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HTML5 imitates Taobao, JD.com achieves red envelope rain effect (code example)

2018-10-15 17:45:1914594browse

This article will share with you the example code of HTML5 imitating Taobao and JD.com to achieve the red envelope rain effect. It has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to you.

This red envelope rain project is written based on the HTML5 game framework Phaser. The final product is a canvas, so the performance is very good, but it must be said that this framework is relatively large, and it is about 700K after compression, so Please use with caution.

Code address: https://github.com/AmosXu/red-packet-rain

1. Effect display

The pictures are the countdown page, the red envelope grabbing page, the red envelope opening page, and the red envelope display page. These pages are all written in a canvas, with no refresh switching effect, and the performance is super good

2. Code display

Paste the main code js code and comments

  let imgjishi = 'assets/img/daojishi.png'
  let bgPlan = 'assets/img/bg-plan.jpg'
  let bgRainer = 'assets/img/bg-rainer.jpg'
  let redpacket = 'assets/img/redpacket.png'
  let close = 'assets/img/close.png'
  let dialogExit = 'assets/img/dialog-exit.png'
  let buttonCancel = 'assets/img/button-cancel.png'
  let buttonExit = 'assets/img/button-exit.png'
  let openRedpacket = 'assets/img/open-redpacket.png'
  let open = 'assets/img/open.png'
  let redpacketResult = 'assets/img/redpacket-result.png'
  let buttonUseTicket = 'assets/img/button-use-ticket.png'
  let buttonContinue = 'assets/img/button-continue.png'
  let cursorAnimation = 'assets/img/cursor-animation.png'

  let states = {}
  let QingLvGroup;
  let hitNum = 0;
  let config = {

  let ids = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  let redpackets = ['全场优惠50元', '20元代金券', '全场优惠50元', '20元代金券', '全场优惠50元', '20元代金券']
  let time = 25;
  let getIds = []
  let radio = document.documentElement.clientWidth/375;
  let e;

  function rfuc(n){
    return n*radio;

  function QingLv(config, game){
    this.init = function(){
        this.config = config;
        QingLvGroup = game.add.group();
        QingLvGroup.enableBody = true;
        QingLvGroup.createMultiple(config.selfPool, config.selfPic); //初始化多个红包
        QingLvGroup.setAll('outOfBoundsKill', true);
        QingLvGroup.setAll('checkWorldBounds', true);
        this.maxWidth = game.width + 300;

        game.time.events.loop(Phaser.Timer.SECOND * config.rate, this.createQL, this);
    this.createQL = function(){
        e = QingLvGroup.getFirstExists(false);
        if(e) {
            if(hitNum >= config.max) {
            var ram= Math.random();
            ram =ram<0.5?ram+=0.5: ram;
            e.alpha = 1;
            e.angle = 30
            // e.scale.setTo(rfuc(ram));
            e.reset(game.rnd.integerInRange(100, this.maxWidth), 100)  //红包生成的位置
            e.body.velocity.x = game.rnd.integerInRange(-300, -150);   //红包移动的速度
            e.body.velocity.y = game.rnd.integerInRange(config.minSpeed, config.maxSpeed);
            e.inputEnabled = true;
            e.events.onInputDown.add(this.hitted, this)
    this.hitted = function(sprite){
        if(Math.random() < 1/4 && ids.length > 0) {
          game.paused = true;

          let hexGraphics = new Phaser.Graphics().beginFill(0x000000, 0.5).drawRect(0,0,document.documentElement.clientWidth,document.documentElement.clientHeight + 2);
          let pausedMask = game.add.sprite(0, 0, hexGraphics.generateTexture())
          let openDialog = game.add.sprite(rfuc(62), rfuc(150), 'openRedpacket')
          let open = game.add.sprite(rfuc(130), rfuc(300), 'open')
          open.inputEnabled = true;
          let result = game.add.sprite(rfuc(0), rfuc(120), 'redpacketResult')
          result.visible = false

          let userTicket = game.add.sprite(rfuc(78), rfuc(445), 'buttonUseTicket')
          userTicket.visible = false

          let goOn = game.add.sprite(rfuc(198), rfuc(445), 'buttonContinue')
          goOn.visible = false

          let ticketText = {};
          let link = ''
          let clickOpen = function() {

            let openRect = new Phaser.Rectangle(rfuc(130), rfuc(315), 239, 239).copyFrom(open);

            if (openRect.contains(game.input.x, game.input.y)) {
              let currentWidth = open.width

              let tempArr = [2, 4, 8, 4, 2, 1]
              let index = 0;
              let timer = setInterval(function() {
                if (index > tempArr.length-1) { index = 0 }
                open.width = currentWidth / tempArr[index]
                open.height = open.height
                open.left = game.world.centerX - open.width / 2
              }, 200)
              game.input.onDown.remove(clickOpen, this);
              let arrIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * ids.length)
              let redpacketId = ids.splice(arrIndex, 1)

              setTimeout(()=> {
                timer && clearInterval(timer)
                let text = redpackets[redpacketId[0]]
                ticketText=game.add.text(0, rfuc(338),text,{fill:'#ffe67d',fontSize:'46px',fontWeight: 'bolder'})
                ticketText.left = game.world.centerX - ticketText.width / 2    //文字相对于屏幕左右居中
                openDialog.visible = false
                open.visible = false
                result.visible = true
                userTicket.visible = true
                goOn.visible = true
                game.input.onDown.add(clickButton, this)
              }, 1000)

          let clickButton = function() {
            let userTicketRect = new Phaser.Rectangle(rfuc(78), rfuc(445), 194, 66).copyFrom(userTicket);
            let continueRect = new Phaser.Rectangle(rfuc(198), rfuc(445), 194, 66).copyFrom(goOn);

            if (userTicketRect.contains(game.input.x, game.input.y)) {
              game.input.onDown.remove(clickButton, this);

            } else if (continueRect.contains(game.input.x, game.input.y)) {
              result.visible = false
              userTicket.visible = false
              goOn.visible = false
              pausedMask.visible = false
              ticketText.visible = false
              game.paused = false
              game.input.onDown.remove(clickButton, this);

          game.input.onDown.add(clickOpen, this)
        } else {
          sprite.inputEnabled = false;
          var anim = sprite.animations.add(config.selfPic);
          sprite.play(config.selfPic, 40, false);
          anim.onComplete.add(this.fade, this, sprite)  
    this.fade = function(sprite){
        var tween = game.add.tween(sprite).to({alpha:0}, 300, 'Linear', true)
        tween.onComplete.add(this.killed, this, sprite);
    this.killed = function(sprite){
  states.boot = function(game) {
    this.preload = function() {
        if (typeof(GAME) !== "undefined") {
            this.load.baseURL = GAME + "/";
        if (!game.device.desktop) {
            this.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.EXACT_FIT;
            this.scale.forcePortrait = true;
    this.create = function() {
        game.stage.backgroundColor = '#FFF';
  states.preload = function(game) {
      this.preload = function(game) {
          game.load.spritesheet('daojishi', imgjishi, 250,120, 4)
          game.load.image('bgPlan', bgPlan)
          game.load.image('bgRainer', bgRainer)
          game.load.spritesheet('redpacket', redpacket, 144, 173, 2)
          game.load.image('close', close)
          game.load.image('dialogExit', dialogExit)
          game.load.image('buttonExit', buttonExit)
          game.load.image('buttonCancel', buttonCancel)
          game.load.image('openRedpacket', openRedpacket)
          game.load.image('open', open)
          game.load.image('redpacketResult', redpacketResult)
          game.load.image('buttonContinue', buttonContinue)
          game.load.image('buttonUseTicket', buttonUseTicket)
          game.load.spritesheet('cursorAnimation', cursorAnimation, 74, 108, 2)
      this.create = function() {
  states.main = function(game) {
      this.create = function() {
          // 物理系统

          // 背景图
          var bgPlan = game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'bgPlan');
          bgPlan.width = game.width;
          bgPlan.height = game.height;

          var cursorPointer = game.add.sprite(game.world.centerX - 36, game.world.centerY + 86, 'cursorAnimation');
          var anim = cursorPointer.animations.add('cursorAnimation');
          cursorPointer.play('cursorAnimation', 2, true);


          // 开始游戏倒计时
          var daojishi = game.add.sprite(game.world.centerX - 140, game.world.centerY - 400, 'daojishi');
          var anim = daojishi.animations.add('daojishi');
          daojishi.play('daojishi', 1, false);
          anim.onComplete.add(this.startGame, this, daojishi);
      this.startGame = function(daojishi){
          this.leftTime = time
          let bgRainer = game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'bgRainer');
          bgRainer.width = game.width;
          bgRainer.height = game.height;
          daojishi.visible = false;

          let closeImg = game.add.button(rfuc(20), rfuc(20), 'close', function(){
            game.paused = true
            pausedMask.visible = true
            exitDialog.visible = true
            exitButton.visible = true
            cancelButton.visible = true

            game.input.onDown.add(buttonClick, this)
          // 剩余时间
          this.leftTimeText = game.add.text(0, 0, this.leftTime, {fill: '#FFF', fontSize: '40px', fontWeight: 'bolder'})
          this.leftTimeText.fixedToCamera = true;
          this.leftTimeText.cameraOffset.setTo(game.camera.width - rfuc(80), rfuc(20));

          let hexGraphics = new Phaser.Graphics().beginFill(0x000000, 0.5).drawRect(0,0,document.documentElement.clientWidth,document.documentElement.clientHeight + 2);
          let pausedMask = game.add.sprite(0, 0, hexGraphics.generateTexture())
          pausedMask.visible = false;

          let exitDialog = game.add.sprite(rfuc(62), rfuc(150), 'dialogExit')
          exitDialog.visible = false;

          let exitButton = game.add.button(rfuc(80), rfuc(315), 'buttonExit')
          exitButton.visible = false;

          let isExit = false
          let cancelButton = game.add.button(rfuc(200), rfuc(315), 'buttonCancel')
          cancelButton.visible = false;

          game.time.events.repeat(Phaser.Timer.SECOND, this.leftTime, this.refreshTime, this)

          let buttonClick = function() {
            let cancelRect = new Phaser.Rectangle(rfuc(200), rfuc(315), 194, 66).copyFrom(cancelButton);
            if (cancelRect.contains(game.input.x, game.input.y)) {
              game.input.onDown.remove(buttonClick, this)
              game.paused = false
              pausedMask.visible = false
              exitDialog.visible = false
              exitButton.visible = false
              cancelButton.visible = false

      this.createQingLv = function(){
          this.qinglv = new QingLv(config, game);
          this.qinglv = new QingLv(config, game);
      this.refreshTime = function(){
          var tem = this.leftTime;
          this.leftTimeText.text = tem;
          if(this.leftTime === 0) {
              game.paused = true;

  let game = null
  if (game == null) {
    game = new Phaser.Game(document.documentElement.clientWidth, document.documentElement.clientHeight + 2, Phaser.AUTO, document.getElementById('gameScreen'));
    game.state.add('boot', states.boot.bind(game));
    game.state.add('preload', states.preload.bind(game));
    game.state.add('main', states.main.bind(game));

3. Problems

1. Click event when the game is paused Invalid, need to click, how to solve it

Answer: Bind the event through global event drawing hotspot, be sure to remove the event, be sure to remember

game.input.onDown.add(clickOpen, this)   //给游戏绑定全局事件

let userTicket = game.add.sprite(rfuc(78), rfuc(445), 'buttonUseTicket')        
let userTicketRect = new Phaser.Rectangle(78, 445, 194, 66).copyFrom(userTicket);  //获得button的区域

if (userTicketRect.contains(game.input.x, game.input.y)) {
   game.input.onDown.remove(clickButton, this);

2. Text or picture relative Center the screen (temporarily only screen centering can be done)

Answer: Add text to the game, and the offset of the text to the left is equal to the width of the game screen minus the width of the text, and the centering effect can be achieved

ticketText = game.add.text(0, rfuc(338), '我想居中', 
{fill: '#ffe67d', fontSize: '46px', fontWeight: 'bolder'})
ticketText.left = game.world.centerX - ticketText.width / 2    //文字相对于屏幕左右居中

Code address: https://github.com/AmosXu/red-packet-rain

Summary: The above is the entire content of this article, I hope it can be helpful to everyone’s learning help. For more related tutorials, please visit HTML Video Tutorial, Html5 Video Tutorial, bootstrap Video Tutorial!

The above is the detailed content of HTML5 imitates Taobao, JD.com achieves red envelope rain effect (code example). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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