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Convert decimal 60 to unsigned binary

2019-06-11 11:12:4140833browse

Convert decimal 60 to unsigned binary

The decimal number 60 is converted into an unsigned binary integer which is 111100.

Calculation method:

60/2 = more than 30 0

30/2=15 more than 0

15/2 =7 yu 1

7/2=3 yu 1

3/2=1 yu 1

1/2=0 yu 1

The reverse order of the remainder is the result 111100.

Signed numbers: The highest bit represents a symbol, not a number. The highest bit is 1, which means the number is negative; the highest bit is 0, which means the number is positive. Signed numbers can represent positive or negative numbers. For example, for a signed number 100, the leftmost (high-order) 1 indicates that the number is a negative number, and the decimal number represented by the remaining two digits 00 is 0, so this number represents -0.

Unsigned Number: can only represent positive numbers. For example, 100 represents 4 in decimal.

Convert decimal to binary unsigned number: Convert a positive decimal number into binary. Just divide the decimal number by two and take the remainder.

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