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This time I will bring you the use of the defineProperty attribute of vue. What are the precautions for the use of the defineProperty attribute of vue. The following is a practical case, let's take a look.
1. Principle
I believe everyone is familiar with the principle of vue's two-way data binding; mainly through the defineProperty attribute of the ES5 Object object; rewriting data Set and get functions are implemented
, so we will not use ES6 for actual code development; if the function uses the parent this during the process, we should still use the display cache intermediate variables and closures for processing; the reason is The arrow function does not have an independent execution context this; so when the this object appears inside the arrow function, it will directly access the parent; so it can also be seen that the arrow function cannot completely replace the usage scenario of the function; for example, when we need independent this or argument
1.2 What is defineProperty
Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, descriptor)
obj: necessary target object
prop: necessary attribute name that needs to be defined or modified
descriptor: necessary attribute owned by all target attributes
Return value :
Returns the first function passed in; that is, the first parameter obj
This method allows precise addition or modification of the properties of the object; ordinary properties added through assignment will be created in Displayed during attribute enumeration (fon...in; object.key); these added values can be changed or deleted; you can also set some characteristics for this attribute; such as whether it is read-only and not writable; currently there are two forms: Data description (set; get; value; writable; enumerable; confingurable) and accessor description (set; get)
Data description
When modifying or defining the object When a certain attribute; add some characteristics to this attribute
var obj = { name:'xiangha' } // 对象已有的属性添加特性描述 Object.defineProperty(obj,'name',{ configurable:true | false, // 如果是false则不可以删除 enumerable:true | false, // 如果为false则在枚举时候会忽略 value:'任意类型的值,默认undefined' writable:true | false // 如果为false则不可采用数据运算符进行赋值 }); 但是存在一个交叉;如果wrirable为true;而configurable为false的时候;所以需要枚举处理enumerable为false --- 我是一个writable栗子 --- var obj = {}; Object.defineProperty(obj,'val',{ value:'xiangha', writable:false, // false enumerable:true, configurable:true }); obj.val = '书记'; // 这个时候是更改不了a的 --- 我是一个configurable栗子 --- var obj = {}; Object.defineProperty(obj,'val',{ value:'xiangha', writable:true, // true enumerable:true, configurable:false // false }); obj.val = '书记'; // 这个时候是val发生了改变 delete obj.val 会返回false;并且val没有删除 --- 我是一个enumerable栗子 --- var obj = {}; Object.defineProperty(obj,'val',{ value:'xiangha', writable:true, enumerable:false, // false configurable:true }); for(var i in obj){ console.log(obj[i]) // 没有具体值 } 综上:对于我们有影响主要是configurable控制是否可以删除;writable控制是否可以修改赋值;enumerable是否可以枚举
So once you use Object.defineProperty() to add attributes to the object; then if you do not set the characteristics of the attribute; the default value is false
var obj = {}; Object.defineProperty(obj,'name',{}); // 定义了心属性name后;这个属性的特性的值都为false;这就导致name这个是不能重写不能枚举不能再次设置特性的 obj.name = '书记'; console.log(obj.name); // undefined for(var i in obj){ console.log(obj[i]) }
Summary features:
value: Set the value of the attribute
Accessor description
var obj = {}; Object.defineProperty(obj,'name',{ get:function(){} | undefined, set:function(){} | undefined, configuracble:true | false, enumerable:true | false }) 注意:当前使用了setter和getter方法;不允许使用writable和value两个属性
gettet&& setter
When setting to obtain a certain attribute of the object; you can provide getter and setter methodsvar obj = {}; var value = 'xiangha'; Object.defineProperty(obj,'name',{ get:function(){ // 获取值触发 return value }, set:function(val){ // 设置值的时候触发;设置的新值通过参数val拿到 value = val; } }); console.log(obj.name); // xiangha obj.name = '书记'; console,.log(obj.name); // 书记get and set do not have to appear in pairs; just write either one; if you do not set set and set get method; it is undefinedHaha; the foreplay is finally completedSupplement: If you use vue to develop the project; when you try to print the data object, you will find every attribute in the data Both have get and set attribute methods; here is a description of the difference in two-way data binding between vue and angularangular uses dirty data detection; when the Model changes, it will detect whether all views are bound to relevant data ; Update the view againvue uses the publish-subscribe mode; point-to-point binding data
2. Implementation The
<p id="app"> <form> <input type="text" v-model="number"> <button type="button" v-click="increment">增加</button> </form> <h3 v-bind="number"></h3> </p>page is very simple; it contains:
var app = new xhVue({ el:'#app', data: { number: 0 }, methods: { increment: function() { this.number ++; }, } })
2.1 Definition
First we need Define a xhVue constructorfunction xhVue(options){ }
2.2 Add
In order to initialize this constructor; add an _init attribute to itfunction xhVue(options){ this._init(options); } xhVue.prototype._init = function(options){ this.$options = options; // options为使用时传入的结构体;包括el,data,methods等 this.$el = document.querySelector(options.el); // el就是#app,this.$el是id为app的Element元素 this.$data = options.data; // this.$data = {number:0} this.$methods = options.methods; // increment }
2.3 Transformation and upgrade
Transform the _init function; and implement the _xhob function; process data; rewrite the set and get functionsxhVue.prototype._xhob = function(obj){ // obj = {number:0} var value; for(key in obj){ if(obj.hasOwnProperty(ket)){ value = obj[key]; if(typeof value === 'object'){ this._xhob(value); } Object.defineProperty(this.$data,key,{ enumerable:true, configurable:true, get:function(){ return value; }, set:function(newVal){ if(value !== newVal){ value = newVal; } } }) } } } xhVue.prototype._init = function(options){ this.$options = options; this.$el = document.querySelector(options.el); this.$data = options.data; this.$method = options.methods; this._xhob(this.$data); }
2.4 xhWatcher
function xhWatcher(name,el,vm,exp,attr){ this.name = name; // 指令名称;对于文本节点;例如text this.el = el; // 指令对应DOM元素 this.vm = vm; // 指令所属vue实例 this.exp = exp; // 指令对应的值;例如number this.attr = attr; // 绑定的属性值;例如innerHTML this.update(); } xhWatcher.prototype.update = function(){ this.el[this.attr] = this.vm.$data[this.exp]; // 例如h3的innerHTML = this.data.number;当numner改变则会触发本update方法;保证对应的DOM实时更新 }
2.5 完善_init和_xhob
// 给init的时候增加一个对象来存储model和view的映射关系;也就是我们前面定义的xhWatcher的实例;当model发生变化时;我们会触发其中的指令另其更新;保证了view也同时更新 xhVue.prototype._init = function(options){ this.$options = options; this.$el = document.querySelector(options.el); this.$data = options.data; this.$method = options.methods; this._binding = {}; // _binding this._xhob(this.$data); } // 通过init出来的_binding xhVue.prototype._xhob = function(obj){ // obj = {number:0} var value; for(key in obj){ if(obj.hasOwnProperty(ket)){ this._binding[key] = { // _binding = {number:_directives:[]} _directives = [] } value = obj[key]; if(typeof value === 'object'){ this._xhob(value); } var binding = this._binding[key]; Object.defineProperty(this.$data,key,{ enumerable:true, configurable:true, get:function(){ return value; }, set:function(newVal){ if(value !== newVal){ value = newVal; // 当number改变时;触发_binding[number]._directives中已绑定的xhWatcher更新 binding._directives.forEach(function(item){ item.update(); }); } } }) } } }
2.6 解析指令
xhVue.prototype._xhcompile = function (root) { // root是id为app的element的元素;也就是根元素 var _this = this; var nodes = root.children; for (var i = 0,len = nodes.length; i < len; i++) { var node = nodes[i]; if (node.children.length) { // 所有元素进行处理 this._xhcompile(node) }; // 如果有v-click属性;我们监听他的click事件;触发increment事件,即number++ if (node.hasAttribute('v-click')) { node.onclick = (function () { var attrVal = nodes[i].getAttribute('v-click'); // bind让data的作用域与methods函数的作用域保持一致 return _this.$method[attrVal].bind(_this.$data); })(); }; // 如果有v-model属性;并且元素是input或者textrea;我们监听他的input事件 if (node.hasAttribute('v-model') && (node.tagName = 'INPUT' || node.tagName == 'TEXTAREA')) { node.addEventListener('input', (function (key) { var attrVal = node.getAttribute('v-model'); _this._binding[attrVal]._directives.push(new xhWatcher( 'input', node, _this, attrVal, 'value' )); return function () { // 让number的值和node的value保持一致;就实现了双向数据绑定 _this.$data[attrVal] = nodes[key].value } })(i)); }; // 如果有v-bind属性;我们要让node的值实时更新为data中number的值 if (node.hasAttribute('v-bind')) { var attrVal = node.getAttribute('v-bind'); _this._binding[attrVal]._directives.push(new xhWatcher( 'text', node, _this, attrVal, 'innerHTML' )) } } }
xhVue.prototype._init = function(options){ this.$options = options; this.$el = document.querySelector(options.el); this.$data = options.data; this.$method = options.methods; this._binding = {}; // _binding this._xhob(this.$data); this._xhcompile(this.$el); }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> <p id="app"> <form> <input type="text" v-model="number"> <button type="button" v-click="increment">增加</button> </form> <h3 v-bind="number"></h3> </p> </body> <script> function xhVue(options) { this._init(options); } xhVue.prototype._init = function (options) { this.$options = options; this.$el = document.querySelector(options.el); this.$data = options.data; this.$method = options.methods; this._binding = {}; // _binding this._xhob(this.$data); this._xhcompile(this.$el); } xhVue.prototype._xhob = function (obj) { var value; for (key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { this._binding[key] = { _directives: [] } value = obj[key]; if (typeof value === 'object') { this._xhob(value); } var binding = this._binding[key]; Object.defineProperty(this.$data, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function () { console.log(`get${value}`) return value; }, set: function (newVal) { if (value !== newVal) { value = newVal; console.log(`set${newVal}`) // 当number改变时;触发_binding[number]._directives中已绑定的xhWatcher更新 binding._directives.forEach(function (item) { item.update(); }); } } }) } } } xhVue.prototype._xhcompile = function (root) { // root是id为app的element的元素;也就是根元素 var _this = this; var nodes = root.children; for (var i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; i++) { var node = nodes[i]; if (node.children.length) { // 所有元素进行处理 this._xhcompile(node) }; // 如果有v-click属性;我们监听他的click事件;触发increment事件,即number++ if (node.hasAttribute('v-click')) { node.onclick = (function () { var attrVal = node.getAttribute('v-click'); console.log(attrVal); // bind让data的作用域与method函数的作用域保持一致 return _this.$method[attrVal].bind(_this.$data); })(); }; // 如果有v-model属性;并且元素是input或者textrea;我们监听他的input事件 if (node.hasAttribute('v-model') && (node.tagName = 'INPUT' || node.tagName == 'TEXTAREA')) { node.addEventListener('input', (function (key) { var attrVal = node.getAttribute('v-model'); _this._binding[attrVal]._directives.push(new xhWatcher( 'input', node, _this, attrVal, 'value' )); return function () { // 让number的值和node的value保持一致;就实现了双向数据绑定 _this.$data[attrVal] = nodes[key].value } })(i)); }; // 如果有v-bind属性;我们要让node的值实时更新为data中number的值 if (node.hasAttribute('v-bind')) { var attrVal = node.getAttribute('v-bind'); _this._binding[attrVal]._directives.push(new xhWatcher( 'text', node, _this, attrVal, 'innerHTML' )) } } } function xhWatcher(name, el, vm, exp, attr) { this.name = name; // 指令名称;对于文本节点;例如text this.el = el; // 指令对应DOM元素 this.vm = vm; // 指令所属vue实例 this.exp = exp; // 指令对应的值;例如number this.attr = attr; // 绑定的属性值;例如innerHTML this.update(); } xhWatcher.prototype.update = function () { this.el[this.attr] = this.vm.$data[this.exp]; // 例如h3的innerHTML = this.data.number;当numner改变则会触发本update方法;保证对应的DOM实时更新 } var app = new xhVue({ el: '#app', data: { number: 0 }, methods: { increment: function () { this.number++; } } }); </script> </html>
The above is the detailed content of Use of defineProperty attribute of vue. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!