,[]];


function _funcTerm_0_funcExpLp_rp($stack,$coder){  

	return $this->pass($stack,2);

function _funcTerm_0_funcExpLeft_rp($stack,$coder){  

	return $this->pass($stack,2);

function _funcExpLeft_0_funcExpLeft_comma_expression($stack,$coder){  
	$t1= $this->topItem($stack,3);
	$t2= $this->topItem($stack,1);

	array_push($paraArray, $t2[TokenValueIndex]);
	return [$t1[TokenValueIndex],$paraArray];

function _funcExpLeft_0_funcExpLp_expression($stack,$coder){  
	$t1= $this->topItem($stack,2);
	$t2= $this->topItem($stack,1);

	array_push($paraArray, $t2[TokenValueIndex]);
	return [$t1[TokenValueIndex],$paraArray];

function _funcExpLp_0_iden_lp($stack,$coder){  
	return $this->pass($stack,2);


// function expression }}}

//    Expression         {{{

function _expression_0_expression_pipe_factor($stack,$coder){

	$t1= $this->topItem($stack,1);
	$handlerName = 	$t1[TokenValueIndex];

	return $this->pass($stack,3);

function _expression_0_double_factor($stack,$coder){	

	$t1= $this->topItem($stack,1);
	$elementName = 	$t1[TokenValueIndex];
	$parseFuncName = &#39;parseDouble&#39;;	
	return $this->pass($stack,1);

function _expression_0_float_factor($stack,$coder){	

	$t1= $this->topItem($stack,1);
	$elementName = 	$t1[TokenValueIndex];
	$parseFuncName = &#39;parseFloat&#39;;	
	return $this->pass($stack,1);

function _expression_0_char_factor($stack,$coder){

	$t1= $this->topItem($stack,1);
	$elementName = 	$t1[TokenValueIndex];
	$size = $this->elementSize($t1[TokenExtraIndex]);
	$parseFuncName = &#39;parseFixStr&#39;;	
	return $this->pass($stack,1);

function _expression_0_int_factor($stack,$coder){	

	$t1= $this->topItem($stack,1);
	$elementName = 	$t1[TokenValueIndex];
	$parseFuncName = &#39;parseInt&#39;;	
	return $this->pass($stack,1);

function _expression_0_factor($stack,$coder){
	return $this->pass($stack,1);

//   Expression         }}}

// factor       {{{

function _factor_0_term($stack,$coder){
	return $this->pass($stack,1);

//  factor        }}}

//   term    {{{

function _term_0_iden($stack,$coder){
	$t1= $this->topItem($stack,1);
	$valLen = 	&#39;0&#39;;	
	$t2= $this->topItem($stack,2);
	return [$t1[TokenValueIndex],[$valLen]];	

function _term_0_num($stack,$coder){
	return $this->pass($stack,1);

function _term_0_array($stack,$coder){
	return $this->pass($stack,1);

//   term     }}}

// array 	  {{{

function _array_0_arrayLb_num_rb($stack,$coder){

	$t1= $this->topItem($stack,2);
	$valLen = 	$t1[TokenValueIndex];	
	$t2= $this->topItem($stack,3);
	return [$t2[TokenValueIndex],[$valLen]];		

function _arrayLb_0_iden_lb($stack,$coder){  
	return $this->pass($stack,2);

// array 	   }}}

}// end of class

The encoder also needs to be adjusted accordingly, and the need for pipeline operations is increased. Processing

 * structwkr编码器,
 * 45022300@qq.com
 * Version 0.9.0
 * Copyright 2019, Zhu Hui
 * Released under the MIT license

namespace Ados;

require_once __SCRIPTCORE__.&#39;coder/base_coder.php&#39;;
require_once __STRUCT_PARSE_TEMP__.&#39;templateReplaceFuncs.php&#39;;

class StructwkrCoder extends BaseCoder{

	public function __construct($engine)
			$this->engine = $engine;
			exit(&#39;the engine is not valid in StructwkrCoder construct.&#39;);

	public function codeLines(){
			return &#39;&#39;;
		for ($i=0;$i< count($this->codeLines);$i+=1) {
		return $script;

	public function printCodeLines(){
		echo $this->codeLines();	

	public function pushBlockHeader($structName){
		$content = makeBlockHeader($structName);
		array_push($this->codeLines, $content);
		return $lineIndex;		

	public function pushParseBody($parseFuncName,$filedName=&#39;&#39;,$filedSize=0){
		$content = makeParseBody($parseFuncName,$filedName,$filedSize);
		array_push($this->codeLines, $content);
		return $lineIndex;		

	public function pushPipeBody($handler){
		$content = makePipeBody($handler);		
		array_push($this->codeLines, $content);
		return $lineIndex;		

	public function pushCheckBody($filedName=&#39;&#39;){
		$content = makeCheckBody($filedName);
		array_push($this->codeLines, $content);
		return $lineIndex;		

	public function pushBlockTail(){
		$content = makeblockTail();
		array_push($this->codeLines, $content);
		return $lineIndex;		


Implementation results

The automatically generated test file is as follows


namespace Ados;

require_once &#39;const.php&#39;;
require_once __STRUCT_PARSE_TEMP__.&#39;templateBuidinFuncs.php&#39;;
require_once __STRUCT_PARSE_ADAPTER__.&#39;int2str.adapter.php&#39;;
require_once __STRUCT_PARSE_ADAPTER__.&#39;intoffset.adapter.php&#39;;


$expRes = Student::parse($context);

$expRes = Teacher::parse($context);

class Student{

	static function parse($context,$size=0){
		$totalSize = 0;
		$expRes = parseFixStr($context,2);
			$filed = &#39;name&#39;;
			$totalSize+= $expRes[&#39;size&#39;];
			return [&#39;value&#39;=>False,&#39;size&#39;=>0,&#39;error&#39;=>$expRes[&#39;error&#39;],&#39;msg&#39;=>$expRes[&#39;msg&#39;]];
		$expRes = parseInt($context,4);
		$expRes[&#39;value&#39;] = (new IntOffset(100))->parse($expRes[&#39;value&#39;]);		
			$filed = &#39;num&#39;;
			$totalSize+= $expRes[&#39;size&#39;];
			return [&#39;value&#39;=>False,&#39;size&#39;=>0,&#39;error&#39;=>$expRes[&#39;error&#39;],&#39;msg&#39;=>$expRes[&#39;msg&#39;]];
		$expRes = parseInt($context,4);
			$filed = &#39;age&#39;;
			$totalSize+= $expRes[&#39;size&#39;];
			return [&#39;value&#39;=>False,&#39;size&#39;=>0,&#39;error&#39;=>$expRes[&#39;error&#39;],&#39;msg&#39;=>$expRes[&#39;msg&#39;]];
		$expRes = parseFixStr($context,3);
			$filed = &#39;addr&#39;;
			$totalSize+= $expRes[&#39;size&#39;];
			return [&#39;value&#39;=>False,&#39;size&#39;=>0,&#39;error&#39;=>$expRes[&#39;error&#39;],&#39;msg&#39;=>$expRes[&#39;msg&#39;]];
		return [&#39;value&#39;=>$valueArray,&#39;size&#39;=>$totalSize,&#39;error&#39;=>0,&#39;msg&#39;=>&#39;ok&#39;];
class Teacher{

	static function parse($context,$size=0){
		$totalSize = 0;
		$expRes = parseFixStr($context,2);
			$filed = &#39;name&#39;;
			$totalSize+= $expRes[&#39;size&#39;];
			return [&#39;value&#39;=>False,&#39;size&#39;=>0,&#39;error&#39;=>$expRes[&#39;error&#39;],&#39;msg&#39;=>$expRes[&#39;msg&#39;]];
		$expRes = parseInt($context,4);
		$expRes[&#39;value&#39;] = (new Int2str)->parse($expRes[&#39;value&#39;]);		
			$filed = &#39;num&#39;;
			$totalSize+= $expRes[&#39;size&#39;];
			return [&#39;value&#39;=>False,&#39;size&#39;=>0,&#39;error&#39;=>$expRes[&#39;error&#39;],&#39;msg&#39;=>$expRes[&#39;msg&#39;]];
		$expRes = parseFixStr($context,3);
			$filed = &#39;addr&#39;;
			$totalSize+= $expRes[&#39;size&#39;];
			return [&#39;value&#39;=>False,&#39;size&#39;=>0,&#39;error&#39;=>$expRes[&#39;error&#39;],&#39;msg&#39;=>$expRes[&#39;msg&#39;]];
		return [&#39;value&#39;=>$valueArray,&#39;size&#39;=>$totalSize,&#39;error&#39;=>0,&#39;msg&#39;=>&#39;ok&#39;];

The results of running the test file

    [value] => Array
            [name] => AC
            [num] => 101
            [age] => 2
            [addr] => ABC

    [size] => 13
    [error] => 0
    [msg] => ok
    [value] => Array
            [name] => AB
            [num] => 1
            [addr] => ABC

    [size] => 9
    [error] => 0
    [msg] => ok

Compare the test data


If no adapter is added
The result of the num field of the first structure should be:
[num] => 1

Now Added the adapter
int num|IntOffset(100);

So the result becomes:
[num] => 101

Adapter Functionality has been implemented and verified.

For more related questions, please visit the relevant video tutorials on the PHP Chinese website: https://www.php.cn/

The above is the detailed content of PHP implements functions similar to the Construct library in Python (2) Implementing the adapter function. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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