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How to configure the loader in vue?

2018-06-11 10:58:561679browse

This article introduces the common loaders and configuration details of vue projects. Now I share them with you and give them a reference.

This article introduces the common loaders and configuration details of vue projects and shares them with everyone. The details are as follows:

1. Install sass:

1.1 Because sass-loader depends on node-sass, so when installing sass-loader, you also need to install node-sass

npm install --save-dev node-sass
npm install --save-dev sass-loader

1.2 After the installation is complete, modify the c9ccee2e6ea535a969eb3f532ad9fe89 tag:

 <style lang="scss"></style>

2. Install axios:

axios is used for data requests. In Vue1.0, there is an officially recommended ajax plug-in [vue-resource](https://github.com/pagekit/ vue-resource), but since Vue was updated to 2.0, vue-resource is no longer officially updated, and it is recommended to use axios.

2.1 Installation:

npm install axios --save-dev

2.2. Introduction in main.js:

import axios from &#39;axios&#39;
Vue.prototype.$http = axios

2.3. Use in components:

   platformCode:&#39;pc&#39;   // 用于向后台传参
}).then(response => {

3 .Install mock:

3.1. Installation:

npm install mockjs --save-dev

3.2. Use: Create a new mock.js file under src

import Mock from &#39;mockjs&#39;;

export default Mock.mock(&#39;http://platform.breadoffer.com/api/oversea&#39;, {

3.3. In the components that require data Introduced in:

import datas from &#39;../mock&#39; // 根据自己实际目录引入

 methods: {
  request() {
   method: &#39;get&#39;,
   url: &#39;http://platform.breadoffer.com/api/oversea&#39;,
   params: {
   courseMaxCount: 2,  //设置课程返回的数据为2条
   teacherMaxCount: 10, //设置导师返回的数据为10条
  }).then(response => {
  }).catch(error => {

4. Install lib-flexible: --realize mobile terminal adaptation

4.1 Installation:

npm install lib-flexible --save

In the actual development process , when using the flexible plug-in, px will be automatically converted into rem units. In the vue project, we use the px2rem tool for conversion, so we need to install the px2rem loader:

npm install px2rem-loader

4.2 Introduced in main.js:

import &#39;lib-flexible&#39;

4.3 Configure px2rem-loader: (in build/untils.js)

remUnit means 1rem=how many pixels, combined with lib-flexible, we set the option.remUnit of px2remLoader to the design 1/10 of the width of the draft. Assume that the width of our design draft is 750, then remUnit is 75, and then add a px2remLoader after the cssLoader

 var px2remLoader = {
 loader: &#39;px2rem-loader&#39;,
 options: {
  remUnit: 75

 // generate loader string to be used with extract text plugin
 function generateLoaders (loader, loaderOptions) {
 const loaders = [cssLoader,px2remLoader]
 if (loader) {
  loader: loader + &#39;-loader&#39;,
  options: Object.assign({}, loaderOptions, {
   sourceMap: options.sourceMap

5. Install sass-resourses-loader

If you use sass in your project, you will more or less use global variables, mixin/function, etc. So how do you set it as a global state to avoid introducing it in every vue file?

5.1 Install sass-resources-loader:

npm i sass-resources-loader

5.2 Introduce

import &#39;lib-flexible&#39;

5.3 Configure px2rem-loader: (in build/untils.js)

Find this comment in the file

// [https://vue-loader.vuejs.org/en/configurations/extract-css.html](https://vue- loader.vuejs.org/en/configurations/extract-css.html)

Add the following function above the comment:

 function resolveResouce(name) {
  return path.resolve(__dirname, &#39;../src/sass/&#39; + name);  // sass文件所在目录

 function generateSassResourceLoader() {
  var loaders = [
   // &#39;postcss-loader&#39;,
    loader: &#39;sass-resources-loader&#39;,
    options: {
     // it need a absolute path
     resources: [resolveResouce(&#39;_mixin.scss&#39;)]
  if (options.extract) {
   return ExtractTextPlugin.extract({
    use: loaders,
    fallback: &#39;vue-style-loader&#39;
  } else {
   return [&#39;vue-style-loader&#39;].concat(loaders)

and replace the following code

 // return {
 // css: generateLoaders(),
 // postcss: generateLoaders(),
 // less: generateLoaders(&#39;less&#39;),
 // sass: generateLoaders(&#39;sass&#39;, { indentedSyntax: true }),
 // scss: generateLoaders(&#39;sass&#39;),
 // stylus: generateLoaders(&#39;stylus&#39;),
 // styl: generateLoaders(&#39;stylus&#39;)
 // }


 return {
  css: generateLoaders(),
  postcss: generateLoaders(),
  less: generateLoaders(&#39;less&#39;),
  sass: generateSassResourceLoader(),
  scss: generateSassResourceLoader(),
  stylus: generateLoaders(&#39;stylus&#39;),
  styl: generateLoaders(&#39;stylus&#39;)

The above is what I compiled for everyone. I hope it will be helpful to everyone in the future.

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The above is the detailed content of How to configure the loader in vue?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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