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Javascript summary

2018-06-11 23:42:131264browse

This article contains a lot of knowledge and pictures quoted from other places. Please understand if they are involved. This article is only for personal study.

Arguments (array-like object)

Mainly stores the parameters passed in to the function

#ele.style.border this way Only inline styles can be obtained in js, so currentStyle and getComputedStyle are referenced, but they cannot change properties, they can only get properties, and there is compatibility.

currentStyle (compatible with IE)

getComputedStyle (compatible with Firefox, Google)

Writing ele .currentStyle["attr"] or ele.currentStyle.attr

##window.getComputedStyle(ele,null)[attr] or window.getComputedStyle(ele,null).attr

onfocus(get focus)onblur(lose focus)

onfocus is triggered when the element gets focus

onblur is triggered when the element loses focus

shift() deletes the first item of the array    aTmp.shift()

unshift() adds the first item of the array           aTmp.unshift("Java")

pop() deletes the last item of the array             aTmp.pop()

push() Add the last item of the array aTmp.push("Java")

concat() Connect multiple arrays aTmp.concat(bTmp) Connect aTmp and bTmp arrays

join combines all the elements in the array into a string

splice() adds/removes elements from the array, and then adds the element

arr.splice(2,1,”Javs”) deletes the 2nd item from the array 1 item from the beginning (including item 2), and then add Java

arr.splice(2,3,"Java") to delete the items starting from item 2 in the array. 3 items, then add Java

addHandler() to the original position to add an event function to the object, which has three parameters.

Example: EventUtil.addHandler(elem, event, function()); Object, event, function

removeHandler() removes the object The currently added event has three functions.

Example: EventUtil.removeHandler( elem , event , function()); Object, event, function

addEventListener() is used to add events to specified elements. It has three parameters

Example: elem.addEventListener(event, function(), use); Event, function, execution order (bubble [false] or capture [true])

removeEventListener() is used to delete events for the specified element. It has three parameters

Example: elem .removeEventListener(event, function(), use) Event, function, execution sequence;

attachEvent() adds an event to the object, two functions

Example: elem.attachEvent( “on” event , function() ); Event, function

detachEvent() deletes the specified event, two parameters , it must be an event added by attachEvent() to be deleted by detachEvent()

Example: elem.detachEvent( “on” event , function() ); Event, function

AttachEvent and detachEvent need to add on

removeEventListener to remove the binding event on the HTML element, and addEventListener to bind the event on the HTML element.

FF, chrome, opera, safar, IE9 supports

detachEvent moves out of the binding event on the HTML element, attachEvent binds events on HTML elements

Only IE supports

So in order to adapt to cross-browser, write both, according to The specific browser determines which one to use

Example: elem.addEventListener? elem.addEventLIistener(sEvent, fnHandler, false): elem.attachEvent(“on” sEvent, fnHandler)

Determine whether addEventListener exists. If it exists, use addEventListener. If it does not exist, use attachEvent.

match() function

Retrieve and return the retrieved characters. The object can be a string or a regular expression.

Example 1: var str = "Hello world!"

document.write(str.match(“world”) “
”) //world

Example 2: var str = “1 plus 2 equal3”

## Document.write(str.match(/\d /g)) //1,2,3

keycode() event

Returns the ASCII value of the key struck by the keyboard

Generally used with onkeyup and Use onkeydown together

Example var x = event.keyCode;

onkeydown() event

Pressing a key on the keyboard will trigger the event

Example: ;

onkeypress() event

It will be triggered after a key is pressed and released on the keyboard

onkeyup() event

will be triggered after the keyboard key is released

The order of the three events is onkeydown, onkeypress, onkeyup

Mouse click event

onclick,onmousedown, onmouseup,oncontextmenu,ondblclick


When the mouse clicks on an element, the event is triggered


When the mouse button is pressed, the event is triggered


When the mouse button is pressed and then released, the event is triggered


When the user right-clicks the mouse on the element, the event is triggered


When the mouse double-clicks the element, the event is triggered

client visible area

offsetWidth: width padding border

clientWidth: width padding does not include border

scrollWidth: size is the content size


Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the Ctrl key was pressed when the event occurred


Capture mouse events to the object specified in the current document, but can only capture mouse events (onmousedown, onmouseup, onmousemove, onclick, ondbclick, onmouseover, onmouseout) but not Capture keyboard events.


corresponds to setCapture() and releases mouse events. setCapture() and releaseCapture() are special methods for IE.

obj.style.left and obj.offsetLeft are both values ​​relative to the parent element. In addition, obj.style.left returns a string. For example, 28px is readable and writable. (can be modified), obj, offsetLeft returns a numerical value. Example 28 can only be read (cannot be modified), as are obj.style.top and obj.offsetTop.

appendChild( newChild )

One parameter, append a new node at the end of the parent node

Example: target.appendChild( newChild )


Example: target. insertBefore( newChild , targetChild )

Two parameters, insert the new node in front of the target node

target is added node and existing node 's parent node.

newChild The node to be inserted.

targetChild The existing node, the new node will be inserted in front of it, this value can be null.


target.insertAfter( newChild , targetChild )

This is not provided For this method, you need to write a function yourself using

with two parameters. The first parameter is the same as insertBefore, and the second parameter indicates that the new node will be inserted behind it.

The function is:

##Function insertAfter( newElement , targetElement ){

## var parent = targetElement.parentNode;

if(parent.lastChild == targetElement){




##   parent.insertBefore(newElement,targetElement.nextSibling);




Use the childNodes attribute to return an array that contains all the child nodes of this parent node.


firstChild is the first child node that returns the target element node, equivalent to childNodes[0 ].


lastChild is the last child node that returns the target element node, equivalent to childNodes[length- 1].

Example: target.childNodes[1] Get the second node under the target node


Returns the node immediately following an element at the same level


Return a node before an element at the same level

Example: document.getElementById("item").nextSibling

offsetParent refers to the position-related parent element and is read-only

parentNode refers to the position-independent element The superior element is read-only

Math.ceil() rounds a value up to an integer

Returns greater than or equal to An integer

Math.floor() rounds a value down to an integer

Returns less than or equal to Integer

Math.round() rounds

Returns a value that is closest to the numerical value

Example: Math.ceil(x);


## If If a is true, then whether b is true or false, it will return true, so there is no need to judge b (that is, there is no need to execute b anymore). At this time, a is just judged, so a is returned.

If a is false, then judge b (execute b). If b is true, return true. If it is false, return false. In fact, it returns b.


If a is false, then b will return false regardless of whether it is true or false, so there is no need to judge b (that is, no need to execute b), at this time a is just judged, and a is returned.

If a is true, then b must be judged, then whether b is true or false, b will be returned.

This can be used to determine the selection and execution

Example: maxWidth < getOffset.left(oUl[0 ]) &&(oUl[0].style.left = -oUl[0].clientWidth “px”);

That is, if maxWidth is greater than or equal to oUl [0] is the left end value from the parent element, then if the previous one is false, then there is no need to execute the following

If maxWidth is less than the left end value of oUl[0], then the previous one is true, and the next one needs to be executed Then the value of oUl[0] from the left end of the parent element is negative.

Numeric conversion


Two parameters, the first is the value to be converted (can be a Boolean value, can be a value in a different base), the second is the base to be converted (can be omitted, the default is to convert to decimal). When converting, start from the first character, sweep spaces until the first non-space character is found, return NaN if the character is a letter, and start conversion if it is a number. Decimals are converted to integers after ignoring the decimal point. If there are letters after the numbers, they are converted to integers and omitted before and after the letters. Other base conversions as needed.

Example: var num1 = parseInt(“0xF”) //15


There is only one parameter, which is the value that needs to be converted. The basic conversion is basically the same as parseInt(). For example, starting from the first character, spaces and characters will be ignored, and it can only be converted to decimal integers. or decimal (13 digits after the decimal point), Boolean values ​​can be converted.

Example: var num1 = Number(“0011”) //11


Only one parameter is the value that needs to be converted. The first decimal will be recognized, the second decimal and everything after it will be ignored. It can only be converted to decimal. The others are basically the same as parseInt().


is used to return the result of calling the function.


means that this is the end, the calling function ends and the execution right is handed over to the page.

return: false;

Returns the wrong processing result and prevents the code from continuing to execute.

Generally used to prevent the execution of default actions.

return: true;

Return the correct processing result.

This article explains some summaries of Javascript. For more related content, please pay attention to the php Chinese website.

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The above is the detailed content of Javascript summary. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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