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Detailed explanation of the comparison between C/S and B/S in JAVA development

2018-07-18 11:29:093256browse

1. Analysis of the characteristics of C/S structure and B/S structure
With the continuous development and application of computer technology, the computing model has shifted from centralized to distributed, especially C/S. Structure (short for Client/Server, client/server mode). The two-layer structure C/S model was widely used in the 1980s and early 1990s. The most direct reason was the promotion of visual development tools. After that, it began to develop towards a three-story structure. In recent years, with the continuous development of network technology, especially the rapid development of Web-based information publishing and retrieval technology, Java computing technology, and network distributed object technology, the architecture of many application systems has changed from a C/S structure to a more flexible one. The evolution of the multi-level distribution structure has brought the network architecture of the software system into a new stage, that is, the B/S architecture (abbreviation of Browser/Server, browser/server mode). The Web-based B/S method is actually a client/server method, except that its client is a browser. In order to distinguish it from the traditional C/S mode, it is specifically called the B/S mode. Recognizing the characteristics of these structures is critical to system selection.
1. System performance
In terms of system performance, B/S has the advantage of its flexibility in remote browsing and information collection. Any time, any place, any system, as long as you can use a browser to access the Internet, you can use the terminal of the B/S system.
However, with the B/S structure, the client can only complete simple functions such as browsing, querying, and data input, and most of the work is undertaken by the server, which puts a heavy burden on the server. When using the C/S structure, both the client and the server can handle tasks. Although this has higher requirements on the client, it can reduce the pressure on the server. Moreover, since the client uses a browser, the information published online must be mainly in HTML format, and files in other formats are mostly stored in the form of attachments. However, HTML format files (that is, Web pages) are not easy to edit and modify, which brings a lot of inconvenience to file management.
2. System development
The C/S structure is based on middleware products, requiring application developers to handle system levels such as transaction management, message queues, data replication and synchronization, and communication security. The problem. This places high demands on application developers and forces them to devote a lot of energy to solving problems outside of the application. This complicates application maintenance, porting, and interoperability. If the client is on a different operating system, C/S structure software requires the development of different versions of client software.
However, compared with the B/S structure, the development history of C/S technology is longer. From the perspective of technology maturity and the mastery level of software designers and developers, C/S technology should be more mature and reliable.
3. System upgrade and maintenance
Any changes in some modules of the C/S system will be related to changes in other modules, making the system upgrade cost relatively high. Compared with the C/S processing mode, the B/S processing mode greatly simplifies the client, as long as the client machine can access the Internet. For B/S, almost all work such as development and maintenance is concentrated on the server side. When an enterprise upgrades network applications, it only needs to update the server-side software, which reduces the cost of system maintenance and upgrades for remote users. . If the client's software system is upgraded frequently, then the B/S architecture product has obvious advantages - all upgrade operations only need to be performed on the server, which is very valuable for those applications with a wide range of points, such as some recruitment websites. Using B/S mode, the clients are dispersed and the application is simple, requiring only simple browsing and entry of a small amount of information.
In terms of system security maintenance, B/S is slightly insufficient. The B/S structure must particularly consider the security of data and the security of the server. After all, the current network security factor is not high. Taking OA software as an example, there are still many technical difficulties in the B/S structure to achieve complex workflow control and security control in the office collaboration process. Therefore, although there are currently OA system products with B/S structure, they have not yet been widely promoted.

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