Home >WeChat Applet >WeChat Development >The code is still easy to use, and you can determine whether the user has followed the official account in just a few steps.
Many of today’s activities guide users to follow public accounts in order to participate in activities. How to judge whether users have followed public accounts is actually very simple. Follow this article and you will no longer have to worry. The php code in this article is very simple. Explained in detail.
Log in to WeChat public platform and enter basic configuration. Two parameters need to be used in development, appId and appSecret (appSecret is only displayed once and needs to be saved, otherwise it needs to be reset and obtained).
You need to add an IP whitelist when obtaining access_token.
Click to view
Click to modify
Enter the official account settings=》Function settings=》Web page authorized domain nameClick settings, enter the domain name of the authorization callback page in the input box, refer to point 1 (only one can be filled in), download the txt in point 3 Documents are uploaded to the root directory of the server.
This token is valid for 2 hours and can be temporarily stored. It is required after expiration Reacquire.
PS: The project must use the same interface, otherwise it will easily lead to expiration due to mutual brushing.
public static function getToken($appid, $appsecret){ $url = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/token?grant_type=client_credential&appid='.$appid.'&secret='.$appsecret; return Curl::callWebServer($url); } 正确返回结果: { "access_token": "ACCESS_TOKEN", "expires_in": 7200 } 返回结果参数说明: 参数 说明 access_token 获取到的全局token expires_in 凭证有效时间,单位:秒 错误返回结果: {"errcode": 40013, "errmsg": "invalid appid"} 返回结果参数说明: 返回码 说明 -1 系统繁忙,此时请开发者稍候再试 0 请求成功 40001 AppSecret错误或者AppSecret不属于这个公众号,请开发者确认 AppSecret的正确性 40002 请确保grant_type字段值为client_credential 40164 调用接口的IP地址不在白名单中,请在接口IP白名单中进行设置。(小程序及小游戏调用不要求IP地址在白名单内。)
is a two-step process. First, obtain the user's authorization code for the public account, and then use this code to obtain the temporary access_token and openid.
Get user authorization code
public static function getCode($appId, $redirect_uri, $state=1, $scope='snsapi_base', $response_type='code'){ $url = 'https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?appid='.$appId.'&redirect_uri='.$redirect_uri.'&response_type='.$response_type.'&scope='.$scope.'&state='.$state.'#wechat_redirect'; header('Location: '.$url, true, 301); } 正确返回结果: 返回code码,并且跳转回调页面$redirect_uri 错误返回结果: {"errcode": 10003, "errmsg": "redirect_uri域名与后台配置不一致"} 返回结果参数说明: 返回码 说明 10003 redirect_uri域名与后台配置不一致 10004 此公众号被封禁 10005 此公众号并没有这些scope的权限 10006 必须关注此测试号 10009 操作太频繁了,请稍后重试 10010 scope不能为空 10011 redirect_uri不能为空 10012 appid不能为空 10013 state不能为空 10015 公众号未授权第三方平台,请检查授权状态 10016 不支持微信开放平台的Appid,请使用公众号Appid
The code obtained through getCode is exchanged for the access_token and openid authorized by the webpage
public static function getAccessToken($code, $appid, $appsecret, $grant_type='authorization_code'){ $url = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/oauth2/access_token?appid='.$appid.'&secret='.$appsecret.'&code='.$code.'&grant_type='.$grant_type.''; return Curl::callWebServer($url); } 正确返回结果: { "access_token": "ACCESS_TOKEN", "expires_in": 7200, "refresh_token": "REFRESH_TOKEN", "openid": "OPENID", "scope": "SCOPE" } 返回参数说明 参数 描述 access_token 网页授权接口调用凭证,注意:此access_token与基础支持的access_token不同 expires_in access_token接口调用凭证超时时间,单位(秒) refresh_token 用户刷新access_token openid 用户唯一标识,请注意,在未关注公众号时,用户访问公众号的网页,也会产生一个用户和公众号唯一的OpenID scope 用户授权的作用域,使用逗号(,)分隔 错误返回结果: {"errcode":40029, "errmsg":"invalid code"}
Use the first Use the openId obtained in step 2 and the token obtained in step 1 to obtain user information
public static function getUserInfo($openId, $token){ $url = 'https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/user/info?access_token='.$token.'&openid='.$openId.'&lang=zh_CN'; return Curl::callWebServer($queryUrl, '', 'GET'); } 正确返回结果: { "subscribe": 1, "openid": "o6_bmjrPTlm6_2sgVt7hMZOPfL2M", "nickname": "Band", "sex": 1, "language": "zh_CN", "city": "广州", "province": "广东", "country": "中国", "headimgurl":"http://thirdwx.qlogo.cn/mmopen/g3MonUZtNHkdmzicIlibx6iaFqAc56vxLSUfpb6n5WKSYVY0ChQKkiaJSgQ1dZuTOgvLLrhJbERQQ4eMsv84eavHiaiceqxibJxCfHe/0", "subscribe_time": 1382694957, "unionid": " o6_bmasdasdsad6_2sgVt7hMZOPfL" "remark": "", "groupid": 0, "tagid_list":[128,2], "subscribe_scene": "ADD_SCENE_QR_CODE", "qr_scene": 98765, "qr_scene_str": "" } 返回参数说明: 参数 说明 subscribe 用户是否订阅该公众号标识,值为0时,代表此用户没有关注该公众号,拉取不到其余信息。 openid 用户的标识,对当前公众号唯一 nickname 用户的昵称 sex 用户的性别,值为1时是男性,值为2时是女性,值为0时是未知 city 用户所在城市 country 用户所在国家 province 用户所在省份 language 用户的语言,简体中文为zh_CN headimgurl 用户头像,最后一个数值代表正方形头像大小(有0、46、64、96、132数值可选,0代表640*640正方形头像),用户没有头像时该项为空。若用户更换头像,原有头像URL将失效。 subscribe_time 用户关注时间,为时间戳。如果用户曾多次关注,则取最后关注时间 unionid 只有在用户将公众号绑定到微信开放平台帐号后,才会出现该字段。 remark 公众号运营者对粉丝的备注,公众号运营者可在微信公众平台用户管理界面对粉丝添加备注 groupid 用户所在的分组ID(兼容旧的用户分组接口) tagid_list 用户被打上的标签ID列表 subscribe_scene 返回用户关注的渠道来源,ADD_SCENE_SEARCH 公众号搜索,ADD_SCENE_ACCOUNT_MIGRATION 公众号迁移,ADD_SCENE_PROFILE_CARD 名片分享,ADD_SCENE_QR_CODE 扫描二维码,ADD_SCENEPROFILE LINK 图文页内名称点击,ADD_SCENE_PROFILE_ITEM 图文页右上角菜单,ADD_SCENE_PAID 支付后关注,ADD_SCENE_OTHERS 其他 qr_scene 二维码扫码场景(开发者自定义) qr_scene_str 二维码扫码场景描述(开发者自定义) 错误结果: {"errcode":40013,"errmsg":"invalid appid"}
to determine whether you have followed it. Here is the entrance:
public function isConcern($appId, $appSecret) { $param = ''; // 如果有参数 $this->getCode($appId, U('callback', 'param='.$param), 1 ,'snsapi_base'); }
Callback after authorization
public function callback(){ $isconcern = 0; $code = $this->_get('code'); $param = $this->_get('param'); $appId = C('appId'); // config中配置 $appSecret = C('appSecret'); $accessTokenInfo = $this->getAccessToken($code, $appId, $appSecret); $openId = $accessTokenInfo['openid']; $accessToken = $accessTokenInfo['access_token']; $token = $this->getToken($appId, $appSecret); $userInfo = $this->getUserInfo($openId, $token['access_token']); if($userInfo['subscribe'] == 1){ $this->assign('userInfo', $userInfo); $isconcern = 1; // 已关注 } else { $isconcern = 0; // 未关注 } $this->assign('openid', $openId); $this->display('page'); }
At this time, userInfo and isconcern can be obtained on the page. When isconcern is 1, it means that the official account has been followed, otherwise it has not been followed.
Related recommendations:
Video: Following and canceling the public account-0 Introduction to basic WeChat development
The above is the detailed content of The code is still easy to use, and you can determine whether the user has followed the official account in just a few steps.. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!