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Is python an open source language?

2019-08-01 14:12:3214178browse

Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic data types.

Is python an open source language?

Python was invented by Guido van Rossum at the end of 1989, and the first public release was released in 1991. (Recommended learning: Python video tutorial)

Like the Perl language, Python source code also follows the GPL (GNU General Public License) open source agreement.

GPL, the abbreviation of GNU General Public License, is the informal Chinese translation of GNU General Public License. It is not published by the Free Software Foundation, and is not a statutory distribution clause for software using the GNU General Public License - only the original English version of the GNU General Public License has such effect.

GPL (GNU General Public License)

Most software licenses are designed to take away your freedom to share and modify the software. In contrast, the GNU General Public License attempts to guarantee your freedom to share and modify free software. - Ensure that free software is free for all users.

The GPL applies to most Free Software Foundation software, as well as software developed by authors who assume obligations for using such software. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by the GNU Library General License). You can also use it in your programs. When we talk about free software, we mean freedom, not price.

In order to protect your rights, we need to make regulations that prohibit anyone from not recognizing your rights or asking you to give up these rights. These provisions translate into your responsibility if you modify the free software or distribute copies of the software.

For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether for a fee or for free, you must give all rights you have to your recipients; you must ensure that they receive or have access to the source program ; and show them these terms so that they know they have such rights.

We take two measures to protect your rights.

(1) Copyright protection for software.

(2) Provide you with a license. It gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and modify the software.

GPL logo

Likewise, to protect each author and ourselves, we need to clearly let everyone understand that free software has no warranty. If someone else modified the software and continued to spread it. We need its recipients to understand that what they are getting is not the original free software. Any problems introduced by others should not damage the reputation of the original author.

Finally, any free software is constantly threatened by software patents. We wish to avoid the risk that redistributors of free software obtain patent licenses in their own names. In fact, make the software private. To prevent this, we must be clear: any patent must be premised on allowing everyone to use it freely, otherwise no patent will be allowed.

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