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Sorting algorithms are often encountered in programming. This article will use PHP to implement several common sorting algorithms.
1. Bubble sorting
Bubble sorting is the simplest to understand, but the time complexity (O(n^2)) is also one of the largest. The implementation code is as follows:
function bubbleSort($arr) { $len = count($arr); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { // 遍历i后面的元素,只要该元素小于当前元素,就把较小的往前冒泡 for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $len; $j++) { if ($arr[$i] > $arr[$j]) { $t = $arr[$i]; $arr[$i] = $arr[$j]; $arr[$j] = $t; } } } return $arr; } $arr = [3,1,13,5,7,11,2,4,14,9,15,6,12,10,8]; print_r(bubbleSort($arr));
2. Selection sorting
Selection sorting is relatively simple to understand, and the time complexity is O(n^2). The implementation code is as follows:
function selectSort($arr) { $len = count($arr); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $minIndex = $i; // 找出i后面最小的元素与当前元素交换 for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $len; $j++) { if ($arr[$j] < $arr[$minIndex]) { $minIndex = $j; } } if ($minIndex != $i) { $t = $arr[$i]; $arr[$i] = $arr[$minIndex]; $arr[$minIndex] = $t; } } return $arr; } $arr = [3,1,13,5,7,11,2,4,14,9,15,6,12,10,8]; print_r(bubbleSort($arr));
3. Insertion sorting
I feel that insertion sort is somewhat similar to bubble sort. The time complexity is also O(n^2). The implementation code is as follows:
function insertSort($arr) { $len = count($arr); for ($i = 1; $i < $len; $i++) { if ($arr[$i] < $arr[$i - 1]) { $t = $arr[$i]; $j = $i - 1; // 如果当前元素大于前一个元素,就往前挪 while ($j >= 0 && $t < $arr[$j]) { $arr[$j + 1] = $arr[$j]; $j--; } $arr[$j + 1] = $t; } } return $arr; } $arr = [3,1,13,5,7,11,2,4,14,9,15,6,12,10,8]; print_r(bubbleSort($arr));
4. Hill sorting
Hill Sorting can actually be understood as an optimized version of insertion sort. Its efficiency is related to the increment. The increment is different depending on different arrays. Therefore, Hill sorting is an unstable sorting algorithm and its time is complex. The degree is between O(nlogn) and O(n^2). The implementation code is as follows:
function shellSort($arr) { $len = count($arr); $stepSize = floor($len / 2); while ($stepSize >= 1) { for ($i = $stepSize; $i < $len; $i++) { if ($arr[$i] < $arr[$i - $stepSize]) { $t = $arr[$i]; $j = $i - $stepSize; while ($j >= 0 && $t < $arr[$j]) { $arr[$j + $stepSize] = $arr[$j]; $j -= $stepSize; } $arr[$j + $stepSize] = $t; } } // 缩小步长,再进行插入排序 $stepSize = floor($stepSize / 2); } return $arr; } $arr = [3,1,13,5,7,11,2,4,14,9,15,6,12,10,8]; print_r(bubbleSort($arr));
5. Heap sort
Heap sort is an efficient sorting algorithm. Its time The complexity is O(nlogn). The principle is: first convert the array into a maximum heap, then exchange the first element with the i-th element, then convert the remaining i-1 elements into a maximum heap, and then exchange the first element with the i-th element. 1 element is exchanged, and so on. The implementation code is as follows: function heapSort($arr) {
$len = count($arr); // 先建立最大堆 for ($i = floor(($len - 1) / 2); $i >= 0; $i--) { $s = $i; $childIndex = $s * 2 + 1; while ($childIndex < $len) { // 在父、左子、右子中 ,找到最大的 if ($childIndex + 1 < $len && $arr[$childIndex] < $arr[$childIndex + 1]) $childIndex++; if ($arr[$s] < $arr[$childIndex]) { $t = $arr[$s]; $arr[$s] = $arr[$childIndex]; $arr[$childIndex] = $t; $s = $childIndex; $childIndex = $childIndex * 2 + 1; } else { break; } } } // 从最后一个元素开始调整 for ($i = $len - 1; $i > 0; $i--) { $t = $arr[$i]; $arr[$i] = $arr[0]; $arr[0] = $t; // 调整第一个元素 $s = 0; $childIndex = 1; while ($childIndex < $i) { // 在父、左子、右子中 ,找到最大的 if ($childIndex + 1 < $i && $arr[$childIndex] < $arr[$childIndex + 1]) $childIndex++; if ($arr[$s] < $arr[$childIndex]) { $t = $arr[$s]; $arr[$s] = $arr[$childIndex]; $arr[$childIndex] = $t; $s = $childIndex; $childIndex = $childIndex * 2 + 1; } else { break; } } } return $arr; } $arr = [3,1,13,5,7,11,2,4,14,9,15,6,12,10,8]; print_r(bubbleSort($arr));
6. Quick sort
Quick sort is also an efficient sorting algorithm, and its time complexity is also O(nlogn). The principle is: select a reference element, and then place the elements in the array that are smaller than this element to the left of the reference element, and the elements that are larger than it are placed to the right of the reference element. Then continue the same operation on both sides. The code is as follows:
function quickSort($arr) { $len = count($arr); quickSortRecursion($arr, 0, $len - 1); return $arr; } function quickSortRecursion(&$arr, $begin, $end) { if ($begin < $end) { $left = $begin; $right = $end; $temp = $arr[$begin];// $temp为基准元素 // 把小于$temp的元素放到$temp左边,大于它的放在右边 while ($left < $right) { while ($left < $right && $arr[$right] >= $temp) $right--; if ($left < $right) { $arr[$left++] = $arr[$right]; } while ($left < $right && $arr[$left] <= $temp) $left++; if ($left < $right) { $arr[$right--] = $arr[$left]; } } $arr[$left] = $temp; // 把数组分成两部分,递归调用该函数 quickSortRecursion($arr, $begin, $left - 1); quickSortRecursion($arr, $left + 1, $end); } return $arr; } $arr = [3,1,13,5,7,11,2,4,14,9,15,6,12,10,8]; print_r(bubbleSort($arr));
7. Merge sort
The time complexity of merge sort is also O(nlogn). The principle is: for two sorted arrays, traverse the two arrays respectively, obtain the smaller elements and insert them into the new array, then the new array will also be sorted. The code is as follows:
function mergeSort($arr) { $len = count($arr); $arr = mergeSortRecursion($arr, 0, $len - 1); return $arr; } function mergeSortRecursion(&$arr, $begin, $end) { if ($begin < $end) { $mid = floor(($begin + $end) / 2); // 把数组不断拆分,只到只剩下一个元素,对于一个元素的数组,一定是排序好的 mergeSortRecursion($arr, $begin, $mid); mergeSortRecursion($arr, $mid + 1, $end); $i = $begin; $j = $mid + 1; $k = 0; $temp = array(); // 开始执行归并,遍历两个数组,从它们里面取较小的元素插入到新数组中 while ($i <= $mid && $j <= $end) { if ($arr[$i] < $arr[$j]) { $temp[$k++] = $arr[$i++]; } else { $temp[$k++] = $arr[$j++]; } } while ($i <= $mid) { $temp[$k++] = $arr[$i++]; } while ($j <= $end) { $temp[$k++] = $arr[$j++]; } for ($i = 0; $i < $k; $i++) { $arr[$i + $begin] = $temp[$i]; } } return $arr; } $arr = [3,1,13,5,7,11,2,4,14,9,15,6,12,10,8]; print_r(bubbleSort($arr));
This article explains in detail the use of PHP programs to implement the sorting algorithm. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website.
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