Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >Implementation of Baidu Encyclopedia-like right navigation code based on Jquery with source code download_jquery
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Imitate Baidu Encyclopedia’s right navigation code jquery plug-in. This imitation encyclopedia’s right navigation js code was put into use a long time ago because this navigation is particularly suitable for long documents. It took me half a day to write this imitation encyclopedia. The navigation plug-in is still a bit weak compared to Baidu Encyclopedia. It does not have the function of scrolling the navigation area on the right. If your document is not super long, it should be enough.
If your navigation is super long, you may need to use the side navigation page to scroll. Under normal circumstances, it is not used. I will wait until I have a good implementation idea later. I have not thought of implementing the right navigation area at the moment. A good way to link it with the scrolling of the content on the left.
Note: "h2,h3" in var directoryNav = new DirectoryNav($("h2,h3"),{}); is the content node that generates two-level navigation
/* *仿百度百科右侧导航代码 - 页面目录结构导航 v0.01 * 只写了两级,无限级别也可以,是逻辑上的级别,html结构全是同一级别 * 滑标动画用的css3过渡动画,不支持的浏览器就没动画效果了 * 和百度百科比起来还是比较弱,没有实现右边也可以滚动的功能 */ function DirectoryNav($h,config){ this.opts = $.extend(true,{ scrollThreshold:0.5, //滚动检测阀值 0.5在浏览器窗口中间部位 scrollSpeed:700, //滚动到指定位置的动画时间 scrollTopBorder:500, //滚动条距离顶部多少的时候显示导航 easing: 'swing', //不解释 delayDetection:200, //延时检测,避免滚动的时候检测过于频繁 scrollChange:function(){} },config); this.$win = $(window); this.$h = $h; this.$pageNavList = ""; this.$pageNavListLis =""; this.$curTag = ""; this.$pageNavListLiH = ""; this.offArr = []; this.curIndex = 0; this.scrollIng = false; this.init(); } DirectoryNav.prototype = { init:function(){ this.make(); this.setArr(); this.bindEvent(); }, make:function(){ //生成导航目录结构,这是根据需求自己生成的。如果你直接在页面中输出一个结构那也挺好不用 搞js $("body").append('<div class="directory-nav" id="directoryNav"><ul></ul><span class="cur-tag"></span><span class="c-top"></span><span class="c-bottom"></span><span class="line"></span></div>>'); var $hs = this.$h, $directoryNav = $("#directoryNav"), temp = [], index1 = 0, index2 = 0; $hs.each(function(index){ var $this = $(this), text = $this.text(); if(this.tagName.toLowerCase()=='h2'){ index1++; if(index1%2==0) index2 = 0; temp.push('<li class="l1"><span class="c-dot"></span>'+index1+'. <a class="l1-text">'+text+'</a></li>'); }else{ index2++; temp.push('<li class="l2">'+index1+'.'+index2+' <a class="l2-text">'+text+'</a></li>'); } }); $directoryNav.find("ul").html(temp.join("")); //设置变量 this.$pageNavList = $directoryNav; this.$pageNavListLis = this.$pageNavList.find("li"); this.$curTag = this.$pageNavList.find(".cur-tag"); this.$pageNavListLiH = this.$pageNavListLis.eq(0).height(); if(!this.opts.scrollTopBorder){ this.$pageNavList.show(); } }, setArr:function(){ var This = this; this.$h.each(function(){ var $this = $(this), offT = Math.round($this.offset().top); This.offArr.push(offT); }); }, posTag:function(top){ this.$curTag.css({top:top+'px'}); }, ifPos:function(st){ var offArr = this.offArr; //console.log(st); var windowHeight = Math.round(this.$win.height() * this.opts.scrollThreshold); for(var i=0;i<offArr.length;i++){ if((offArr[i] - windowHeight) < st) { var $curLi = this.$pageNavListLis.eq(i), tagTop = $curLi.position().top; $curLi.addClass("cur").siblings("li").removeClass("cur"); this.curIndex = i; this.posTag(tagTop+this.$pageNavListLiH*0.5); //this.curIndex = this.$pageNavListLis.filter(".cur").index(); this.opts.scrollChange.call(this); } } }, bindEvent:function(){ var This = this, show = false, timer = 0; this.$win.on("scroll",function(){ var $this = $(this); clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function(){ This.scrollIng = true; if($this.scrollTop()>This.opts.scrollTopBorder){ if(!This.$pageNavListLiH) This.$pageNavListLiH = This.$pageNavListLis.eq(0).height(); if(!show){ This.$pageNavList.fadeIn(); show = true; } This.ifPos( $(this).scrollTop() ); }else{ if(show){ This.$pageNavList.fadeOut(); show = false; } } },This.opts.delayDetection); }); this.$pageNavList.on("click","li",function(){ var $this = $(this), index = $this.index(); This.scrollTo(This.offArr[index]); }) }, scrollTo: function(offset,callback) { var This = this; $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: offset }, this.opts.scrollSpeed, this.opts.easing, function(){ This.scrollIng = false; //修正弹两次回调 蛋疼 callback && this.tagName.toLowerCase()=='body' && callback(); }); } }; //调用实例化 var directoryNav = new DirectoryNav($("h2,h3"),{ scrollTopBorder:0 //滚动条距离顶部多少的时候显示导航,如果为0,则一直显示 });
When writing the js code for the right navigation of Baidu Encyclopedia, I had an idea, which is to associate the scroll bar of the right navigation area and the scroll bar of the left content with a calculation formula to achieve synchronous scrolling.