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Follow me to learn the basic types and reference types of javascript_javascript skills

2016-05-16 15:32:141033browse

1. Basic types and reference types

There are 5 basic data types: undefined, boolean, number, string, null

typeof null; //"object"
typeof undefined; //"undefined"
typeof 1; //"number"
typeof false //"boolean"
typeof "1" //"string"

(Confusingly, typeofing the null type returns "object", whereas the ECMAScript standard describes it as a distinct type.)

In order to facilitate the operation of basic type values, ECMAScript also provides three special reference types: Boolean, Number and String. The standard library provides constructors to encapsulate Boolean values, numbers and strings as objects. These types are similar to other reference types and have special behavior corresponding to their respective base wrapper types. In fact, whenever a basic type value is read, an object of the corresponding basic wrapper type is created in the background, allowing us to call some methods to manipulate the data.

var s1 = "some text";
var s2 = s1.substring(2);
var s3 = new String("some text");

But unlike the original string, the String object is a real object.

typeof s1; //"string"
typeof s3; //"object"

The variable s1 in this example contains a string, which is of course a basic type value. The next line calls the substring() method of s1 and saves the returned result in s2. We know that primitive type values ​​are not objects, so logically they should not have methods (but they do have methods). In fact, in order for us to achieve this intuitive operation, a series of processes have been automatically completed in the background. When the second line of code accesses s1, the access process is in a read mode, that is, the value of this string is read from memory. When accessing a string in read mode, the following processing will be automatically completed in the background:

(1) Create an instance of String type.

(2) Call the specified method on the instance.

(3) Destroy this instance.

can be expressed using the following code:

var s1 = new String("some text");
var s2 = s1.substring(2);
s1 = null;

After this processing, the basic string value becomes the same as the object. Moreover, the above three steps also apply to Boolean and numeric values ​​corresponding to Boolean and Number types.

2. Life cycle

The main difference between reference types and basic packaging types is the life cycle of the object. Instances of reference types created using the new operator remain in memory until the execution flow leaves the current scope. The automatically created basic packaging type object only exists during the execution period of this line of code (instantaneously), and then is destroyed immediately. This means that we cannot add properties and methods to properties at runtime.

var s1 = "some text";
s1.color = "red";
alert(s1.color); //undefined

Of course, you can explicitly call Boolean, Number and String to create objects of basic packaging types, but this is not recommended. Calling typeof on an instance of a basic wrapper type will return "object", and all objects of the basic wrapper type will be converted to the Boolean value true. .

var obj = new Object("some text");
alert(obj instanceof String) //true

It is worth noting that using new to call the constructor of a basic packaging type is different from directly calling the transformation function of the same name.

var value = "25";
var number = Number(value);//转型函数
alert(typeof number) //number

var obj = new Number(var); //构造函数
alert(typeof obj) //object

3. Basic Type Characteristics

1. The values ​​of basic types are immutable:

No method can change the value of a basic type, such as a string:

var name = 'jozo';
name.toUpperCase(); // 输出 'JOZO'
console.log(name); // 输出 'jozo'

You will find that the original name has not changed, but a new string is returned after calling the toUpperCase() method.
Let’s take a look:

var person = 'jozo';
person.age = 22;
person.method = function(){//...};

console.log(person.age); // undefined
console.log(person.method); // undefined

As can be seen from the above code, we cannot add properties and methods to basic types. Again, basic types cannot be changed;

2. The basic type of comparison is the comparison of values:

They are equal only if their values ​​are equal.
But you might:

var a = 1;
var b = true;
console.log(a == b);//true

Aren’t they equal? In fact, this is the knowledge of type conversion and == operator, which means that some type conversion will be performed when using == to compare two variables of different types. The comparison above will first convert true to the number 1 and then compare it with the number 1, and the result will be true. This is when the types of the two values ​​being compared are different, the == operator will perform type conversion, but when the two values ​​are of the same type, even == is equivalent to ===.

var a = 'jozo';
var b = 'jozo';
console.log(a === b);//true

3. Basic type variables are stored in the stack area (the stack area refers to the stack memory in the memory)

Suppose there are the following basic types of variables:

var name = 'jozo';
var city = 'guangzhou';
var age = 22;








var person = {};//创建个控对象 --引用类型
person.name = 'jozo';
person.age = 22;
person.sayName = function(){console.log(person.name);} 
person.sayName();// 'jozo'

delete person.name; //删除person对象的name属性
person.sayName(); // undefined



javascript和其他语言不同,其不允许直接访问内存中的位置,也就是说不能直接操作对象的内存空间,那我们操作啥呢? 实际上,是操作对象的引用,所以引用类型的值是按引用访问的。


var person1 = {name:'jozo'};
var person2 = {name:'xiaom'};
var person3 = {name:'xiaoq'};



var person1 = '{}';
var person2 = '{}';
console.log(person1 == person2); // true

上面讲基本类型的比较的时候提到了当两个比较值的类型相同的时候,相当于是用 === ,所以输出是true了。再看看:

var person1 = {};
var person2 = {};
console.log(person1 == person2); // false






var a = 10;
var b = a;

a ++ ;
console.log(a); // 11
console.log(b); // 10

此时,a中保存的值为 10 ,当使用 a 来初始化 b 时,b 中保存的值也为10,但b中的10与a中的是完全独立的,该值只是a中的值的一个副本,此后,这两个变量可以参加任何操作而相互不受影响。




var a = {}; // a保存了一个空对象的实例
var b = a; // a和b都指向了这个空对象

a.name = 'jozo';
console.log(a.name); // 'jozo'
console.log(b.name); // 'jozo'

b.age = 22;
console.log(b.age);// 22
console.log(a.age);// 22

console.log(a == b);// true

Their relationship is as follows:

Therefore, the assignment of reference type is actually the assignment of the address pointer of the object stored in the stack area. Therefore, the two variables point to the same object, and any operations will affect each other.

The above is the entire content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone’s study.

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