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Ajax_POST submission

2018-06-29 14:57:251752browse

Ajax_POST submission

* $_post(): jquery handles post requests in ajax

* Basic syntax: $.post(url, data, success, dataType)

* Parameter description:

* url: requested address

* data: data that needs to be sent to the server

* success(data, status, xhr): execution Successful callback function,

* Callback parameters: 1.data: Data returned from the server

* 2.status: Status of the current request

* 3.xhr : ajax object

* Usually we only care about the returned data: data

* dataType: format of data returned from the server

* xml, html, script, json, text , _default

* Usually 'json', which can be omitted and automatically determined by the system



The above is the detailed content of Ajax_POST submission. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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