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The latest official version of ThinkPHP released - updated to ThinkPHP5.1.28

2018-10-29 10:46:037190browse

ThinkPHP, the most popular PHP framework, received its latest update on October 29, 2018. The following are the main contents of the ThinkPHP update.

This version mainly corrects some problems existing in the previous version and improves the related query part. Supports seamless upgrade from the previous version!

Main updates

The fields of the aggregation query method support DISTINCT

Amend the port support of the url function after defining the route

Correct the controller middleware's support for swoole

Improve the Log class save method

Improve the closure verification parameters of the verification class

Many-to-many association support specification The name of the intermediate table data

Associative aggregation query supports the closure method to specify the aggregation field

Improve the Lang class get method

Many-to-many association adds a method to determine whether the associated data exists

Improve the use of fetchsql for related queries

Improve the judgment of whether the modifier has been executed

Add afterWith and beforeWith validation rules for comparing date fields

New version features

Controller middleware improvements

Since in Swoole and other modes, the class library is resident in memory, control The controller middleware will not be executed the second time, and now the execution process of the controller middleware is no longer included in the architecture function.

Model improvements

Improved the judgment logic of whether the modifier is executed. If the modifier method is not defined, multiple assignments to model data are allowed. In this way, data can be easily modified in model events.

The fields of aggregation queries support the use of DISTINCT, for example:

User::count('DISTINCT id');

When associated aggregation queries use closures, the specified aggregation fields are supported

User::withCount(['book' => function($query){
    // 统计今年出版的书的数量 并且使用books_num作为统计字段返回
    $query->whereTime('publish_time', 'y');
    return 'books_num';

For many-to-many relationships, you can also Supports the following usage

use think\Model;
class User extends Model{
    public function roles()
        // 使用pivotDataName方法指定中间表的数据对象名称
        return $this->belongsToMany('role')
$user =  User::get(1);
$role =  Role::getByName('editor');
// 判断关联数据是否存在 如果存在则返回中间表对象
$pivot = $user->roles()->attached($role);

and also fixes the error caused when the fetchSql method is used in related queries.

Improvements in validation rules

If closures are used in validation rules, you can now add additional parameters, including

// 新增的参数包括title(规则标题)和validate(当前验证对象)
function($value, $data, $title, $validate) {}

Added beforeWith and afterWith two validation rules for comparing data from multiple date fields.

$validate = Validate::make([
    'start_time'   => 'require|beforeWith:end_time',
    'end_time'     => 'require|afterWith:start_time'
if (!$validate->check($data)) {

Extension update

This update also includes some official extension updates:

Added SeasLog log extension think -seaslog;

Swoole extension is updated to version 2.0.14;

Unit test extension is updated to version 2.0.5;

Related course recommendations:

The latest ThinkPHP 5.1 world premiere video tutorial (60 days to become a PHP expert online training class)

Dugu Jiujian (5)_ThinkPHP5 video tutorial

ThinkPHP basic practical video tutorial

thinkphp3.2 basic video tutorial

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