Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >How does javascript static type parse the usage of flow (details)
The content of this article is about how to use JavaScript static types to parse flow (details). It has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to you.
After searching Baidu and Google, I couldn’t find the Chinese documentation of flow. This is obviously unfriendly to the country. Although flow is not usually used, it is generally used in frameworks for the convenience of users. The framework can be used accurately and many mysterious BUGs can be avoided. Since there is no such thing, I will translate it. I plan to translate the type annotations part first, and then search for a lot of them after installation.
When your type is not annotated, flow will not work, so let’s see how the flow type can be annotated. It is not // this annotation
javascript has a total of 6 primitive data types.
undefined (void in Flow types)
Symbols (new in ECMAScript 2015, not yet supported in Flow) flow does not support symbols
The original types are divided into two types, one is literal, and the other is packaged, such as 3 and Number( 3);
For example, as shown below, you can only pass literal .booleans except
// @flow function method(x: number, y: string, z: boolean) { // ... } method(3.14, "hello", true);
flow can recognize the explicit type conversion boolean of !!x and Boolean(0)
// @flow function acceptsBoolean(value: boolean) { // ... } acceptsBoolean(0); // Error! 错误 acceptsBoolean(Boolean(0)); // Works! OK acceptsBoolean(!!0); // Works! OK
The number is very clear
// @flow function acceptsNumber(value: number) { // ... } acceptsNumber(42); // Works! acceptsNumber(3.14); // Works! acceptsNumber(NaN); // Works! acceptsNumber(Infinity); // Works! acceptsNumber("foo"); // Error!
// @flow function acceptsString(value: string) { // ... } acceptsString("foo"); // Works! acceptsString(false); // Error!
There will be hidden conversions for strings in js
"foo" + 42; // "foo42" "foo" + {}; // "foo[object Object]"
flow only supports hidden conversion of numbers and strings
// @flow "foo" + "foo"; // Works! "foo" + 42; // Works! "foo" + {}; // Error! "foo" + []; // Error!
If you want to use it, you must explicitly convert
// @flow "foo" + String({}); // Works! "foo" + [].toString(); // Works! "" + JSON.stringify({}) // Works!
In flow, undefined is void
// @flow function acceptsNull(value: null) { /* ... */ } function acceptsUndefined(value: void) { /* ... */ } acceptsNull(null); // Works! acceptsNull(undefined); // Error! acceptsUndefined(null); // Error! acceptsUndefined(undefined); // Works!
Possible types are those optional values. You can use a question mark to mark them to prove that the value is optional and not required
// @flow function acceptsMaybeString(value: ?string) { // ... } acceptsMaybeString("bar"); // Works! acceptsMaybeString(undefined); // Works! acceptsMaybeString(null); // Works! acceptsMaybeString(); // Works!
You can use a question mark to indicate that a certain property of the object is optional
// @flow function acceptsObject(value: { foo?: string }) { // ... } acceptsObject({ foo: "bar" }); // Works! acceptsObject({ foo: undefined }); // Works! acceptsObject({ foo: null }); // Error! acceptsObject({}); // Works!
This value can be undefined but it cannot be null
Add a question mark to indicate that the parameters of this function are optional
// @flow function acceptsOptionalString(value?: string) { // ... } acceptsOptionalString("bar"); // Works! acceptsOptionalString(undefined); // Works! acceptsOptionalString(null); // Error! acceptsOptionalString(); // Works!
New features of es5
// @flow function acceptsOptionalString(value: string = "foo") { // ... } acceptsOptionalString("bar"); // Works! acceptsOptionalString(undefined); // Works! acceptsOptionalString(null); // Error! acceptsOptionalString(); // Works!
flow does not support
flow can not only specify the type, it can also specify a specific value. Very awesome
Such as:
// @flow function acceptsTwo(value: 2) { // ... } acceptsTwo(2); // Works! // $ExpectError acceptsTwo(3); // Error! // $ExpectError acceptsTwo("2"); // Error!
Such as:
// @flow function getColor(name: "success" | "warning" | "danger") { switch (name) { case "success" : return "green"; case "warning" : return "yellow"; case "danger" : return "red"; } } getColor("success"); // Works! getColor("danger"); // Works! // $ExpectError getColor("error"); // Error!
You can match multiple types
function stringifyBasicValue(value: string | number) { return '' + value; }
You You can mark a type like Java's generics (with differences). The following example shows that the type returned by the function is the same as the type passed into the function.
function identity<T>(value: T): T { return value; }
You can mark a function as acceptable like this Parameters of any type
function getTypeOf(value: mixed): string { return typeof value; }
When you use mixed, although you can pass in any type, you must know what type it is when you return it, otherwise an error will be reported
// @flow function stringify(value: mixed) { // $ExpectError return "" + value; // Error! } stringify("foo");
Don’t confuse any and mixed. If you want to skip type checking, use any.
// @flow function add(one: any, two: any): number { return one + two; } add(1, 2); // Works. add("1", "2"); // Works. add({}, []); // Works.
As long as there are two situations, you can use any
New flow type check is added to the old code, and using other types will cause a lot of errors
When you clearly know that your code cannot pass the type check
When you declare any of the parameters passed in, then the parameters you return will also be any. Avoid this situation , need to cut it off
// @flow function fn(obj: any) /* (:number) */ { let foo: number = obj.foo; // 这句才是重点, 切断 any let bar /* (:number) */ = foo * 2; return bar; } let bar /* (:number) */ = fn({ foo: 2 }); let baz /* (:string) */ = "baz:" + bar;
is the one mentioned above that can be used? A question mark marks it as an optional type
var - declare a variable, selective assignment
let - declare a block-level variable, selective auxiliary
const - declare a block-level variable, assign a value, and cannot assign it again
The flow is divided into two groups, one group is let and var, which can be assigned again. , the other group is const which cannot be assigned again
const can inject the type you assign, or you can manually specify the type
// @flow const foo /* : number */ = 1; const bar: number = 2;
Same as above, these two can also automatically inject types
But if you inject the type automatically, you will not get an error when you reassign the modified type
If Statements, functions, and other conditional codes can accurately indicate what type they are, so you can avoid flow checks or error reports
// @flow let foo = 42; function mutate() { foo = true; foo = "hello"; } mutate(); // $ExpectError let isString: string = foo; // Error!
Try to avoid the above usage (personal recommendation)
Function has only two uses, either parameters or return value
// @flow function concat(a: string, b: string): string { return a + b; } concat("foo", "bar"); // Works! // $ExpectError concat(true, false); // Error!
Same as above
(str: string, bool?: boolean, ...nums: Array<number>) => void
function method(callback: (error: Error | null, value: string | null) => void) { // 上面表明, 这和函数接受的参数 只能是 error null 和 string 然后染回一个 undefined }
// @flow function method(optionalValue?: string) { // ... } method(); // Works. method(undefined); // Works. method("string"); // Works. // $ExpectError method(null); // Error!
function method(...args: Array<number>) { // ... 使类似java 泛型的 样子 来声明他的类型 }
function method(): number { // 若是标明了返回类型, 那么你的函数一定要有返回值,如果有条件判断语句,那么每个条件都要有返回值 }
You don’t need to comment this. The flow will automatically detect the context to determine the type of this.
function method() { return this; } var num: number = method.call(42); // $ExpectError var str: string = method.call(42);
But in the following situation, the flow will report an error
function truthy(a, b): boolean { return a && b; } function concat(a: ?string, b: ?string): string { if (truthy(a, b)) { // $ExpectError 问题出现再truthy 上 可能是 经过了隐式的类型转换 return a + b; } return ''; }
You can fix the above problem by using %check
on truthyfunction truthy(a, b): boolean %checks { return !!a && !!b; } function concat(a: ?string, b: ?string): string { if (truthy(a, b)) { return a + b; } return ''; }
如果你想跳过 flow 的 类型检查 , 除了用any 再函数上你还可以用 Function 不过这是不稳定的,你应该避免使用他
function method(func: Function) { func(1, 2); // Works. func("1", "2"); // Works. func({}, []); // Works. } method(function(a: number, b: number) { // ... });
// @flow var obj1: { foo: boolean } = { foo: true }; var obj2: { foo: number, bar: boolean, baz: string, } = { foo: 1, bar: true, baz: 'three', };
使用了flow, 对象不能访问不存再的属性, 以前是返回undefined 现在访问报错,如果想知道 访问并且赋值 会不会报错,(我建议你自己试一下)
你可以使用 ? 号来标明 这个属性 是可选的,可以为undefined
// @flow var obj: { foo?: boolean } = {}; obj.foo = true; // Works! // $ExpectError obj.foo = 'hello'; // Error!
标明了类型的属性, 他们可以是undefined(属性赋值为undefined) 或者 空着不写(空对象,), 但是他们不可以是null
密封对象的概念不懂的 可以去了解一下, 就是这个对象不可以修改,但是引用的对象还是可以修改的; 在flow中 这种对象知道所有你声明的属性的值的类型
// @flow var obj = { foo: 1, bar: true, baz: 'three' }; var foo: number = obj.foo; // Works! var bar: boolean = obj.bar; // Works! // $ExpectError var baz: null = obj.baz; // Error! var bat: string = obj.bat; // Error!
而且flow 不允许你往这种对象上面添加新的属性, 不然报错
注意了,flow 是静态类型检测工具 并不是动态的, 所以他不能在运行时判断你的变量是什么类型的, 所以他只能判断你这个对象是否是你赋值过的类型之一.
// @flow var obj = {}; if (Math.random()) obj.prop = true; else obj.prop = "hello"; // $ExpectError var val1: boolean = obj.prop; // Error! // $ExpectError var val2: string = obj.prop; // Error! var val3: boolean | string = obj.prop; // Works!
var obj = {}; obj.foo = 1; obj.bar = true; var foo: number = obj.foo; // Works! var bar: boolean = obj.bar; // Works! var baz: string = obj.baz; // Works? // 问题在这里 这里的baz 是不存在的属性, 把他定位string 并且给他一个undefined 是可行的, 但是这部安全, 避免使用
// @flow function method(obj: { foo: string }) { // ... } method({ foo: "test", // Works! bar: 42 // Works! });
flow 也支持精确的对象类型, 就是对象不能具有额外的属性;
// @flow var foo: {| foo: string |} = { foo: "Hello", bar: "World!" }; // Error!
如果你想结合精确对象, 需要用到 type 关键字, 我也不知道这个算不算操作符,应该是flow 底层编译支持的, 原声js 并没有这个东西
// @flow type FooT = {| foo: string |}; type BarT = {| bar: number |}; type FooBarFailT = FooT & BarT; // 通过这个& 操作可以把两种情况合并,匹配到 foo 和 bar 同时都有的对象 而且类型必须跟声明的一样 type FooBarT = {| ...FooT, ...BarT |}; const fooBarFail: FooBarFailT = { foo: '123', bar: 12 }; // Error! const fooBar: FooBarT = { foo: '123', bar: 12 }; // Works!
虽然有了maps 这个数据结构 但是把对象当作maps 使用 依然很常见
// @flow var o: { [string]: number } = {}; // 制定key值的类型, 可以设置这个类型下的任何key值 o["foo"] = 0; o["bar"] = 1; var foo: number = o["foo"];
// @flow var obj: { [user_id: number]: string } = {}; obj[1] = "Julia"; obj[2] = "Camille"; obj[3] = "Justin"; obj[4] = "Mark";
// @flow var obj: { size: number, [id: number]: string // 此处混合了 索引和命名 } = { size: 0 }; function add(id: number, name: string) { obj[id] = name; obj.size++; }
有时候你想创任意的对象, 那么你就可以传一个空对象,或者一个Object 但是后者是不安全的, 建议避免使用
let arr: Array<number> = [1, 2, 3]; let arr1: Array<boolean> = [true, false, true]; let arr2: Array<string> = ["A", "B", "C"]; let arr3: Array<mixed> = [1, true, "three"]
let arr: number[] = [0, 1, 2, 3]; let arr1: ?number[] = null; // Works! let arr2: ?number[] = [1, 2]; // Works! let arr3: ?number[] = [null]; // Error!
?number[] === ?Array
// @flow let array: Array<number> = [0, 1, 2]; let value: number = array[3]; // Works.// 这里超出了数组的容量
你可以通过下面这样的做法来避免, flow 并未修复这个问题, 所以需要开发者自己注意
let array: Array<number> = [0, 1, 2]; let value: number | void = array[1]; if (value !== undefined) { // number }
这个可以标记一个只能读 不能写的数组
// @flow const readonlyArray: $ReadOnlyArray\<number> = [1, 2, 3]
// @flow const readonlyArray: $ReadOnlyArray<{x: number}> = [{x: 1}]; readonlyArray[0] = {x: 42}; // Error! readonlyArray[0].x = 42; // OK
这是一种新的类型, 是一种短的列表,但是时又限制的集合,在 javascript 中这个用数组来声明
// 一个类型对应一个 item let tuple1: [number] = [1]; let tuple2: [number, boolean] = [1, true]; let tuple3: [number, boolean, string] = [1, true, "three"];
可以把取出的值 赋值给具有一样类型的变量, 如果index 超出了索引范围,那么就会返回undefined 在 flow 中也就是 void
// @flow let tuple: [number, boolean, string] = [1, true, "three"]; let num : number = tuple[0]; // Works! let bool : boolean = tuple[1]; // Works! let str : string = tuple[2]; // Works!
如果flow 不知道你要访问的时是那么类型, 那么他忽返回所有可能的类型,
// @flow let tuple: [number, boolean, string] = [1, true, "three"]; function getItem(n: number) { let val: number | boolean | string = tuple[n]; // ... }
javascript 的class 再flow 可以是值 也可以是类型
class MyClass { // ... } let myInstance: MyClass = new MyClass();
class 里的字段一定要声明类型了才可以用
// @flow class MyClass { prop: number;// 如果没有这行, 下的赋值会报错,因为prop 没确定类型 method() { this.prop = 42; } }
再外部使用的字段,必须要再class 的块里面声明一次
// @flow function func_we_use_everywhere (x: number): number { return x + 1; } class MyClass { static constant: number; // 内部声明 static helper: (number) => number; method: number => number; } MyClass.helper = func_we_use_everywhere MyClass.constant = 42 // 外部使用 MyClass.prototype.method = func_we_use_everywhere
class MyClass { prop: number = 42; }
class MyClass<A, B, C> { property: A; method(val: B): C { // ... } }
如果你要把class作为一个类型,你声明了几个泛型, 你就要传几个参数
// @flow class MyClass<A, B, C> { constructor(arg1: A, arg2: B, arg3: C) { // ... } } var val: MyClass<number, boolean, string> = new MyClass(1, true, 'three');
跟上面提到的 type 关键字一样
// @flow type MyObject = { foo: number, bar: boolean, baz: string, };
这个是类型别名 可以在不同的地方复用
// @flow type MyObject = { // ... }; var val: MyObject = { /* ... */ }; function method(val: MyObject) { /* ... */ } class Foo { constructor(val: MyObject) { /* ... */ } }
type MyObject<A, B, C> = { property: A, method(val: B): C, };
别名泛型是参数化的,也就是你用了以后, 你声明的所有参数 你全部都要传
// @flow type MyObject<A, B, C> = { foo: A, bar: B, baz: C, }; var val: MyObject<number, boolean, string> = { foo: 1, bar: true, baz: 'three', };
opaque type ID = string; // 一个新的关键字 并且这是声明一个不透明类型别名的语法
// @flow // 在这个例子,我理解的是 外部只能访问到这个文件的ID 类型, 并不能访问到这个文件里面的string 基础类型. 这就是不透明的类型别名 opaque type ID = string; function identity(x: ID): ID { return x; } export type {ID};
在一个 不透明的类型别名
opaque type Alias: SuperType = Type;
任何类型都可以作为父类型 或者 不透明的类型别名
opaque type StringAlias = string; opaque type ObjectAlias = { property: string, method(): number, }; opaque type UnionAlias = 1 | 2 | 3; opaque type AliasAlias: ObjectAlias = ObjectAlias; opaque type VeryOpaque: AliasAlias = ObjectAlias;
//@flow opaque type NumberAlias = number; (0: NumberAlias); function add(x: NumberAlias, y: NumberAlias): NumberAlias { return x + y; } function toNumberAlias(x: number): NumberAlias { return x; } function toNumber(x: NumberAlias): number { return x; }
当你inport 一个 不透明的类型别是时候,他会隐藏基础类型
export opaque type NumberAlias = number;
import type {NumberAlias} from './exports'; (0: NumberAlias) // Error: 0 is not a NumberAlias! function convert(x: NumberAlias): number { return x; // Error: x is not a number! }
当你添加一个子 类型约束在一个不透明的类型别名上时, 我们允许不透明类型在被定义文件的外部被用作父类型
export opaque type ID: string = string;
import type {ID} from './exports'; function formatID(x: ID): string { return "ID: " + x; // Ok! IDs are strings. } function toID(x: string): ID { return x; // Error: strings are not IDs. }
当你创建一个拥有子类型约束的 不透明类型别名, 这个类型在类型中的位置一定要是这个类型的子类型在父类中的位置 (这里的概念应该是跟泛型的概念差不多, 不相关的类型不可以强制转换)
//@flow opaque type Bad: string = number; // Error: number is not a subtype of string opaque type Good: {x: string} = {x: string, y: number};
不透明类型别名 有他们自己的泛型, 但是他们跟正常的泛型是差不多的
// @flow opaque type MyObject<A, B, C>: { foo: A, bar: B } = { foo: A, bar: B, baz: C, }; var val: MyObject<number, boolean, string> = { foo: 1, bar: true, baz: 'three', };
// @flow interface Serializable { serialize(): string; } class Foo { serialize() { return '[Foo]'; } } class Bar { serialize() { return '[Bar]'; } } const foo: Serializable = new Foo(); // Works! const bar: Serializable = new Bar(); // Works!
如果你怕出错, 你可以手动的 使用 implements 告诉flow 哪些类实现了哪些接口,这可以预防你修改class 的时候出现错误
// @flow interface Serializable { serialize(): string; } class Foo implements Serializable { serialize() { return '[Foo]'; } // Works! } class Bar implements Serializable { // $ExpectError serialize() { return 42; } // Error! // 不能返回一个number }
interface MyInterface { property?: string; }
接口跟maps 联合
interface MyInterface { [key: string]: number; }
interface MyInterface<A, B, C> { property: A; method(val: B): C; }
规矩还在,泛型你用了几个 ,你使用的时候 就要传递几个参数
// @flow interface MyInterface<A, B, C> { foo: A; bar: B; baz: C; } var val: MyInterface<number, boolean, string> = { foo: 1, bar: true, baz: 'three', };
的, 但是你可以添加修饰符让他们变成 covariant
interface MyInterface { +covariant: number; // read-only 只读 不能修改 -contravariant: number; // write-only 只能修改, 不能读取 }
interface MyInterface { +readOnly: number | string; }
// @flow // $ExpectError interface Invariant { property: number | string } interface Covariant { +readOnly: number | string } var value1: Invariant = { property: 42 }; // Error! var value2: Covariant = { readOnly: 42 }; // Works!
协变(covariant) 属性 通常是只读的,他比正常的属性更有用
// @flow interface Invariant { property: number | string } interface Covariant { +readOnly: number | string } function method1(value: Invariant) { value.property; // Works! value.property = 3.14; // Works! } function method2(value: Covariant) { value.readOnly; // Works! // $ExpectError value.readOnly = 3.14; // Error! }
逆变 只写属性 允许你传递更少的类型
// @flow interface Invariant { property: number } interface Contravariant { -writeOnly: number } var numberOrString = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 42 : 'forty-two'; // $ExpectError var value1: Invariant = { property: numberOrString }; // Error! var value2: Contravariant = { writeOnly: numberOrString }; // Works! 可以看到 上面声明了 number 可是这个numberOrString 有两种返回值, 他只能匹配一种 他野是可以传递的
interface Invariant { property: number } interface Contravariant { -writeOnly: number } function method1(value: Invariant) { value.property; // Works! value.property = 3.14; // Works! } function method2(value: Contravariant) { // $ExpectError value.writeOnly; // Error! value.writeOnly = 3.14; // Works! }
使用 | 分开
Type1 | Type2 | ... | TypeN
type Foo = | Type1 | Type2 | ... | TypeN
type Numbers = 1 | 2; type Colors = 'red' | 'blue' type Fish = Numbers | Colors;
// @flow // $ExpectError function toStringPrimitives(value: number | boolean | string): string { // Error! if (typeof value === 'number') { return String(value); } else if (typeof value === 'boolean') { return String(value); } // 注意这个函数会报错是因为 你用了if 条件语句 并没有在所有的情况中返回值, 如果返回了undefined 那么就不符合 string 类型,所以就报错了 }
这里是上面演示的说明,可以使用 typeof 关键字来应对逐一的类型
// @flow function toStringPrimitives(value: number | boolean | string) { if (typeof value === 'number') { return value.toLocaleString([], { maximumSignificantDigits: 3 }); // Works! } // ... }
想象我们有一个处理发送了请求之后响应的函数,当请求成功你那个的时候,我们得到一个对象,这个对象有 一个 success 属性 值为true 还有一个值我们需要更新的值, value
{ success: true, value: false };
当请求失败的时候,我们得到一个对象这个对象有一个 success 属性 值为false,和一个 error 属性,定义了一个错误.
{ success: false, error: 'Bad request' };
我们可以尝试用一个对象去描述这两个对象, 然而我们很快就发生了一个问题, 就是我们知道一个属性的存在与否(value 或者 error ) 取决于success(因为success为 true 那么 value才会存在) 但是 Flow 不知道.
// @flow type Response = { success: boolean, value?: boolean, error?: string }; function handleResponse(response: Response) { if (response.success) { // $ExpectError var value: boolean = response.value; // Error! } else { // $ExpectError var error: string = response.error; // Error! } }
取而代之,如果我们创建一个两个对象类型的联盟类型,Flow 会知道基于success 属性 我们会使用哪个对象
// @flow type Success = { success: true, value: boolean }; type Failed = { success: false, error: string }; type Response = Success | Failed; (这就是脱节联盟) function handleResponse(response: Response) { if (response.success) { var value: boolean = response.value; // Works! } else { var error: string = response.error; // Works! } }
// @flow type Success = { success: true, value: boolean }; type Failed = { error: true, message: string }; function handleResponse(response: Success | Failed) { if (response.success) { // $ExpectError var value: boolean = response.value; // Error! } } // 不懂的跟上面的对比一下, 两个对象必须要有一个属性是相同的
然而 你可以用精确对象类型
// @flow type Success = {| success: true, value: boolean |}; type Failed = {| error: true, message: string |}; // 精确的也就是说 不可以扩展对象, 他该是哪个就是哪个 不存在混乱 type Response = Success | Failed; function handleResponse(response: Response) { if (response.success) { var value: boolean = response.value; } else { var message: string = response.message; } }
// @flow type A = { a: number }; type B = { b: boolean }; type C = { c: string }; function method(value: A & B & C) { // ... } // $ExpectError method({ a: 1 }); // Error! // $ExpectError method({ a: 1, b: true }); // Error! method({ a: 1, b: true, c: 'three' }); // Works!
可以把上面的连门类型理解为或 把交叉类型理解为& 语法都是一样的
type Foo = & Type1 & Type2 & ... & TypeN type Foo = Type1 & Type2; type Bar = Type3 & Type4; type Baz = Foo & Bar;
我们在函数中和联盟函数相反, 我们不如传入所有的类型,但是在函数里面我们只需要做处理一种情况就OK
// @flow type A = { a: number }; type B = { b: boolean }; type C = { c: string }; function method(value: A & B & C) { var a: A = value; var b: B = value; var c: C = value; }
你总不能一个值 是数字的同时又是字符串吧
// @flow type NumberAndString = number & string; function method(value: NumberAndString) { // ... } // $ExpectError method(3.14); // Error! // $ExpectError method('hi'); // Error!
// @flow type One = { foo: number }; type Two = { bar: boolean }; type Both = One & Two; var value: Both = { foo: 1, bar: true };
如果声明的属性类型相同, 就相当于你声明了一个 交叉类型的属性
js有一个typeof 关键字,他会返回一个字符串说明
然而他是有限制的,typeof 对象 数组 null 都是 object
所以在flow中, 他把这个关键字重载了
// @flow let num1 = 42; let num2: typeof num1 = 3.14; // Works! // $ExpectError let num3: typeof num1 = 'world'; // Error! let bool1 = true; let bool2: typeof bool1 = false; // Works! // $ExpectError let bool3: typeof bool1 = 42; // Error! let str1 = 'hello'; let str2: typeof str1 = 'world'; // Works! // $ExpectError let str3: typeof str1 = false; // Error!
你可以typeof 任何值
// @flow let obj1 = { foo: 1, bar: true, baz: 'three' }; let obj2: typeof obj1 = { foo: 42, bar: false, baz: 'hello' }; let arr1 = [1, 2, 3]; let arr2: typeof arr1 = [3, 2, 1];
你可以用typeof 的返回值作为一个类型
但是如果你typeof 一个指定了字面量类型的 变量, 那么那个类型就是字面量的值了
// @flow let num1: 42 = 42; // $ExpectError let num2: typeof num1 = 3.14; // Error! // 看这里 num1 的type 指定了是 42 那么 typeof num1 不会返回number 会返回 42 所以3.14 不符合 let bool1: true = true; // $ExpectError let bool2: typeof bool1 = false; // Error! let str1: 'hello' = 'hello'; // $ExpectError let str2: typeof str1 = 'world'; // Error!
// @flow class MyClass { method(val: number) { /* ... */ } } class YourClass { method(val: number) { /* ... */ } } // $ExpectError let test1: typeof MyClass = YourClass; // Error! let test2: typeof MyClass = MyClass; // Works! // 看这里 es6 的类并不是一种类型, 只是一种语法糖而已,内部机制还是原型链, 所以 typeof MyClass 不会等于YourClass
有时不使用函数和变量去声明一个类型是很有用的,所以flow 支持多种方式去干这个事情(声明一个类型)
(value: Type)
let val = (value: Type); let obj = { prop: (value: Type) }; let arr = ([(value: Type), (value: Type)]: Array<Type>);
(2 + 2: number);
// @flow let value = 42; // 这个的作用就是把变量 嵌入到一个类型中去 (value: 42); // Works! (value: number); // Works! (value: string); // Error!
// @flow let value = 42; (value: 42); // Works! (value: number); // Works! let newValue = (value: number); // $ExpectError (newValue: 42); // Error! (newValue: number); // Works!
let value = 42; (value: number); // Works! // $ExpectError (value: string); // Error! // 这里先把value 变成any 再变成string let newValue = ((value: any): string); // $ExpectError (newValue: number); // Error! // 生效了 (newValue: string); // Works!
若是你想检查一个对象的类型,你不能直接 typeof 你得先用 断言表达式去转换然后再用typeof 去检查
function clone(obj: { [key: string]: mixed }) { const cloneobj = {}; Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => { cloneobj[key] = obj[key]; }); return ((cloneobj: any): typeof obj); } const obj = clone({foo: 1}) (obj.foo: 1) // 出错!
function clone(obj) { (obj: { [key: string]: mixed }); const cloneobj = {}; Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => { cloneobj[key] = obj[key]; }); return ((cloneobj: any): typeof obj); } const obj = clone({foo: 1}) (obj.foo: 1) // ok!
flow 提供了一系列的 工具类型, 以便于再一些常见场景使用
上面由类似的, 就是一个export 一个 import
感觉没多大用处, 可以做一些标记,这个可以在不通过flow 编译的情况下直接使用在js文件上
// @flow /*:: type MyAlias = { foo: number, bar: boolean, baz: string, }; */ function method(value /*: MyAlias */) /*: boolean */ { return value.bar; } method({ foo: 1, bar: true, baz: ["oops"] });
看完能看懂所有flow 代码了吧...
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