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0 Is basic php easy to learn?

2019-05-17 16:18:155858browse

For students with zero foundation, learning PHP definitely requires perseverance. Learning any language cannot be achieved overnight, but requires a lot of time and energy to learn. It doesn’t mean that you will be able to learn it just by enrolling in a certain class. This is by no means to discourage students who want to pursue a career in PHP. Thinking about learning PHP, there are so many things to be exposed to. Not only the front-end knowledge such as HTML tags, div css, and js need to be understood, but also the PHP language, samrty templates, ajax, jquery, mysql, linux, etc. need to be learned and understood. , even application tools such as frameworks cannot be mastered in a day or two.

0 Is basic php easy to learn?

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Because PHP is the most widely used in the WEB field, if you are a complete novice, you may wish to understand the concepts of front-end, back-end, database, and server before starting to learn. After you have a preliminary understanding of these concepts, you can start learning.

HTML CSS, learn a little web page production first. It's best to learn a little more javascript. After all, knowing a little about the front-end is necessary for back-end development.

After understanding the front-end, you can start learning PHP, syntax, keywords, constants, data types, etc. Database and WEB server learning. The best partners of PHP are: Mysql (database), Apache (web server). For Apache, you usually operate less, and you only need to understand its configuration. And Mysql is particularly important. In the early stage, you will know how to use PHP to operate Mysql to add, delete, modify and query, understand the commonly used Mysql optimization principles, and be able to use PHP Mysql to write a simple message board page.

PHP deepening. Master Ajax asynchronous transmission, learn object-oriented, learn MVC framework and master popular PHP frameworks, such as Yii framework, domestic ThinkPHP framework, and form good coding habits. Ability to quickly develop websites using frameworks.

Optimization technologies for large websites: such as page staticization, Memcached caching technology, MySql database in-depth optimization, etc.

The first key point of php learning: Mindset. Although the PHP language market is currently booming, and the PHP language is easier to learn than other languages, don’t think of PHP as too simple. Don’t believe all the propaganda of training schools, as if people with zero basic knowledge can do whatever they want. Just learn php. There must be many cases of failure. Of course, we should not think of PHP as too difficult. Since you want to engage in work in this area, you must be prepared to go all out and break the boat. If you can’t learn it in 4 months, then stick to it until 5 months. If you still can’t learn it in 5 months, then stick to it until 6 months (you need a little bit of turtle spirit). One day, you will fully master PHP knowledge and get a salary you are satisfied with.

The second key point of php learning: is the learning method. You can first go online and download videos related to PHP learning, such as Han Shunping's PHP series videos (disclaimer: Teacher Han did not give me any benefits, and I am not a trustee. I have never even seen his brother face to face despite being so far away. If you say -_-), it’s very good. Teacher Han’s videos are very in-depth and vivid, and there are notes available for downloading and learning. If we watch Teacher Han’s videos once or twice, the effect will definitely be different from not watching the videos.

The third key point of learning PHP: That is to persist, persist, and resist temptation. The comparison of ASP/PHP/JSP/.NET may make us novices at a loss, and we may have learned half of it. PHP, we are starting to think about C# again, or some people say that JAVA is very strong. We must not waver at this time. Even if we really want to learn, we have to learn PHP and then learn it again.

When you have learned one programming language, there is no problem in learning another. Programming languages ​​are just tools, and writing the best code relies on programming ideas.

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