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WeChat mini program development to obtain user basic information

2018-06-05 10:07:374199browse

What I wrote today are some problems I encountered in a small program I just took over. PS I am a newbie in front-end.

This time I will bring you WeChat mini program development to obtain user basic information. What are the precautions for WeChat mini program development to obtain user basic information? The following is a practical case, let’s take a look.

1. Regarding obtaining basic user information (WeChat officially does not allow developers to enter the page to directly obtain user information [that is, entering the page to force a pop-up box]), but to obtain information directly through the format of the component.

4a8a34e6d26f3631527e56fc95d78fbd06425513c31fa58eacf0d2db9fde433e   (这个只是让开发者能够直接获取到用户信息,不用授权、仅仅是显示作用)
56dd57ebae7e08e71e60d099a542c71d8a26fa0e5ee2c33745bec422eb741f84    93cbfb637924a7ee29c9b67799d980c6

These two components are officially provided by WeChat. They can only adjust styles and cannot perform background storage operations.

72000b4a954cd2ca4a34d0811ce6bdcbb242bdceb8449df260065b85db88d6a7 Write in data (lower version compatible)

userAvatarUrl: wx.canIUse('open-data.type.userAvatarUrl'),
userNickName: wx.canIUse('open-data.type.userNickName'),

**If it is not compatible, just write open-data directly. If the lower version is compatible ( if determines whether the version of WeChat reaches the version displayed by the component)

I believe you have mastered the method after reading the case in this article. For more exciting information, please pay attention to other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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The above is the detailed content of WeChat mini program development to obtain user basic information. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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