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The latest compilation of 100 basic questions and answers about WeChat mini programs that must be mastered

2018-08-02 15:39:145072browse

This article is about 100 common questions about small program development. It took me several hours to compile it. I want to share it. I will save it and use it for future review. I belong to The forgetful type, so I backed up myself first. I believe those who have done WeChat applet development will be familiar with these 100 questions. Do you all really understand them? So let me take you more deeply into the big family of small program development. apache php mysql

1.Q: Does the WeChat payment subject need to be the same as the mini program subject?

A: It must be the same subject

2.Q: How long does it usually take to activate WeChat payment?

A: 1-5 working days

3.Q: WeChat payment merchant fills in the settlement account and cannot find the account opening bank

A: WeChat payment merchant application If you cannot find your bank when filling in your settlement account, please select "Other Banks" and manually fill in the full name of your branch, for example: China Construction Bank Foshan Huanshi Branch.

4.Q: Can I modify the review materials submitted for opening WeChat payment?

A: Modification is not supported during the review. Once the review is passed, you will be notified by email. If you fail the review, you will be notified by phone to modify the information and submit it for review again. You can modify the information up to 3 times for free.

5.Q: Can WeChat payment application be processed expedited?

A: Expedited processing is not currently supported

6.Q: How to restore the application after payment verification failed 3 times

A: Feedback address: http:/ /kf.qq.com/faq/161226nUNVvE161226UvINfY.html

7.Q: How to obtain the API security certificate of the WeChat Pay Merchant Platform merchant account?

A: Log in to the WeChat payment merchant platform, click [Account Center] → [API Security] → [Download Certificate]

8.Q: What is the WeChat payment fee and settlement cycle?

A: "Merchant Category Corresponding Qualifications, Rates, and Settlement Cycles" table


9.Q: How many mini programs can be registered with one email address? How many mini programs can individuals, individual businesses, and enterprises register each?


①. The same email address can only apply for registration of 1 mini program;

②. Individuals and individual industrial and commercial households can register 5 mini programs

③. Enterprise qualifications can register 50 mini programs

Warm reminder: Currently, mobile phone numbers, ID cards, business licenses, and organization codes in mainland China are supported (excluding Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan). Other countries are not supported at the moment. .

10.Q: Can I change the administrator after registering the mini program? Can the subject information be changed?


①. You can change the administrator. Log in to the mini program background → User identity → Modify

②. The main information does not support changes at the moment

11.Q: How to configure and use online customer service in the mini program?

A: Log in to the WeChat public platform → Customer Service Message → Click to add

12.Q: Where can I see the AppID and AppSecret of the mini program?

A: Log in to the WeChat public platform → Settings → Development Settings

13.Q: How to add experiencers/developers?

A: Log in to the WeChat public platform → User identity → Add member

14.Q: Why is it prompted that the name already exists when registering the mini program?

A: The name of the mini program is unique, so during the registration process, if the system detects that an account already uses that name, a prompt will appear on the page: The name is already occupied.

15.Q: What should I do if it prompts that the name is occupied when registering the mini program?

A: If the name is occupied, you can complain against the account occupying the name through an infringement complaint. After providing the right to use the name on the infringement complaint page, Tencent will have a dedicated person to review it. After the infringement complaint is successful, The name will be released and can be applied for use.

16.Q: Can the mini program name have the same name as the official account name?

A: The same subject can use the same name

17.Q: Mini program WeChat authentication What's the fare?

A: To apply for WeChat certification on the WeChat public platform, you need to pay a certification fee of 300 yuan/time.

Warm reminder: If the WeChat authentication of the mini program fails, the authentication fee will not be refunded. The notification center will remind you of the final submission deadline for filling in the information. Please fill in the information in time within this period. Please pay attention to the WeChat public platform for details. Notification Center

18.Q: How long is the validity period of WeChat authentication for mini programs?

A: After WeChat certification is successful, it will be valid for one year starting from the date of successful certification

19.Q: How to add the business service category of the mini program?

A: Log in to the Mini Program backend→Settings→Basic Settings→Service Category→Details→Add Service Category

20.Q: How to enable/disable users searching for Mini Program accounts by name ?

A: Log in to the mini program backstage → Settings → Basic settings → Privacy settings

21.Q: Can individuals register for the WeChat mini program? What is the difference between personal and business registration mini programs?

A: Yes, compared with enterprise mini programs, personal mini programs do not have WeChat payment and nearby functions, and the service categories are also different from enterprise mini programs.

22.Q: Can the customer service function of WeChat mini program be used on mobile phones?

A: Currently, the web version of the WeChat public platform customer service tool is supported for customer service reply messages. Replying to messages on the mobile phone requires access to third-party software.

23.Q: The online mini program needs to be modified. Does the product information in the mini program need to be repackaged, downloaded and submitted for review?

A: No need, information will be synchronized automatically

24.Q: How many Yunzhi official website accounts can be registered with one mobile phone number?

A: Only one mobile phone number can be registered for one account

25.Q: Can the template in the online mini program be changed?

A: Yes, you need to repackage the download and submit it for review

26.Q: How many customer services can be bound to the mini program?

A: 100

27.Q: The code review failed, what should I do?

A: Details can be foundhttp://kf.qq.com/faq/170110RBJRVR170110J3MNjq.html

28.Q: How long does it take to review the code of a general mini program?

A: Log in to the mini program backend and enter development management. The uploaded code will be displayed in the development version. The administrator can submit the code for review or delete it. The code review will be completed in 2-3 working days

29.Q: Can foreign business licenses certify small programs?

A: Not currently possible

30.Q: Issues with invoicing for WeChat certification fees?

A: When authenticating with WeChat, when checking "Issue Invoice", you can choose "General Invoice (Quota Invoice)" or "Special Value-Added Tax Invoice", select the invoice type and fill in the corresponding information according to the page prompts. Tencent will issue an invoice, and Tencent will bear the postage.

31.Q: Why cannot the full name of the subject (enterprise/organization) be modified during the annual review of WeChat certification?

A: Due to the change of the certification body, relevant business income may be stolen to other companies/organizations; at the same time, others follow the public account because it is company A. If it suddenly changes to company B, it will also happen. Reduce the credibility of the platform and accounts to users. Therefore, during the annual review of WeChat certification, the full name of the certification subject (enterprise/organization) does not support modification.

32.Q: What is "nearby mini program"?

A: Add a location in the background of the mini program to display the mini program. When users are around this location, they can discover and use the services provided by the mini program in the "nearby mini programs" in the WeChat mini program entrance.

33.Q: What are the requirements for creating nearby Mini Program locations?

A: 1. The operating entity of the location is consistent with or related to the Mini Program account entity

2. Business qualification information can be provided, such as business license or organization code certificate, etc.

34.Q: How many locations can be added to the nearby mini program with one qualification?

A: One business qualification can only add one location, and one location can only display one mini program.

35.Q: Is the qualification for mini program reuse of public accounts quickly certified?

A: Use your certified WeChat official account to quickly register for the certification mini program (there are five places per month), and there is no certification fee of 300 yuan.

36.Q: Can mini programs be placed on the bottom menu of official accounts?

A: Yes, log in to the official account and click the custom menu to set it up

37.Q: What are the privileges of WeChat authentication for mini programs?


1. Certified mini program accounts can apply for the WeChat payment function;

2. Uncertified personal mini programs can be bound to up to 5 developers and 10 experiencers.

3. A certified mini program can be bound to up to 30 developers and 60 experiencers.

38.Q: Can the name of the mini program be changed?

A: 1. Personal Mini Program: There are two opportunities to change the name every year

2. Enterprise Mini Program: Unpublished Mini Programs have two opportunities to change their name before they are released and launched; published A certification fee of 300 yuan is required to change the name of the online mini program

39.Q: Can the mini program and official account of the same subject have the same name?

A: The official account and the mini program belong to the same entity and can have the same name.

40.Q: A company makes multiple corporate display applets with the same content. Can one set of programs be shared?

A: No, because the APPID and site ID of each mini program are different, they need to be uploaded separately.

41.Q: How to modify the email address for WeChat payment

A: Enter the merchant platform (pay.weixin.qq.com), click [Account Center]->[Merchant Information]-> ;[Modify]

42.Q: What items should be filled in for the mini program public platform domain name?

A: Enter the mini program platform→Settings→Development Settings→Server domain name, currently you only need to fill in the domain name :wxapp.yz168.cc

43.Q:Introduction to the new settlement rules of WeChat payment


44.Q: Does the WeChat mini program support Alipay payment?

A: Not supported

45.Q: How to check the payment authentication of WeChat payment authentication?

A: Check the bill flow of the corporate account, and you will receive the WeChat payment amount

46.Q: How to receive the WeChat payment merchant number and password?

A: It will be sent by email to the email address you filled in when registering

47.Q: Where is the transaction amount of the WeChat mini program paid to?

A: Payment to The merchant account bound when activating WeChat payment is

48.Q: In what ways can I open the mini program?

A: Scan the QR code offline, share the QR code with friends, groups, and circles of friends, and connect to public accounts to enter, etc. 42 entrances

49.Q: Cloud Zhi mini program background upload Is there a product quantity limit?

A: No limit

50.Q: What payment methods are supported, and does UnionPay be supported?

A: Only supports WeChat payment (you can pay through the mini program membership balance)

51.Q: The mini program application for nearby mini programs has been approved, why can’t it be found in the nearby mini programs? Woolen cloth?

A: There is an official delay on WeChat, please wait a few days before searching again

52.Q: Who has the permission to log in to the WeChat web developer tools?

A: Managers and developers

53.Q: Can the number of daily launches of mini programs be viewed on the mobile phone?

A: Yes, search "Mini Program Data Assistant" in the mini program to view

54.Q: Which official account, service account, or subscription account does not have a payment function?

A: Subscription accounts do not have payment functions

55.Q: Can mini programs developed by personal subscription accounts be displayed in nearby mini programs?

A: Since the personal subscription account cannot be authenticated, the personal subscription account cannot be directly associated with the mini program. If an individual wants to register the mini program, he or she can only register the mini program separately.

56.Q: Can the nearby mini program address be virtualized when applying for a mini program?

A: No, WeChat will verify the address of the business license

57.Q: How to prove that the business entity of the location is related to the official account or mini program account entity?

A: Please see Tencent’s instructionshttp://kf.qq.com/faq/170401biyayY170401rau6Fr.html

58.Q: The QR code of the mini program and How to obtain the mini program code?

A: Log in to the WeChat public platform → Settings → Basic settings, click the mini program code to download more sizes, you can download ordinary QR codes and mini program codes

59.Q: Mini programs are available Set up SMS messages for orders?

A: Yes. After purchasing the SMS package, configure it to the cloud finger system background, and customers can receive the order message when placing an order.

60.Q: How to activate enterprise payment to get change?

A: Log in to the WeChat Pay Merchant Platform → Product Center → My Products → Operational Tools → Enterprise Payment to Change

61.Q: What conditions need to be met to enable enterprise payment to change?

A: WeChat payment needs to be activated for 90 days, and the merchant account must have a 30-day continuous transaction record; if these two conditions are not met, the option of corporate payment to change will not be displayed in the product center.

62.Q: Why can I see that when I click on a nearby mini program, I can see that some mini programs have “shop” in red font at the end of their names?

A: This is WeChat’s official store mini program. You need to apply on the WeChat mini program platform.

63.Q: Can individuals make Alipay mini programs?

A: No, the Alipay mini program is currently in the public beta stage. Only enterprise qualifications can apply for public beta production of the Alipay mini program.

64.Q: I forgot to bind the WeChat public platform after opening WeChat payment. What should I do with my merchant number?

A: Log in to the WeChat public platform → WeChat payment, you can check an email, log in to this email to check the bound merchant number and password

65.Q: How many applications can be made for the same mini program? A nearby mini program location?

A: A public account or mini program account can add 10 locations by default, but the business qualification certificate numbers must be different, and duplicate ones cannot apply for multiple locations. If you still have a food business license number, you can also use it to apply for another position.

66.Q: Can an enterprise type be bound to a legal person bank card?

A: No, corporate accounts can only be bound to corporate accounts, and individual industrial and commercial households can only be bound to legal person bank cards.

67.Q: How many users can a small program be bound to at most? Official account related?

A: A mini program can be associated with up to 50 official accounts

68.Q: How many mini programs can be associated with an official account?

A: A public account can be associated with 10 mini programs under the same entity and 3 mini programs with different entities, and can be associated with up to 13 mini programs

69. Q: Different versions of the mini program Can I switch freely?

A: No.

70.Q: How to check whether the mini program name can be registered and used? (How to search words?)

A: WeChat officially does not have a special word search function, but there are still tricks. Please check the word search methods compiled by Yunzhi. http://help.yz168.com/NewsDetail/450334.html

71.Q: How to optimize the ranking of mini programs?

A: Ranking rules for mini programs:

1) The earlier the mini program is launched, the higher the ranking;

2) Exactly matching keywords appear in the description The more times, the higher the ranking;

3) The keyword in the title appears once, and the shorter the number of words in the overall title, the higher the ranking;

4) The number of WeChat mini program users The more, the higher the ranking;

5) The name of the mini program is used as the core keyword ranking;

72.Q: Can I apply for the mini program for others first, and then transfer it to him later? ?

A: The mini program cannot be transferred, the subject information cannot be modified, and only the administrator identity can be modified.

73.Q: Does the address of the nearby mini program have to be consistent with the address on the business license?

A: No, the address of the nearby applet added can be consistent with the business license or a related address. Each added address needs to be submitted to WeChat for review and can only be displayed after passing the review.

74.Q: How long does it usually take to review the address of a nearby mini program?

A: Usually 7 working days

75.Q: Can individuals register for mini programs?

A: Yes, but the mini program registered by an individual cannot be authenticated and cannot use the payment function.

76.Q: If I have already established a distribution mall before, can members of the mini program open it?

A: Yes, if you purchase from the Yunzhi Distribution Mall, you can contact your sales specialist to apply for opening a small program associated with the mall. The memberships between the two are connected.

77.Q: Do I need to pay the certification fee of 300 yuan every year?

A: Yes, the period after successful certification is one year. After expiration, you need to submit another certification and pay a fee of 300 yuan.

78.Q: Can hyperlinks be added to mini programs? For example, add a link to jump to the micro official website?

A: At present, Tencent has not opened the function of external links in mini programs, so external links added to mini programs will be invalid.

79.Q: Can mini programs realize automatic identification of store mini programs?

A: Yes, a public account can add a store applet. After opening the nearby mini program, the closer the user reaches the location to the store, the higher the search ranking will be.

80.Q: Can mini programs use special characters to represent names?

A: The mini program name can be in Chinese, numbers, or English. The length is between 4-30 characters. For detailed rules, please check: http://kf.qq.com/faq/120911VrYVrA161028qeiye2.html

81. Q: How about the WeChat public account? What about the link applet?

A. There are two methods: 1) Add a directly associated mini program in the mini program management office of the WeChat official account background (the official account can be associated with 10 mini programs of the same entity and 3 mini programs of different entities) . The same mini program can be associated with up to 500 public accounts)

2) Use the public account custom menu in the background of the cloud finger system to set the link mini program

82.Q: Visits to the mini program Does the data record WeChat ID or IP number?

A: It records the accessed page address. Detailed data can be viewed by searching "Mini Program Data Assistant" in the mini program.

83.Q: The mini program is newly added in the website building system. If the website building function is updated, will the mini program also be updated?

A: No, the mini program is a separate function, and updating the website is a function of building the website.

84.Q: Must the mini program use an SSL certificate?

A: Yes. In order to protect the security of mini program applications, WeChat's official requirements document requires that each WeChat mini program must set a communication domain name in advance and conduct network communication through HTTPS requests. Domain names and protocols that do not meet the conditions cannot be requested.

As a third-party developer of mini programs, Yunzhi has already configured the domain name of the HTTPS certificate in advance. All mini program users of Yunzhi do not need to purchase additional SSL certificates.

85.Q: What are the association rules between official accounts and mini programs?


1) Enterprises, governments, media, and other organizational entities can register 50 mini programs, and self-employed individuals and individual entities can register 5 mini programs.

2) The public account can be associated with 10 mini programs of the same entity and 3 mini programs of different entities.

3) Mini programs can be associated with up to 50 public accounts.

4) The public account can add 10 mini programs associated with the same entity and 3 mini programs with different entities in one month.

5) A mini program can be associated with an official account 50 times in a month.

86.Q: What are the taboos when setting promotion keywords in mini programs?


1) The keyword must be the service provided by the mini program, or the brand of the service provided by the mini program;

2) The use of other brand names is prohibited;

3) It is prohibited to use unauthorized celebrity names;

4) It is prohibited to involve pornography, violence, and political sensitivity;

5) It is prohibited to use single characters;

6) It is forbidden to use special symbols in keywords;

87.Q: Can the mini program call third-party videos?

A: No, Tencent has not yet enabled this function. To address this issue, Cloudfinger has enabled mini-program videos to be uploaded to the Cloudfinger server for calls.

88.Q: Can mini programs be edited as freely as website building?

A: Yes, the Yunzhi mini program will officially open the homepage editing function on January 5.

89.Q: Why does the service category of the mini program display "Expired"?

A: Because Tencent is constantly refining the service categories of mini programs, when Tencent verifies that the service category you added does not match the scope of the business license, it will cancel your service category. Then You can only re-add service categories.

90.Q: How to apply for WeChat mini program?

A: There are two ways to apply for a mini program. Check the detailed operation address:


91.Q: The mini program has passed the review, why can’t I search it in the WeChat mini program?

A: Because after the mini program is approved, you still need to log in to the WeChat mini program platform and "click to publish". The mini program can be searched within 2 hours.

92.Q: How to upload a mini program to WeChat for review and release?

A: Generate a mini program code package from the built mini program site, decompress it and upload it to the developer tools (you need to download the WeChat developer tools), and finally submit it for review. If you are using the Yunzhi mini program, please refer to the detailed tutorialhttp://help.yz168.com/NewsDetail/384761.html

93.Q: Why did you change the mini program? Program templates, do you see the previous template when searching for mini programs on WeChat?

A: After replacing the mini program template, you need to re-download the compressed package → upload to Tencent for review → publish to see the new template interface.

94.Q: If the products and articles in the mini program are updated, do I need to resubmit them for review?

A: No, information will be synchronized automatically.

95.Q: Can the avatar and introduction of the mini program be modified?

A: Yes, it can only be modified 5 times per month.

96.Q: Can the service category of the mini program be modified?

A: No, you can only delete the previous category and add it again. You can only modify it 3 times a month.

97.Q: I forgot the AppSecret (mini program key) of the mini program, what should I do? Can it be retrieved?

A: No, you can only log in to the WeChat mini program platform → Settings → Development settings → Reset

98.Q: Can I add my own domain name to the server domain name of the mini program?

A: No, if you are using the cloud finger mini program, you can use our server domain name: wxapp.yz168.cc

99.Q: Can the mini program use the payment function? ? How to set it up?

A: Yes, please see the specific setting stepshttp://help.yz168.com/NewsDetail/452946.html

100.Q: How to use The group-building function of the mini program?

A: The group-building function of the mini program needs to be developed by a third-party development company.

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The above is the detailed content of The latest compilation of 100 basic questions and answers about WeChat mini programs that must be mastered. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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