Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >Code about php multifunctional image processing class
The PHP class provided in this article is used to complete image scaling and watermark adding. When the watermark image exceeds the target image size, the watermark image can automatically adapt to the target image and shrink. When the watermark image exceeds the target image size, the watermark image can automatically adapt. The target image is reduced, friends in need can refer to the following
<?php /** * 基本图片处理,用于完成图片缩入,水印添加 * 当水印图超过目标图片尺寸时,水印图能自动适应目标图片而缩小 * 水印图可以设置跟背景的合并度 */ /* 使用方法: 自动裁切: 程序会按照图片的尺寸从中部裁切最大的正方形,并按目标尺寸进行缩略 $t--->setSrcImg("img/test.jpg"); $t->setCutType(1);//这一句就OK了 $t->setDstImg("tmp/new_test.jpg"); $t->createImg(60,60); 手工裁切: 程序会按照指定的位置从源图上取图 $t->setSrcImg("img/test.jpg"); $t->setCutType(2);//指明为手工裁切 $t->setSrcCutPosition(100, 100);// 源图起点坐标 $t->setRectangleCut(300, 200);// 裁切尺寸 $t->setDstImg("tmp/new_test.jpg"); $t->createImg(300,200); */ class ThumbHandler { var $dst_img;// 目标文件 var $h_src; // 图片资源句柄 var $h_dst;// 新图句柄 var $h_mask;// 水印句柄 var $img_create_quality = 100;// 图片生成质量 var $img_display_quality = 80;// 图片显示质量,默认为75 var $img_scale = 0;// 图片缩放比例 var $src_w = 0;// 原图宽度 var $src_h = 0;// 原图高度 var $dst_w = 0;// 新图总宽度 var $dst_h = 0;// 新图总高度 var $fill_w;// 填充图形宽 var $fill_h;// 填充图形高 var $copy_w;// 拷贝图形宽 var $copy_h;// 拷贝图形高 var $src_x = 0;// 原图绘制起始横坐标 var $src_y = 0;// 原图绘制起始纵坐标 var $start_x;// 新图绘制起始横坐标 var $start_y;// 新图绘制起始纵坐标 var $mask_word;// 水印文字 var $mask_img;// 水印图片 var $mask_pos_x = 0;// 水印横坐标 var $mask_pos_y = 0;// 水印纵坐标 var $mask_offset_x = 5;// 水印横向偏移 var $mask_offset_y = 5;// 水印纵向偏移 var $font_w;// 水印字体宽 var $font_h;// 水印字体高 var $mask_w;// 水印宽 var $mask_h;// 水印高 var $mask_font_color = "#ffffff";// 水印文字颜色 var $mask_font = 2;// 水印字体 var $font_size;// 尺寸 var $mask_position = 0;// 水印位置 var $mask_img_pct = 50;// 图片合并程度,值越大,合并程序越低 var $mask_txt_pct = 50;// 文字合并程度,值越小,合并程序越低 var $img_border_size = 0;// 图片边框尺寸 var $img_border_color;// 图片边框颜色 var $_flip_x=0;// 水平翻转次数 var $_flip_y=0;// 垂直翻转次数 var $cut_type=0;// 剪切类型 var $img_type;// 文件类型 // 文件类型定义,并指出了输出图片的函数 var $all_type = array( "jpg" => array("output"=>"imagejpeg"), "gif" => array("output"=>"imagegif"), "png" => array("output"=>"imagepng"), "wbmp" => array("output"=>"image2wbmp"), "jpeg" => array("output"=>"imagejpeg")); /** * 构造函数 */ function ThumbHandler() { $this->mask_font_color = "#ffffff"; $this->font = 2; $this->font_size = 12; } /** * 取得图片的宽 */ function getImgWidth($src) { return imagesx($src); } /** * 取得图片的高 */ function getImgHeight($src) { return imagesy($src); } /** * 设置图片生成路径 * * @param string $src_img 图片生成路径 */ function setSrcImg($src_img, $img_type=null) { if(!file_exists($src_img)) { die("图片不存在"); } if(!empty($img_type)) { $this->img_type = $img_type; } else { $this->img_type = $this->_getImgType($src_img); } $this->_checkValid($this->img_type); // file_get_contents函数要求php版本>4.3.0 $src = ''; if(function_exists("file_get_contents")) { $src = file_get_contents($src_img); } else { $handle = fopen ($src_img, "r"); while (!feof ($handle)) { $src .= fgets($fd, 4096); } fclose ($handle); } if(empty($src)) { die("图片源为空"); } $this->h_src = @ImageCreateFromString($src); $this->src_w = $this->getImgWidth($this->h_src); $this->src_h = $this->getImgHeight($this->h_src); } /** * 设置图片生成路径 * * @param string $dst_img 图片生成路径 */ function setDstImg($dst_img) { $arr = explode('/',$dst_img); $last = array_pop($arr); $path = implode('/',$arr); $this->_mkdirs($path); $this->dst_img = $dst_img; } /** * 设置图片的显示质量 * * @param string $n 质量 */ function setImgDisplayQuality($n) { $this->img_display_quality = (int)$n; } /** * 设置图片的生成质量 * * @param string $n 质量 */ function setImgCreateQuality($n) { $this->img_create_quality = (int)$n; } /** * 设置文字水印 * * @param string $word 水印文字 * @param integer $font 水印字体 * @param string $color 水印字体颜色 */ function setMaskWord($word) { $this->mask_word .= $word; } /** * 设置字体颜色 * * @param string $color 字体颜色 */ function setMaskFontColor($color="#ffffff") { $this->mask_font_color = $color; } /** * 设置水印字体 * * @param string|integer $font 字体 */ function setMaskFont($font=2) { if(!is_numeric($font) && !file_exists($font)) { die("字体文件不存在"); } $this->font = $font; } /** * 设置文字字体大小,仅对truetype字体有效 */ function setMaskFontSize($size = "12") { $this->font_size = $size; } /** * 设置图片水印 * * @param string $img 水印图片源 */ function setMaskImg($img) { $this->mask_img = $img; } /** * 设置水印横向偏移 * * @param integer $x 横向偏移量 */ function setMaskOffsetX($x) { $this->mask_offset_x = (int)$x; } /** * 设置水印纵向偏移 * * @param integer $y 纵向偏移量 */ function setMaskOffsetY($y) { $this->mask_offset_y = (int)$y; } /** * 指定水印位置 * * @param integer $position 位置,1:左上,2:左下,3:右上,0/4:右下 */ function setMaskPosition($position=0) { $this->mask_position = (int)$position; } /** * 设置图片合并程度 * * @param integer $n 合并程度 */ function setMaskImgPct($n) { $this->mask_img_pct = (int)$n; } /** * 设置文字合并程度 * * @param integer $n 合并程度 */ function setMaskTxtPct($n) { $this->mask_txt_pct = (int)$n; } /** * 设置缩略图边框 * * @param (类型) (参数名) (描述) */ function setDstImgBorder($size=1, $color="#000000") { $this->img_border_size = (int)$size; $this->img_border_color = $color; } /** * 水平翻转 */ function flipH() { $this->_flip_x++; } /** * 垂直翻转 */ function flipV() { $this->_flip_y++; } /** * 设置剪切类型 * * @param (类型) (参数名) (描述) */ function setCutType($type) { $this->cut_type = (int)$type; } /** * 设置图片剪切 * * @param integer $width 矩形剪切 */ function setRectangleCut($width, $height) { $this->fill_w = (int)$width; $this->fill_h = (int)$height; } /** * 设置源图剪切起始坐标点 * * @param (类型) (参数名) (描述) */ function setSrcCutPosition($x, $y) { $this->src_x = (int)$x; $this->src_y = (int)$y; } /** * 创建图片,主函数 * @param integer $a 当缺少第二个参数时,此参数将用作百分比, * 否则作为宽度值 * @param integer $b 图片缩放后的高度 */ function createImg($a, $b=null) { $num = func_num_args(); if(1 == $num) { $r = (int)$a; if($r < 1) { die("图片缩放比例不得小于1"); } $this->img_scale = $r; $this->_setNewImgSize($r); } if(2 == $num) { $w = (int)$a; $h = (int)$b; if(0 == $w) { die("目标宽度不能为0"); } if(0 == $h) { die("目标高度不能为0"); } $this->_setNewImgSize($w, $h); } if($this->_flip_x%2!=0) { $this->_flipH($this->h_src); } if($this->_flip_y%2!=0) { $this->_flipV($this->h_src); } $this->_createMask(); $this->_output(); // 释放 if(imagedestroy($this->h_src) && imagedestroy($this->h_dst)) { Return true; } else { Return false; } } /** * 生成水印,调用了生成水印文字和水印图片两个方法 */ function _createMask() { if($this->mask_word) { // 获取字体信息 $this->_setFontInfo(); if($this->_isFull()) { die("水印文字过大"); } else { $this->h_dst = imagecreatetruecolor($this->dst_w, $this->dst_h); $white = ImageColorAllocate($this->h_dst,255,255,255); imagefilledrectangle($this->h_dst,0,0,$this->dst_w,$this->dst_h,$white);// 填充背景色 $this->_drawBorder(); imagecopyresampled( $this->h_dst, $this->h_src, $this->start_x, $this->start_y, $this->src_x, $this->src_y, $this->fill_w, $this->fill_h, $this->copy_w, $this->copy_h); $this->_createMaskWord($this->h_dst); } } if($this->mask_img) { $this->_loadMaskImg();//加载时,取得宽高 if($this->_isFull()) { // 将水印生成在原图上再拷 $this->_createMaskImg($this->h_src); $this->h_dst = imagecreatetruecolor($this->dst_w, $this->dst_h); $white = ImageColorAllocate($this->h_dst,255,255,255); imagefilledrectangle($this->h_dst,0,0,$this->dst_w,$this->dst_h,$white);// 填充背景色 $this->_drawBorder(); imagecopyresampled( $this->h_dst, $this->h_src, $this->start_x, $this->start_y, $this->src_x, $this->src_y, $this->fill_w, $this->start_y, $this->copy_w, $this->copy_h); } else { // 创建新图并拷贝 $this->h_dst = imagecreatetruecolor($this->dst_w, $this->dst_h); $white = ImageColorAllocate($this->h_dst,255,255,255); imagefilledrectangle($this->h_dst,0,0,$this->dst_w,$this->dst_h,$white);// 填充背景色 $this->_drawBorder(); imagecopyresampled( $this->h_dst, $this->h_src, $this->start_x, $this->start_y, $this->src_x, $this->src_y, $this->fill_w, $this->fill_h, $this->copy_w, $this->copy_h); $this->_createMaskImg($this->h_dst); } } if(empty($this->mask_word) && empty($this->mask_img)) { $this->h_dst = imagecreatetruecolor($this->dst_w, $this->dst_h); $white = ImageColorAllocate($this->h_dst,255,255,255); imagefilledrectangle($this->h_dst,0,0,$this->dst_w,$this->dst_h,$white);// 填充背景色 $this->_drawBorder(); imagecopyresampled( $this->h_dst, $this->h_src, $this->start_x, $this->start_y, $this->src_x, $this->src_y, $this->fill_w, $this->fill_h, $this->copy_w, $this->copy_h); } } /** * 画边框 */ function _drawBorder() { if(!empty($this->img_border_size)) { $c = $this->_parseColor($this->img_border_color); $color = ImageColorAllocate($this->h_src,$c[0], $c[1], $c[2]); imagefilledrectangle($this->h_dst,0,0,$this->dst_w,$this->dst_h,$color);// 填充背景色 } } /** * 生成水印文字 */ function _createMaskWord($src) { $this->_countMaskPos(); $this->_checkMaskValid(); $c = $this->_parseColor($this->mask_font_color); $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($src, $c[0], $c[1], $c[2], $this->mask_txt_pct); if(is_numeric($this->font)) { imagestring($src, $this->font, $this->mask_pos_x, $this->mask_pos_y, $this->mask_word, $color); } else { imagettftext($src, $this->font_size, 0, $this->mask_pos_x, $this->mask_pos_y, $color, $this->font, $this->mask_word); } } /** * 生成水印图 */ function _createMaskImg($src) { $this->_countMaskPos(); $this->_checkMaskValid(); imagecopymerge($src, $this->h_mask, $this->mask_pos_x ,$this->mask_pos_y, 0, 0, $this->mask_w, $this->mask_h, $this->mask_img_pct); imagedestroy($this->h_mask); } /** * 加载水印图 */ function _loadMaskImg() { $mask_type = $this->_getImgType($this->mask_img); $this->_checkValid($mask_type); // file_get_contents函数要求php版本>4.3.0 $src = ''; if(function_exists("file_get_contents")) { $src = file_get_contents($this->mask_img); } else { $handle = fopen ($this->mask_img, "r"); while (!feof ($handle)) { $src .= fgets($fd, 4096); } fclose ($handle); } if(empty($this->mask_img)) { die("水印图片为空"); } $this->h_mask = ImageCreateFromString($src); $this->mask_w = $this->getImgWidth($this->h_mask); $this->mask_h = $this->getImgHeight($this->h_mask); } /** * 图片输出 */ function _output() { $img_type = $this->img_type; $func_name = $this->all_type[$img_type]['output']; if(function_exists($func_name)) { // 判断浏览器,若是IE就不发送头 if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $ua = strtoupper($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); if(!preg_match('/^.*MSIE.*\)$/i',$ua)) { header("Content-type:$img_type"); } } $func_name($this->h_dst, $this->dst_img, $this->img_display_quality); } else { Return false; } } /** * 分析颜色 * * @param string $color 十六进制颜色 */ function _parseColor($color) { $arr = array(); for($ii=1; $ii<strlen function="" return="" this-="">_isFull()) { switch($this->mask_position) { case 1: // 左上 $this->mask_pos_x = $this->mask_offset_x + $this->img_border_size; $this->mask_pos_y = $this->mask_offset_y + $this->img_border_size; break; case 2: // 左下 $this->mask_pos_x = $this->mask_offset_x + $this->img_border_size; $this->mask_pos_y = $this->src_h - $this->mask_h - $this->mask_offset_y; break; case 3: // 右上 $this->mask_pos_x = $this->src_w - $this->mask_w - $this->mask_offset_x; $this->mask_pos_y = $this->mask_offset_y + $this->img_border_size; break; case 4: // 右下 $this->mask_pos_x = $this->src_w - $this->mask_w - $this->mask_offset_x; $this->mask_pos_y = $this->src_h - $this->mask_h - $this->mask_offset_y; break; default: // 默认将水印放到右下,偏移指定像素 $this->mask_pos_x = $this->src_w - $this->mask_w - $this->mask_offset_x; $this->mask_pos_y = $this->src_h - $this->mask_h - $this->mask_offset_y; break; } } else { switch($this->mask_position) { case 1: // 左上 $this->mask_pos_x = $this->mask_offset_x + $this->img_border_size; $this->mask_pos_y = $this->mask_offset_y + $this->img_border_size; break; case 2: // 左下 $this->mask_pos_x = $this->mask_offset_x + $this->img_border_size; $this->mask_pos_y = $this->dst_h - $this->mask_h - $this->mask_offset_y - $this->img_border_size; break; case 3: // 右上 $this->mask_pos_x = $this->dst_w - $this->mask_w - $this->mask_offset_x - $this->img_border_size; $this->mask_pos_y = $this->mask_offset_y + $this->img_border_size; break; case 4: // 右下 $this->mask_pos_x = $this->dst_w - $this->mask_w - $this->mask_offset_x - $this->img_border_size; $this->mask_pos_y = $this->dst_h - $this->mask_h - $this->mask_offset_y - $this->img_border_size; break; default: // 默认将水印放到右下,偏移指定像素 $this->mask_pos_x = $this->dst_w - $this->mask_w - $this->mask_offset_x - $this->img_border_size; $this->mask_pos_y = $this->dst_h - $this->mask_h - $this->mask_offset_y - $this->img_border_size; break; } } } /** * 设置字体信息 */ function _setFontInfo() { if(is_numeric($this->font)) { $this->font_w = imagefontwidth($this->font); $this->font_h = imagefontheight($this->font); // 计算水印字体所占宽高 $word_length = strlen($this->mask_word); $this->mask_w = $this->font_w*$word_length; $this->mask_h = $this->font_h; } else { $arr = imagettfbbox ($this->font_size,0, $this->font,$this->mask_word); $this->mask_w = abs($arr[0] - $arr[2]); $this->mask_h = abs($arr[7] - $arr[1]); } } /** * 设置新图尺寸 * * @param integer $img_w 目标宽度 * @param integer $img_h 目标高度 */ function _setNewImgSize($img_w, $img_h=null) { $num = func_num_args(); if(1 == $num) { $this->img_scale = $img_w;// 宽度作为比例 $this->fill_w = round($this->src_w * $this->img_scale / 100) - $this->img_border_size*2; $this->fill_h = round($this->src_h * $this->img_scale / 100) - $this->img_border_size*2; // 源文件起始坐标 $this->src_x = 0; $this->src_y = 0; $this->copy_w = $this->src_w; $this->copy_h = $this->src_h; // 目标尺寸 $this->dst_w = $this->fill_w + $this->img_border_size*2; $this->dst_h = $this->fill_h + $this->img_border_size*2; } if(2 == $num) { $fill_w = (int)$img_w - $this->img_border_size*2; $fill_h = (int)$img_h - $this->img_border_size*2; if($fill_w < 0 || $fill_h < 0) { die("图片边框过大,已超过了图片的宽度"); } $rate_w = $this->src_w/$fill_w; $rate_h = $this->src_h/$fill_h; switch($this->cut_type) { case 0: // 如果原图大于缩略图,产生缩小,否则不缩小 if($rate_w < 1 && $rate_h < 1) { $this->fill_w = (int)$this->src_w; $this->fill_h = (int)$this->src_h; } else { if($rate_w >= $rate_h) { $this->fill_w = (int)$fill_w; $this->fill_h = round($this->src_h/$rate_w); } else { $this->fill_w = round($this->src_w/$rate_h); $this->fill_h = (int)$fill_h; } } $this->src_x = 0; $this->src_y = 0; $this->copy_w = $this->src_w; $this->copy_h = $this->src_h; // 目标尺寸 $this->dst_w = $this->fill_w + $this->img_border_size*2; $this->dst_h = $this->fill_h + $this->img_border_size*2; break; // 自动裁切 case 1: // 如果图片是缩小剪切才进行操作 if($rate_w >= 1 && $rate_h >=1) { if($this->src_w > $this->src_h) { $src_x = round($this->src_w-$this->src_h)/2; $this->setSrcCutPosition($src_x, 0); $this->setRectangleCut($fill_h, $fill_h); $this->copy_w = $this->src_h; $this->copy_h = $this->src_h; } elseif($this->src_w < $this->src_h) { $src_y = round($this->src_h-$this->src_w)/2; $this->setSrcCutPosition(0, $src_y); $this->setRectangleCut($fill_w, $fill_h); $this->copy_w = $this->src_w; $this->copy_h = $this->src_w; } else { $this->setSrcCutPosition(0, 0); $this->copy_w = $this->src_w; $this->copy_h = $this->src_w; $this->setRectangleCut($fill_w, $fill_h); } } else { $this->setSrcCutPosition(0, 0); $this->setRectangleCut($this->src_w, $this->src_h); $this->copy_w = $this->src_w; $this->copy_h = $this->src_h; } // 目标尺寸 $this->dst_w = $this->fill_w + $this->img_border_size*2; $this->dst_h = $this->fill_h + $this->img_border_size*2; break; // 手工裁切 case 2: $this->copy_w = $this->fill_w; $this->copy_h = $this->fill_h; // 目标尺寸 $this->dst_w = $this->fill_w + $this->img_border_size*2; $this->dst_h = $this->fill_h + $this->img_border_size*2; break; default: break; } } // 目标文件起始坐标 $this->start_x = $this->img_border_size; $this->start_y = $this->img_border_size; } /** * 检查水印图是否大于生成后的图片宽高 */ function _isFull() { Return ( $this->mask_w + $this->mask_offset_x > $this->fill_w || $this->mask_h + $this->mask_offset_y > $this->fill_h) ?true:false; } /** * 检查水印图是否超过原图 */ function _checkMaskValid() { if( $this->mask_w + $this->mask_offset_x > $this->src_w || $this->mask_h + $this->mask_offset_y > $this->src_h) { die("水印图片尺寸大于原图,请缩小水印图"); } } /** * 取得图片类型 * * @param string $file_path 文件路径 */ function _getImgType($file_path) { $type_list = array("1"=>"gif","2"=>"jpg","3"=>"png","4"=>"swf","5" => "psd","6"=>"bmp","15"=>"wbmp"); if(file_exists($file_path)) { $img_info = @getimagesize ($file_path); if(isset($type_list[$img_info[2]])) { Return $type_list[$img_info[2]]; } } else { die("文件不存在,不能取得文件类型!"); } } /** * 检查图片类型是否合法,调用了array_key_exists函数,此函数要求 * php版本大于4.1.0 * * @param string $img_type 文件类型 */ function _checkValid($img_type) { if(!array_key_exists($img_type, $this->all_type)) { Return false; } } /** * 按指定路径生成目录 * * @param string $path 路径 */ function _mkdirs($path) { $adir = explode('/',$path); $dirlist = ''; $rootdir = array_shift($adir); if(($rootdir!='.'||$rootdir!='..')&&!file_exists($rootdir)) { @mkdir($rootdir); } foreach($adir as $key=>$val) { if($val!='.'&&$val!='..') { $dirlist .= "/".$val; $dirpath = $rootdir.$dirlist; if(!file_exists($dirpath)) { @mkdir($dirpath); @chmod($dirpath,0777); } } } } /** * 垂直翻转 * * @param string $src 图片源 */ function _flipV($src) { $src_x = $this->getImgWidth($src); $src_y = $this->getImgHeight($src); $new_im = imagecreatetruecolor($src_x, $src_y); for ($y = 0; $y < $src_y; $y++) { imagecopy($new_im, $src, 0, $src_y - $y - 1, 0, $y, $src_x, 1); } $this->h_src = $new_im; } /** * 水平翻转 * * @param string $src 图片源 */ function _flipH($src) { $src_x = $this->getImgWidth($src); $src_y = $this->getImgHeight($src); $new_im = imagecreatetruecolor($src_x, $src_y); for ($x = 0; $x < $src_x; $x++) { imagecopy($new_im, $src, $src_x - $x - 1, 0, $x, 0, 1, $src_y); } $this->h_src = $new_im; } } ?>
Function description and examples
Usage examples:
< ?php require_once('lib/thumb.class.php'); $t = new ThumbHandler(); $t->setSrcImg("img/test.jpg"); $t->setDstImg("tmp/new_test.jpg"); $t->setMaskImg("img/test.gif"); $t->setMaskPosition(1); $t->setMaskImgPct(80); $t->setDstImgBorder(4,"#dddddd"); // 指定缩放比例 $t->createImg(300,200); ?>
<?php require_once('lib/thumb.class.php'); $t = new ThumbHandler(); // 基本使用 $t--->setSrcImg("img/test.jpg"); $t->setMaskWord("test"); $t->setDstImgBorder(10,"#dddddd"); // 指定缩放比例 $t->createImg(50); ?>
<?php equire_once('lib/thumb.class.php'); $t = new ThumbHandler(); // 基本使用 $t--->setSrcImg("img/test.jpg"); $t->setMaskWord("test"); // 指定固定宽高 $t->createImg(200,200); ?>
<?php require_once('lib/thumb.class.php'); $t = new ThumbHandler(); $t--->setSrcImg("img/test.jpg"); $t->setDstImg("tmp/new_test.jpg"); $t->setMaskWord("test"); // 指定固定宽高 $t->createImg(200,200); ?>
<?php require_once('lib/thumb.class.php'); $t = new ThumbHandler(); $t--->setSrcImg("img/test.jpg"); // 指定字体文件地址 $t->setMaskFont("c:/winnt/fonts/arial.ttf"); $t->setMaskFontSize(20); $t->setMaskFontColor("#ffff00"); $t->setMaskWord("test3333333"); $t->setDstImgBorder(99,"#dddddd"); $t->createImg(50); ?>
<?php require_once('lib/thumb.class.php'); $t = new ThumbHandler(); $t->setSrcImg("img/test.jpg"); $t->setMaskOffsetX(55); $t->setMaskOffsetY(55); $t->setMaskPosition(1); //$t->setMaskPosition(2); //$t->setMaskPosition(3); //$t->setMaskPosition(4); $t->setMaskFontColor("#ffff00"); $t->setMaskWord("test"); // 指定固定宽高 $t->createImg(50); ?>
<?php require_once('lib/thumb.class.php'); $t = new ThumbHandler(); $t->setSrcImg("img/test.jpg"); $t->setMaskFont("c:/winnt/fonts/simyou.ttf"); $t->setMaskFontSize(20); $t->setMaskFontColor("#ffffff"); $t->setMaskTxtPct(20); $t->setDstImgBorder(10,"#dddddd"); $text = "中文"; $str = mb_convert_encoding($text, "UTF-8", "gb2312"); $t->setMaskWord($str); $t->setMaskWord("test"); // 指定固定宽高 $t->createImg(50); ?> </strlen>
The above is the entire content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone's learning , please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website for more related content!
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The above is the detailed content of Code about php multifunctional image processing class. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!