Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >Instructions for using the Player component in vue-music
This article mainly introduces the relevant information of vue-music on the Player player component in detail. It has certain reference value. Interested friends can refer to it.
The examples in this article are shared with everyone. The specific content of the Player component is provided for your reference. The specific content is as follows
Mini player:
# #1. The player component will be opened on each page. First define the global player state in vuex state.jsimport {playMode} from 'common/js/config.js'; const state = { singer:{}, playing:false, //是否播放 fullScreen:false, //是否全屏 playList:[], //播放列表 sequenceList:[], // 非顺序播放列表 mode:playMode.sequence, // 播放模式(顺序0,循环1,随机2) currentIndex:-1, //当前播放索引 } export default state --------------------------------------------- // config.js export const playMode = { sequence:0, loop:1, random:2 }2. Get the playlist data when entering the player page, change the playback state and open it in the music-list listIn song The -list component dispatches events to the parent component, and passes in the information and index of the current song
<li @click="selectItem(song,index)" v-for="(song,index) in songs" class="item"> ------------------------------ selectItem(item,index){ this.$emit('select',item,index) },Receives dispatched events in the music-list component.
<song-list :rank="rank" :songs="songs" @select="selectItem"></song-list>3. If you commit multiple states, set them in actions
import {playMode} from 'common/js/config.js' export const selectPlay = function({commit,state},{list,index}){ commit(types.SET_SEQUENCE_LIST, list) commit(types.SET_PLAYLIST, list) commit(types.SET_CURRENT_INDEX, index) commit(types.SET_FULL_SCREEN, true) commit(types.SET_PLAYING_STATE, true) }4. Use mapActions to submit the changed value in the music-list component
import {mapActions} from 'vuex' methods:{ selectItem(item,index){ this.selectPlay({ list:this.songs, index }) }, ...mapActions([ 'selectPlay' ]) },5. In palyer Get the vuex global status and assign the status to the corresponding location (the code is the complete code, please understand it slowly according to the explanation later)
<p class="player" v-show="playList.length>0"> // 如果有列表数据则显示 <p class="normal-player" v-show="fullScreen"> //如果全屏 <p class="background"> <img :src="currentSong.image" alt="" width="100%" height="100%"> //模糊背景图 </p> <p class="top"> <p class="back" @click="back"> <i class="icon-back"></i> </p> <h1 class="title" v-html="currentSong.name"></h1> //当前歌曲名称 <h2 class="subtitle" v-html="currentSong.singer"></h2> //当前歌手名 </p> <p class="middle"> <p class="middle-l"> <p class="cd-wrapper"> <p class="cd" :class="cdCls"> <img :src="currentSong.image" alt="" class="image"> //封面图 </p> </p> </p> </p> <p class="bottom"> <p class="progress-wrapper"> <span class="time time-l">{{ format(currentTime) }}</span> <p class="progress-bar-wrapper"> <progress-bar :percent="percent" @percentChange="onProgressBarChange"></progress-bar> </p> <span class="time time-r">{{ format(currentSong.duration) }}</span> </p> <p class="operators"> <p class="icon i-left"> <i :class="iconMode" @click="changeMode"></i> </p> <p class="icon i-left" :class="disableCls"> <i @click="prev" class="icon-prev"></i> </p> <p class="icon i-center" :class="disableCls"> <i :class="playIcon" @click="togglePlaying"></i> </p> <p class="icon i-right" :class="disableCls"> <i @click="next" class="icon-next"></i> </p> <p class="icon i-right"> <i class="icon icon-not-favorite"></i> </p> </p> </p> </p> </transition> <transition name="mini"> <p class="mini-player" v-show="!fullScreen" @click="open"> <p class="icon"> <img :src="currentSong.image" alt="" width="40" height="40" :class="cdCls"> </p> <p class="text"> <h2 class="name" v-html="currentSong.name"></h2> <p class="desc" v-html="currentSong.singer"></p> </p> <p class="control"> <i :class="miniIcon" @click.stop="togglePlaying"></i> </p> <p class="control"> <i class="icon-playlist"></i> </p> </p> </transition> <audio :src="currentSong.url" ref="audio" @canplay="ready" @error="error" @timeupdate="updateTime" @ended="end"></audio> </p>Open the status of the player
import {mapGetters,mapMutations} from 'vuex'; ...mapGetters([ 'fullScreen', 'playList', 'currentSong', 'playing', 'currentIndex', ])Note: You cannot assign values directly in the component The state this.fullScreen = false in modified vuex needs to be changed through mutations, define mutation-types and mutations, and then use the mapMutations proxy method of vuex to call
[types.SET_FULL_SCREEN](state, flag) { state.fullScreen = flag }, import {mapGetters,mapMutations} from 'vuex'; methods:{ ...mapMutations({ setFullScreen:"SET_FULL_SCREEN", }), back(){ this.setFullScreen(false) }, }Set the click play button method
<i :class="playIcon" @click="togglePlaying"></i>
togglePlaying(){ this.setPlayingState(!this.playing); //改变全局变量playing 的属性 }, // 然后watch 监听playing 操作实际的audio 标签的播放暂停 watch:{ playing(newPlaying){ let audio = this.$refs.audio; this.$nextTick(() => { newPlaying ? audio.play():audio.pause(); }) } }, // 用计算属性改变相应的播放暂停图标 playIcon(){ return this.playing? 'icon-pause':'icon-play' },Set the click Play previous and next song button methods. Use mapGetters to get the value of currentIndex (plus one or minus one) and change it, thereby changing the state of currentSong and listening for switching playback. Determine playlist limit reset.
prev(){ if(!this.songReady){ return; } let index = this.currentIndex - 1; if(index === -1){ //判断播放列表界限重置 index = this.playList.length-1; } this.setCurrentIndex(index); if(!this.playing){ //判断是否播放改变播放暂停的icon this.togglePlaying(); } this.songReady = false; }, next(){ if(!this.songReady){ return; } let index = this.currentIndex + 1; if(index === this.playList.length){ //判断播放列表界限重置 index = 0; } this.setCurrentIndex(index); if(!this.playing){ this.togglePlaying(); } this.songReady = false; },Listen to the canpaly event of the audio element tag, when the song is loaded, and the error event, when an error occurs in the song, provide user experience to prevent users from quickly switching and causing errors. Set the songReady flag. If the song is not ready, directly return false when clicking the next song
data(){ return { songReady:false, } }, ready(){ this.songReady = true; }, error(){ this.songReady = true; },
Progress bar
audio element monitors timeupdate The event obtains the readable and writable attribute timestamp of the current playback time. Use formt for formatting time processing, (_pad is a zero-padding function) Get the total audio duration currentSong.duration<p class="progress-wrapper"> <span class="time time-l">{{ format(currentTime) }}</span> <p class="progress-bar-wrapper"> <progress-bar :percent="percent" @percentChange="onProgressBarChange"></progress-bar> </p> <span class="time time-r">{{ format(currentSong.duration) }}</span> </p> <audio :src="currentSong.url" ref="audio" @canplay="ready" @error="error" @timeupdate="updateTime" @ended="end"></audio>
updateTime(e){ this.currentTime = e.target.currentTime; // 获取当前播放时间段 }, format(interval){ interval = interval | 0; const minute = interval/60 | 0; const second = this._pad(interval % 60); return `${minute}:${second}`; }, _pad(num,n=2){ let len = num.toString().length; while(len<n){ num = '0' + num; len ++; } return num; },Create a progress-bar component to receive the pencent progress parameter, and set the progress bar width and The position of the ball. The player component sets the calculated property percent
percent(){ return this.currentTime / this.currentSong.duration // 当前时长除以总时长 },
progress-bar component
<p class="progress-bar" ref="progressBar" @click="progressClick"> <p class="bar-inner"> <p class="progress" ref="progress"></p> <p class="progress-btn-wrapper" ref="progressBtn" @touchstart.prevent="progressTouchStart" @touchmove.prevent="progressTouchMove" @touchend="progressTouchEnd" > <p class="progress-btn"></p> </p> </p> </p>
const progressBtnWidth = 16 //小球宽度 props:{ percent:{ type:Number, default:0 } }, watch:{ percent(newPercent){ if(newPercent>=0 && !this.touch.initated){ const barWidth = this.$refs.progressBar.clientWidth - progressBtnWidth; const offsetWidth = newPercent * barWidth; this.$refs.progress.style.width = `${offsetWidth}px`; this.$refs.progressBtn.style.transform=`translate3d(${offsetWidth}px,0,0)` } } }
Set the drag
small button on the progress bar Add touchstart, touchmove, touchend event listening methods to progressBtn, add prevent to the event to prevent the default browser behavior of dragging, and obtain dragging information for calculationCreate a touch object on the instance to maintain the relationship between different callbacks Communications share status information. In the touchstart event method, first set this.touch.initiated to true, indicating that dragging has started. Record the starting click position e.touches[0].pageX and save it to the touch object to record the current progress width. In touchmove, first determine whether the touchstart method has been entered first, and calculate the moved position minus the offset length of the click start position. let deltax = e.touches[0].pageX - this.touch.startX can set the existing length of the progress bar plus the offset length. The maximum width cannot exceed the width of the parent progressbarCall this._offset(offsetWidth) method to set the width of the progress barSet this.touch.initiated to false in the touchend event method to indicate dragging End, and dispatch the event to the player component. Set the currentTime value of audio to the correct value, and the parameter is pencentAdd a click event in the progressbar, call this._offset(e.offsetX), and dispatch the event
created(){ this.touch = {}; }, methods:{ progressTouchStart(e){ this.touch.initiated = true; this.touch.startX = e.touches[0].pageX; this.touch.left = this.$refs.progress.clientWidth; }, progressTouchMove(e){ if(!this.touch.initiated){ return; } let deltaX = e.touches[0].pageX - this.touch.startX; let offsetWidth = Math.min(this.$refs.progressBar.clientWidth - progressBtnWidth,Math.max(0,this.touch.left + deltaX)); this._offset(offsetWidth); }, progressTouchEnd(e){ this.touch.initiated = false; this._triggerPercent(); }, progressClick(e){ const rect = this.$refs.progressBar.getBoundingClientRect(); const offsetWidth = e.pageX - rect.left; this._offset(offsetWidth); // this._offset(e.offsetX); this._triggerPercent(); }, _offset(offsetWidth){ this.$refs.progress.style.width = `${offsetWidth}px`; this.$refs.progressBtn.style[transform] = `translate3d(${offsetWidth}px,0,0)`; }, _triggerPercent(){ const barWidth = this.$refs.progressBar.clientWidth - progressBtnWidth; const percent = this.$refs.progress.clientWidth / barWidth; this.$emit("percentChange",percent) } },This article has been compiled into the "Vue.js Front-end Component Learning Tutorial". Everyone is welcome to learn and read. For tutorials on vue.js components, please click on the special vue.js component learning tutorial to learn. For more vue learning tutorials, please read the special topic "Vue Practical Tutorial" The above is what I compiled for everyone. I hope it will be helpful to everyone in the future. Related articles:
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The above is the detailed content of Instructions for using the Player component in vue-music. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!