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Scope is one of the most important concepts in JavaScript. If you want to learn JavaScript well, you need to understand the working principles of JavaScript scope and scope chain. Today's article provides a brief introduction to JavaScript scope and scope chain, hoping to help everyone learn JavaScript better.
1. JavaScript Scope
Any programming language has the concept of scope. Simply put, scope is the accessible range of variables and functions, that is, scope controls the visibility and life cycle of variables and functions. In JavaScript, there are two types of variable scope: global scope and local scope.
1. Global Scope
Objects that can be accessed anywhere in the code have global scope. Generally speaking, the following situations have global scope:
(1) The outermost function and variables defined outside the outermost function have global scope, for example:
var authorName="小平果"; function doSomething(){ var blogName="你不知道的JavaScript"; function innerSay(){ alert(blogName); } innerSay(); } alert(authorName); //小平果 alert(blogName); //脚本错误 doSomething(); //你不知道的JavaScript innerSay() //脚本错误
(2) All undefined and directly assigned variables are automatically declared to have global scope, for example:
function doSomething(){ var authorName="小平果"; blogName="你不知道的JavaScript"; alert(authorName); } doSomething(); //小平果 alert(blogName); //你不知道的JavaScript alert(authorName); //脚本错误
The variable blogName has global scope, while authorName cannot be accessed outside the function.
(3) All window object properties have global scope
Generally, the built-in properties of the window object have global scope, such as window.name, window.location, window.top, etc.
2. Local Scope
Contrary to the global scope, the local scope is generally only accessible within a fixed fragment of code, most commonly within a function, so in some places you will also see people refer to this scope as a function scope, such as the following Both blogName and function innerSay in the code only have local scope.
function doSomething(){ var blogName="你不知道的JavaScript"; function innerSay(){ alert(blogName); } innerSay(); } alert(blogName); //脚本错误 innerSay(); //脚本错误
2. Scope Chain
In JavaScript, functions are also objects. In fact, everything in JavaScript is an object. Function objects, like other objects, have properties that can be accessed through code and a set of internal properties that are only accessible to the JavaScript engine. One of the internal properties is [[Scope]], defined by the ECMA-262 standard third edition. This internal property contains the collection of objects in the scope in which the function is created. This collection is called the scope chain of the function, which determines Which data can be accessed by the function.
When a function is created, its scope chain is populated with data objects accessible in the scope in which the function was created. For example, define the following function:
function add(num1,num2) { var sum = num1 + num2; return sum; }
When the function add is created, its scope chain will be filled with a global object, which contains all global variables, as shown in the figure below (note: the picture only illustrates a part of all variables):
The scope of function add will be used during execution. For example, execute the following code:
var total = add(5,10);
执行此函数时会创建一个称为“运行期上下文(execution context)”的内部对象,运行期上下文定义了函数执行时的环境。每个运行期上下文都有自己的作用域链,用于标识符解析,当运行期上下文被创建时,而它的作用域链初始化为当前运行函数的[[Scope]]所包含的对象。
这些值按照它们出现在函数中的顺序被复制到运行期上下文的作用域链中。它们共同组成了一个新的对象,叫“活动对象(activation object)”,该对象包含了函数的所有局部变量、命名参数、参数集合以及this,然后此对象会被推入作用域链的前端,当运行期上下文被销毁,活动对象也随之销毁。新的作用域链如下图所示:
function changeColor(){ document.getElementById("btnChange").onclick=function(){ document.getElementById("targetCanvas").style.backgroundColor="red"; }; }
function changeColor(){ var doc=document; doc.getElementById("btnChange").onclick=function(){ doc.getElementById("targetCanvas").style.backgroundColor="red"; }; }
函数每次执行时对应的运行期上下文都是独一无二的,所以多次调用同一个函数就会导致创建多个运行期上下文,当函数执行完毕,执行上下文会被销毁。每一个运行期上下文都和一个作用域链关联。一般情况下,在运行期上下文运行的过程中,其作用域链只会被 with 语句和 catch 语句影响。
function initUI(){ with(document){ var bd=body, links=getElementsByTagName("a"), i=0, len=links.length; while(i < len){ update(links[i++]); } getElementById("btnInit").onclick=function(){ doSomething(); }; } }
try{ doSomething(); }catch(ex){ alert(ex.message); //作用域链在此处改变 }
try{ doSomething(); }catch(ex){ handleError(ex); //委托给处理器方法 }
In the optimized code, the handleError method is the only code executed in the catch clause. This function receives an exception object as a parameter, so that you can handle errors more flexibly and uniformly. Since only one statement is executed and no local variables are accessed, temporary changes in the scope chain will not affect code performance.
The above is the entire content of this article. I hope that through this article everyone will have a better understanding of the scope and scope chain of JavaScript, and we can make progress together.