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How to clean up float? 4 ways to clear floats

2018-11-13 17:17:274806browse

The content of this article is about how to clean up floats? The 4 ways to clear float have certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to you.

How to clean up float? 4 ways to clear floats

Routine 1: Add height to the parent element of the floating element (poor scalability)

If an element wants to float, Then its parent element must have a height. The height of the box can be used to close the float. You can set the height directly to the parent element. In practical applications, it is unlikely that we can add height to all boxes. This is not only troublesome, but also cannot adapt to rapid changes in the page. Alternatively, the height of the parent container can be expanded by the content (such as img Picture), this method is often used in practice. [Recommended reading: 10 floating effect special effects (collection) recommended]

Routine 2: clear: both;

Add the last redundant element to the last child element, and then set it to clear: both, so that the float can be cleared. It is emphasized here that the element added at the end of the parent element must be a block-level element, otherwise it cannot support the height of the parent element.

Routine 3: Clear floating pseudo elements

The above method can certainly clear floating, but we don’t want to add these meaningless redundant elements to the page. How to clear float?

Combined with :after pseudo-element and IEhack, it can be perfectly compatible with all major current mainstream browsers. IEhack here refers to triggering hasLayout.

Routine 4: br tag clear float

The br tag has an attribute: clear. This attribute is a powerful tool for clearing floats. Set the attribute clear in the br tag and assign it the value all. That is, the float can be cleared.

The above is about how to clean up floats? A full introduction to the 4 methods of clearing floats. If you want to know more about Html5 tutorial, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website.

The above is the detailed content of How to clean up float? 4 ways to clear floats. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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