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The core content of jquery source code

2018-07-09 15:16:561522browse

This article mainly introduces the core content of jQuery about jquery source code learning. It has certain reference value. Now I share it with you. Friends in need can refer to it

Core module

1. Construction of objects
// 方法一
function ajquery (name) {
    this.name = name;
    this.sayName = function() {
        return this.name;
    return this;

// 方法二
function ajquery(name) {
    this.name = name;

ajquery.prototype = {
    sayName : function () {
        return this.name;

The above are two ways to create classes. Although the final effect is consistent, the performance is indeed inconsistent. When we instantiate three ajquery objects, for Method one, each instance has a sayName method, which wastes memory and increases overhead. Method two is to put sayName on the prototype chain, so that every instance object can share this method (which is a good idea option), just connect to the prototype chain through the scope to search, so that there is an additional layer of scope chain search;

jquery objects are considered in terms of performance, so they must be used Is there a prototype chain?

jQuery = function( selector, context ) {
    return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context );
jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
        return this
    jquery: version,
    constructor: jQuery,
    // ………………

var a = $() ;
2. Separation of object constructors in jquery

The process of new an instance

1. 创建一个空对象
2. 将构造函数的作用域赋给这个对象,这个this就指向了这个对象了
3. 执行构造函数中的代码
4. 返回这个对象

new is mainly about the prototype chain and this of the instance Connect it

  • Our commonly used class writing method is as follows:

var $$ = ajquery = function (selector) {
    this.selector = selector;
    return this;
ajquery.fn = ajquery.prototype = {
    getSelector: function () {
        return this.selector;
    constructor: ajquery

var a = new $$('aaa');
  • If new is not applicable, it can also be implemented

var $$ = ajquery = function (selector) {
    if(!(this instanceof ajquery)) {
        return new ajquery(selector);
    this.selector = selector;
    return this;
  • Writing in jquery

var $$ = ajquery = function(selector) {
    return new ajquery.fn.init(selector);

ajquery.fn = ajquery.prototype = {
    name: 'meils',
    init: function (selector){
    constructor: ajquery

init is a method as a constructor on the ajQuery prototype, then this It is no longer ajQuery, so this cannot refer to the prototype of ajQuery at all, so here the init method and ajQuery are separated into two independent constructors through new.

3. Chain calling of methods
    .eq(0).click(function() {
.click(function() {
.toggle(function() {
}, function() {
// end()方法是将最近的筛选操作还原为前一步操作的状态

Looking at the structure of this code, we can more or less guess its meaning:

☑ Find out the type type is The input element of button

☑ Find the first button and bind the click event handler function

☑ Return to all buttons and find the second one

☑ as the second one Bind the click event processing function to a button

☑ Bind the toggle event processing function to the third button

The core idea of ​​jquery is to write less and do more.

jquery.fn.init = function() {
    return this;

jquery.fn.get = function() {
    return this;

// Implement chain operations by returning this, because by returning this of the current instance, you can access your own prototype. This saves the amount of code, improves the efficiency of the code, and the code looks better. grace. But there is a problem with this method: all object methods return the object itself, which means there is no return value, so this method may not be suitable in any environment.

Although Javascript is a non-blocking language, it does not block, but cannot block. Therefore, it needs to be driven by events and asynchronously complete some operations that need to block the process. This processing is only a synchronous chain. , in addition to synchronous chaining, there is also asynchronous chaining. Asynchronous chaining jQuery has introduced Promise since 1.5, and jQuery.Deferred will be discussed later.

4. Design of plug-in interface

jQUery provides two interfaces for writing plug-ins. One is to $.extend()process it as a static method. The other is to hang the method on $.fn as a method of jquery's prototype object.

fn and jQuery are actually two different objects. As explained before: when jQuery.extend is called, this points to the jQuery object (jQuery is a function and an object!), so here the extension is in jQuery superior. When jQuery.fn.extend is called, this points to the fn object, jQuery.fn and jQuery.prototype point to the same object, and extending fn is to extend the jQuery.prototype prototype object. What is added here is the prototype method, which is the object method. Therefore, the jQuery API provides the above two extension functions.

5. Plug-in development

There are three development modes for jquery plug-ins.

  1. $.extend() to extend jquery static methods

  2. $.fn Add new instance methods to jquery

  3. $.widget() uses the widget factory method of jquery ui

The first method just creates a static method under the $ namespace, which can be directly Just use $ to call execution. There is no need to use $('selector') to select the DOM object and then call the method.

The third method is used to write more advanced plug-ins and is generally not used.

The second method is the most commonly used form in our daily development. We will study this method carefully later

    sayName: function(name) {

// 直接使用 $.sayName 来调用

// 通过$.extend()向jQuery添加了一个sayHello函数,然后通过$直接调用。到此你可以认为我们已经完成了一个简单的jQuery插件了。

This This method is still useful for defining some auxiliary methods.

    log: function(message) {
        var now = new Date(),
            y = now.getFullYear(),
            m = now.getMonth() + 1, //!JavaScript中月分是从0开始的
            d = now.getDate(),
            h = now.getHours(),
            min = now.getMinutes(),
            s = now.getSeconds(),
            time = y + '/' + m + '/' + d + ' ' + h + ':' + min + ':' + s;
        console.log(time + ' My App: ' + message);
$.log('initializing...'); //调用
$.fn Development plug-in

1. Basic usage

$.fn.setColor = function() {
    this.css('color', 'red');


2. Each() traversal

We can also use our method on each element of the collection of elements we obtain.

$.fn.addUrl = function() {
    this.css('css', 'red');
    this.each(function() {

jquery selector selects a collection, so you can $.each() to traverse each element, inside each ,this` refers to each DOM element. If you need to call the jquery method, you need to wrap it with $;

3. Chain call

$.fn.setSelector = function() {
    this.css('color', 'red');
    return this.each(function() {


4. Receiving parameters


// 利用这一点,我们可以在插件里定义一个保存插件参数默认值的对象,同时将接收来的参数对象合并到默认对象上,最后就实现了用户指定了值的参数使用指定的值,未指定的参数使用插件默认值。

$.fn.setStyle = function(options) {
    var default = {
        color: 'red',
        fontSize: '15px'
    var setting = $.extend(default, optioins);

    return this.css({
        'color': setting.color,
        'fontSize': setting.fontSize


$.fn.setStyle = function(options) {
    var default = {
        color: 'red',
        fontSize: '15px'
    var setting = $.extend({}, default, optioins);

    return this.css({
        'color': setting.color,
        'fontSize': setting.fontSize




// 如果将需要的重要变量定义到对象的属性上,函数变成对象的方法,当我们需要的时候通过对象来获取,一来方便管理,二来不会影响外部命名空间,因为所有这些变量名还有方法名都是在对象内部。

var beautify = function(ele, option) {
    this.$element = this.ele;
    this.default = {
        'color': 'red',
        'fontSize': '12px',
    this.ops = $.extend({}, default, option);

beautify.prototype = {
    setStyle : function() {
        return this.$element.css({
            'color': this.options.color,
            'fontSize': this.options.fontSize,
            'textDecoration': this.options.textDecoration

        // return this对象,实现链式调用


$.fn.myPlugin = function(option) {
    var beautify = new beautify(this, option);


/// 使用

    'color': '#2C9929',
    'fontSize': '20px'




;(function() {
    var beautify = function(ele, option) {
    this.$element = this.ele;
    this.default = {
        'color': 'red',
        'fontSize': '12px',
    this.ops = $.extend({}, default, option);

beautify.prototype = {
    setStyle : function() {
        return this.$element.css({
            'color': this.options.color,
            'fontSize': this.options.fontSize,
            'textDecoration': this.options.textDecoration

        // return this对象,实现链式调用


$.fn.myPlugin = function(option) {
    var beautify = new beautify(this, option);

  • 优化一

var foo=function(){


由于前面的代码没有加;号 , 然后我们的插件加载出错了,所以我们在我们插件的最开始加一个;号来强制前面的结束。

  • 优化二


;(function($, window, document, undefined) {
    var beautify = function(ele, option) {
    this.$element = this.ele;
    this.default = {
        'color': 'red',
        'fontSize': '12px',
    this.ops = $.extend({}, default, option);

beautify.prototype = {
    setStyle : function() {
        return this.$element.css({
            'color': this.options.color,
            'fontSize': this.options.fontSize,
            'textDecoration': this.options.textDecoration

        // return this对象,实现链式调用


$.fn.myPlugin = function(option) {
    var beautify = new beautify(this, option);

})(jQuery, window,document,);





The core content of jquery source code




// 这句话可以拆分,第一个jquery对象是$('ul'); 第二个jquery对象是$('ul').find('li');

// 首先将$('ul')入栈
// 然后将li集合(类数组对象)入栈

因为栈中的每一个元素都是一个jquery对象,每一个jquery对象都有着三个属性,分别时contextselectorprevObject, prevObject 属性就是指向对象栈中的前一个元素的。

这个prevObject 就比较有意思了。它指向前一个元素。


  • child
var aaron = $("#aaron");     aaron.find('li').click(function(){         alert(1);     //1     }) // 如果我们想在返回父级 aaron.find('li').click(function(){     alert(1);     //1 }).end().click(function() {     alert(2); }) // end()方法就是进行了回溯,


  • end()

  • addSelf()


  • end()


<p><span>Hello</span>,how are you?</p>

// 选取所有的p元素,查找并选取span子元素,然后再回过来选取p元素


  • addBank

  • list item 1
  • list item 2
  • list item 3
  • list item 4
  • list item 5
$('li.third-item').nextAll().addBank()                 .css(); // 初始选择位于第3项,初始化堆栈集合只包含这项。调用.nextAll() 后将第4和第5项推入堆栈。最后,调用.addBack() 合并这两个组元素在一起,创建一个jQuery对象,指向所有三个项元素(按照文档中的顺序):{[,
  • ,
  •  ]} // [1] li.third-item 入栈 // [2] 4、5入栈 // [3] addBank 合并重组


    // First Example
    // p元素添加背景
    // Second Example
    // 选中的p元素以及前一个元素合并到栈中,全部添加背景


    pushStack 生成了一个新 jQuery 对象 ret,ret 的 prevObject 属性是指向调用 pushStack 函数的那个 jQuery 对象的,这样就形成了一个栈链,其它原型方法如 find、nextAll、filter 等都可以调用 pushStack 函数,返回一个新的 jQuery 对象并维持对象栈。
    jQuery.fn.pushStack = function (elems) {
      // 将 elems 合并到 jQuery 对象中
      var ret = jQuery.merge(this.constructor(), elems);
      // 实现对象栈
      ret.prevObject = this;
      // 返回
      return ret;
    • end()源码解析

    jQuery.fn.end = function() {
      return this.prevObject || this.constructor; // 如果存在之前的jquery对象就返回它,如果不存在上一个,就返回当前的jQuery对象。
    • addBank() 源码解析

    jQuery.fn.addBank = function(selector) {
      return this.add(selector == null ? this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter(selector));
      // 如果参数为空,就把当前的jquery对象的上一个jQuery对象一起合并为一个新的对象。如果指定了参数,那么就在上一个对象中查找这个对象。
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    var li = $('ul').find('li'); console.log(li); //结果如下图

    The core content of jquery source code

    The above is the entire content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

    Related recommendations:

    Basic introduction to jquery source code

  • The above is the detailed content of The core content of jquery source code. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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