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What are the ways to parse XML in Java?

2019-04-15 13:06:017214browse

The ways Java parses XML include using DOM parsing to connect them together in a tree structure through DOM objects; using SAX to parse it line by line when encountering different elements; using StAX parsing to parse from XML Extract the required data from

XML is a universal data exchange format. Its platform independence, language independence, and system independence bring great convenience to data integration and interaction. Next, I will introduce the method of parsing XML in Java in detail in the article, which has a certain reference effect. I hope it will be helpful to everyone

What are the ways to parse XML in Java?

[Recommended Course: XML Tutorial

Using DOM parsing

DOM parser It is mainly used to use XML as an object graph (tree structure) in memory, which is the Document Object Model (DOM). First the parser traverses the input XML file and creates DOM objects corresponding to the nodes in the XML file. These DOM objects are linked together in a tree structure. Once the parser completes the parsing process, it will obtain this tree-like DOM object structure.

Example: Parse xml content in all code examples

public class DOMParserDemo {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    DocumentBuilderFactory factory =
    DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
    Document document =
    List<Employee> empList = new ArrayList<>();
    NodeList nodeList = document.getDocumentElement().getChildNodes();
    for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) {
      Node node = nodeList.item(i);
      if (node instanceof Element) {
        Employee emp = new Employee();
        emp.id = node.getAttributes().
        NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes();
        for (int j = 0; j < childNodes.getLength(); j++) {
          Node cNode = childNodes.item(j);
          if (cNode instanceof Element) {
            String content = cNode.getLastChild().
            switch (cNode.getNodeName()) {
              case "firstName":
                emp.firstName = content;
              case "lastName":
                emp.lastName = content;
              case "location":
                emp.location = content;
    for (Employee emp : empList) {
class Employee{
  String id;
  String firstName;
  String lastName;
  String location;
  public String toString() {
    return firstName+" "+lastName+"("+id+")"+location;

The output result is:

Rakesh Mishra(111)Bangalore
John Davis(112)Chennai
Rajesh Sharma(113)Pune

Use SAX parsing

The difference between SAX Parser and DOM parser is that SAX parser does not load the complete XML into memory, instead it parses the XML line by line as it encounters different elements. c Trigger different events such as: opening tag, closing tag, character data, comments, etc.

The code for parsing XML using SAX Parser is as follows:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
public class SAXParserDemo {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    SAXParserFactory parserFactor = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
    SAXParser parser = parserFactor.newSAXParser();
    SAXHandler handler = new SAXHandler();
    for ( Employee emp : handler.empList){
class SAXHandler extends DefaultHandler {
  List<Employee> empList = new ArrayList<>();
  Employee emp = null;
  String content = null;
  public void startElement(String uri, String localName,
                           String qName, Attributes attributes)
                           throws SAXException {
      case "employee":
        emp = new Employee();
        emp.id = attributes.getValue("id");
  public void endElement(String uri, String localName,
                         String qName) throws SAXException {
     case "employee":
     case "firstName":
       emp.firstName = content;
     case "lastName":
       emp.lastName = content;
     case "location":
       emp.location = content;
  public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)
          throws SAXException {
    content = String.copyValueOf(ch, start, length).trim();
class Employee {
  String id;
  String firstName;
  String lastName;
  String location;
  public String toString() {
    return firstName + " " + lastName + "(" + id + ")" + location;

The output result is:

Rakesh Mishra(111)Bangalore
John Davis(112)Chennai
Rajesh Sharma(113)Pune

Using StAX Parser

StAX is used for the Streaming API of XML, and the difference between StAX Parser and SA is SAX Parser. The StAX parser is also different from the SAX parser. The SAX Parser will push the data, but the StAX parser will extract the required data from the XML. The StAX parser maintains the cursor at the current position in the document, allowing the content available at the cursor to be extracted, while the SAX parser emits events when certain data is encountered.

XMLInputFactory and XMLStreamReader are two classes that can be used to load XML files. When we read an XML file using XMLStreamReader, events are generated in the form of integer values ​​and then these events are compared with constants in XMLStreamConstants. The following code shows how to parse XML using the StAX parser:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamConstants;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader;
public class StaxParserDemo {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws XMLStreamException {
    List<Employee> empList = null;
    Employee currEmp = null;
    String tagContent = null;
    XMLInputFactory factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
    XMLStreamReader reader =
      int event = reader.next();
        case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT:
          if ("employee".equals(reader.getLocalName())){
            currEmp = new Employee();
            currEmp.id = reader.getAttributeValue(0);
            empList = new ArrayList<>();
        case XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS:
          tagContent = reader.getText().trim();
        case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT:
            case "employee":
            case "firstName":
              currEmp.firstName = tagContent;
            case "lastName":
              currEmp.lastName = tagContent;
            case "location":
              currEmp.location = tagContent;
        case XMLStreamConstants.START_DOCUMENT:
          empList = new ArrayList<>();
    for ( Employee emp : empList){
class Employee{
  String id;
  String firstName;
  String lastName;
  String location;
  public String toString(){
    return firstName+" "+lastName+"("+id+") "+location;

The output is:

Rakesh Mishra(111) Bangalore
John Davis(112) Chennai
Rajesh Sharma(113) Pune

Summary: The above is the entire content of this article ,I hope to be helpful

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