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[Introduction to swoole] How to quickly create a tcp server

little bottle
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2019-04-20 13:17:572405browse

Swoole is a PHP advanced web development framework that can improve website development efficiency. In this article, the editor will introduce how to use swoole to create a tcp server. Friends who are interested can learn it!



on('connect', function ($serv, $fd) {    echo "Client: Connect.\n";
});// 监听数据接收事件$serv->on('receive', function ($serv, $fd, $from_id, $data) {    $serv->send($fd, "Server: " . $data);
});// 监听连接关闭事件$serv->on('close', function ($serv, $fd) {    echo "Client: Close.\n";
});// 启动服务器$serv->start();
1. Execute the program and start the server

$  /usr/local/php/bin/
2. After successful startup, check netstat

$ sudo netstat -ntlp | grep php     
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      21314/php
 3. Telnet to connect to the server


$ telnet 9501Trying
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.hello
Server: hello

Exit telnet: shift], quit

 4. End the working process: kill main process ID

$ kill 21314

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