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What books should I read if I am new to python?

2019-05-22 09:56:4738249browse

Beginners can read: "Python Programming: Getting Started to Practice", "Python Basics Tutorial", "Learning Python the Hard Way", "Python Language and Its Applications", "Introduction to Python Programming", "Father and Zi's ​​Programming Journey: Learning Python with Little Carter" and so on.

What books should I read if I am new to python?

#You don’t need to read too many introductory Python books, just one is enough. The important thing is which direction of Python you want to learn, or what direction you are interested in, because Python is a language that has a wide range of applications. For example, it can be used for data analysis, machine learning, and back-end. Development, you can also do web development, front-end, artificial intelligence, big data, etc.

So first of all, you have to have a position and plan for yourself, instead of blindly learning after seeing books about Python. In this way, you will know a little bit about everything but learn nothing. Just scratch the surface.

There are many good books about python. Here are some recommendations for you from entry to advanced:

Introductory books

1. "Python" Programming: Getting Started to Practice》

What books should I read if I am new to python?

The theory and practice are just right, the writing is logical and smooth, without jumps, and it feels like a step-by-step tutorial, but it is never verbose. It is very suitable for getting started. The editor strongly recommends this book. The content covered in the book is relatively concise, and there are no difficult and obscure concepts. The most important thing is that each summary is accompanied by a "try it yourself" link. The best way to learn programming is to learn programming. Use your hands, use your brain.

2. "Python Basics Tutorial 2nd Edition"

What books should I read if I am new to python?

The best way to learn a programming language is to actually use it

The content of this book covers a wide range, which can not only lay a solid foundation for beginners, but also help programmers improve their skills. It is suitable for reading and reference by Python developers of all levels.

3. "Learn Python the Hard Way"

What books should I read if I am new to python?

A must-have book for getting started with programming. Starting with small examples one by one, it not only teaches you how to write Python Code, and programming skills.

This is an introductory book to Python, suitable for readers who don’t know much about computers and have never learned programming, but are interested in programming. This book guides readers to learn programming step by step in the form of exercises, from simple printing to the implementation of a complete project, allowing beginners to start with basic programming techniques and finally experience the basic process of software development.

4. "Using Python for Data Analysis" (Python for Data Analysis)

What books should I read if I am new to python?

Still looking for ways to use Python to control, process, organize, and analyze A complete course on structured data? This book contains a large number of practical cases, and you will learn how to use various Python libraries to efficiently solve various data analysis problems. This book introduces the use of ipython, notebook, Numpy, Scipy and Pandas packages, etc. You can learn it as long as you master the basic syntax of python.

5. "Python Language and Its Applications"

What books should I read if I am new to python?

This book introduces the basic knowledge of Python language and its specific applications in various fields, based on the latest version 3.x. The book first introduces some essential basic knowledge of the Python language, and then introduces examples of using Python to develop various applications in the fields of business, scientific research, and art. The text is concise and clear, and the cases are rich and practical. It is a rare introductory manual for Python.

6. "Introduction to Python Programming (3rd Edition)"

What books should I read if I am new to python?

Python is an advanced programming design that is interpreted, object-oriented, and dynamic data types The language, since its birth in the early 1990s, has gradually been widely used to handle system management tasks and Web programming.

This book uses easy-to-understand language combined with common tasks, screen diagrams and detailed explanations to gradually introduce the basic knowledge of Python, helping you learn Python easily and quickly. There are no esoteric theories or advanced applications in the book, making it very suitable for self-study. After reading this book, you will definitely master the basic knowledge of Python and become a real Python programmer!

7. "The Programming Journey of Father and Son: Learning Python with Little Carter"

What books should I read if I am new to python?

This book is an introductory book for parents and children to learn programming together. The authors are a father and son. They used the Python language as an example to introduce in detail how to install Python, basic concepts of programming such as strings and operators, introduced advanced content such as conditional statements, functions, and modules, and finally explained Implement game programming with Python. The language in the book is lively and the narrative is simple and clear. In order to make programming fun for learners, this book arranges many cartoon characters and scene dialogues, allowing learners to enter the door of computer programming in a relaxed and enjoyable way.

Advanced books

1. "Fluent Python"

What books should I read if I am new to python?

For intermediates who want to expand their knowledge For advanced Python programmers, this book is a treasure trove of practical programming tips.

The main purpose of recommending this book is to focus on explaining the basic usage of this language, making your code concise, efficient and readable, and turning you into a skilled Python programmer.

2. "Python Core Programming"

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This is an advanced book on Python, highly recommended! It is simple but covers some basic libraries used in development, arousing your interest in continuing to learn. It is mainly divided into three parts. The first part explains some common applications of Python, including regular expressions, network programming, Internet client programming, multi-threaded programming, GUI programming, etc.; the second part explains some aspects related to Web development. , mainly including web clients and servers, Django web framework, cloud computing, etc. Part 3 is a supplementary/experimental chapter, including text processing and some other content.

3. "59 Effective Ways to Write High-Quality Python Code"

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It is quite easy to write programs in Python, so this language is very Popularity. However, it is quite difficult to master the unique advantages, charm and expressiveness of Python. Moreover, there are many hidden traps in the language, which can easily cause developers to make mistakes. This book uses 59 topics to describe python usage skills.


To learn programming, just reading books is not enough. What is more important is to do more hands-on work and write more code. It would be better if you can find a project to practice on. Now, start from the actual application scenarios and use programs to solve some tedious and complex problems at hand, so that you can strengthen your application of the language.

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