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Java basic theory and programming language classification

2018-08-10 14:35:492307browse

Abstract: Summary of Class Notes 1 Theory 2 Basic Logic if eise for while 3: 1: Java Language Programming Language Natural Language Computer Language 2: Programming Language Classification Based on Data Type Strongly Typed Programming Language Weakly Typed Programming Language: eg C language

Class notes 4.23

1 Theory
2 Basic logic if eise for while


1: java language programming language natural language


2: Programming language classification

        根据数据类型    强类型编程语言
               弱类型编程语言 :eg C语言
       根据执行方式    编译执行---Java源文件---javac编程---java执行     Java----class
                  解释执行---shell脚本---.sh源文件---更改x权限---执行  C----a.out

3. Computer language classification compilation: Java, C, C

               解释: shell、 Python、PHP

Comments : java is a language where compilation and interpretation coexist


4. Composition of programming language

    ×开发中常用包 API  ---工作当中经常用到 --application platform interface应用平台网络接口
       ×集成环境IDE  ---Integrated Development Environment

Note: JDK is also a simple IDE

Note: It is best to install software and apps 1~2 versions lower than the latest version

Note: The teacher recommends a book: "Self-Study Programming Language" //If you are interested in the language

Classification of Java language---- According to different applicable fields

  ----JavaSE 新(J2SE 旧)--必学的--   java 2 platform standard edition

  ----JavaME  (J2ME)----用的比较少--
  ----JavaEE   (J2EE) ----大行其道---   JavaWeb   //Java工程师----JavaEE----后台开发的

5. JavaSE(14day) ---Android API


6.---JDK---//Development tool lib ---javac == ===Java Development kit & Java Development Kit

----JRE---// lib =====Java Runtime Environment =====Java Runtime Environment

----JVM---- Virtual machine//JRE and JVM are bundled together

//Learn more about java later "JVM Virtual Machine Principles"

7. Environment variables


---Path system environment variable-----javac can be used everywhere

---clasPath----.java-----.class-----.java file storage directory

================ ==
export Path = $ Path
export classport

export JAVA_HOME

Path /tools/jdk/8/bin

Java_HOME tools/jdk/8 /---------IDE development tools//Note: Looking for Java development tools

8. Naming rules for indicators? ==========The class name is exactly the same as the file name

9. Data type

    ----基本数据类型-----Java默认存在  //数据类型 ==  变量名== 初始值

   -----引用数据类型  ---java存在的  -----Scanner
                -----自定义类  //类名 == 变量名==对象的初始值

//"Reference data type"-----from hadoop, project The beginning will involve reference data types

//Learn about the data types of C language

// -----Byte----Unit byte

   -----bit-----比特  1010

//Countermeasures against fuzzy concepts======List similar word concepts for "comparison" to strengthen memory====A recommended learning technique

//========= ===============

How to listen to the class? How to practice? How? Efficiency in listening to lectures?
**'Write', 'Remember', 'Ask'==== "Ask" is very important
**Review and sort out in the afternoon
**Think =========Horizontal penetration========

10. Data conversion

Small---Large========No accuracy will be lost

Large---Small========Accuracy will be lost

Comments: Data type conversion will be tested during the interview

"Forced type conversion"---Read the courseware in advance

11. Data conversion of reference types

--- The numbers must be correct to force conversion---

==================================== ============================

public static -----void----- --- -main (String[] args)----

Modifier return value type method name (parameter list)

Custom method steps:


? ????
Return value type: There is a return value (return value is required) ----- Select ==== basic data type and reference data type

        没有返回值  ------void

12. Homework 50 this week Job code

Related recommendations:

Summary of the four and eight basic data types of Java

Java language cross-platform principle-JAVA Elementary introductory video tutorial

The above is the detailed content of Java basic theory and programming language classification. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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