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Detailed explanation of usage examples of WeChat js-sdk payment interface class in PHP version

2018-06-01 09:54:101880browse

This article mainly introduces the usage of the PHP version of WeChat js-sdk payment interface class, and analyzes the definition and related usage skills of the PHP version of WeChat js-sdk payment interface class in the form of examples. Friends in need can refer to it

This payment class is modified based on the official document! It mainly implements the generation of JS API, Native package signature package and Native response XML format data. Comments are marked with the purpose of each method. Because the package signature is a little complicated, you need to spend more time to read and log the files to compare them one by one! Of course, as long as you use the tutorial class and set the corresponding parameters, you can correctly generate package parameters, etc.

if (isset($argc) && $argc >= 1 && $argv[0] == __FILE__) {
  $pay = new WechatPay(array(
    WechatPay::APPID => &#39;wx99dabzpiuq83985b8&#39;,
    WechatPay::APPSERCER => &#39;ac12e7e4abaer63hkoa0cc36a9663fa&#39;,
    WechatPay::PARTNERKEY => &#39;bae4sfa3562rsfaq23s2045&#39;,
    WechatPay::PARTNERID => &#39;1268969802&#39;,
    WechatPay::PAYSIGNKEY => &#39;9Fqsxb3PK4IVOCEc4yCquy5zecS9LeeMjF2Nn4B4YKoOxPwaQdFwMezKT8oNlBYaWcuT&#39;,
    WechatPay::SIGNTYPE => &#39;sha1&#39;,
  //设置package 必要的参数 jsapi native都通用
  $pay->setParams(WechatPay::BANK_TYPE, "WX");
  $pay->setParams(WechatPay::BODY, "test");
  $pay->setParams(WechatPay::PARTNER, $pay->partnerid);
  $pay->setParams(WechatPay::OUT_TRADE_NO, commonUtil::createNoncestr());
  $pay->setParams(WechatPay::TOTAL_FEE, "1");
  $pay->setParams(WechatPay::FEE_TYPE, "1");
  $pay->setParams(WechatPay::TIMESTAMP, time());
  $pay->setParams(WechatPay::NOTIFY_URL, "http://www.demo.com/notify");
  $pay->setParams(WechatPay::SPBILL_CREATE_IP, "");
  $pay->setParams(WechatPay::INPUT_CHARSET, "UTF-8");
  //生成native XML
  //生成native URL

The package signature generated by JS API Package parameters:


Native Response XML format:


Native URL Link:


No matter which way, we must set the necessary initialization parameters and Product price and status, etc.!

WechatPay class:

class WechatPay {
    BANK_TYPE = &#39;bank_type&#39;,
    BODY = &#39;body&#39;,
    PARTNER = &#39;partner&#39;,
    OUT_TRADE_NO = &#39;out_trade_no&#39;,
    TIMESTAMP = &#39;timestamp&#39;,
    TOTAL_FEE = &#39;total_fee&#39;,
    FEE_TYPE = &#39;fee_type&#39;,
    NOTIFY_URL = &#39;notify_url&#39;,
    SPBILL_CREATE_IP = &#39;spbill_create_ip&#39;,
    INPUT_CHARSET = &#39;input_charset&#39;,
    APPID = &#39;appid&#39;,
    APPSERCER = &#39;appsercer&#39;,
    PAYSIGNKEY = &#39;appkey&#39;,
    PARTNERID = &#39;partnerid&#39;,
    PARTNERKEY = &#39;partnerkey&#39;,
    SIGNTYPE = &#39;signtype&#39;;
    $params = array(), $partnerid = &#39;&#39;;
  static protected
    $_appid, $_appkey, $_signtype, $_partnerkey, $_appsercer;
  static public function getInstance(array $options = array()) {
    if (empty(self::$_instance)) {
      self::$_instance = new self ($options);
    return self::$_instance;
  public function __construct(array $options = array()){
    $this->_appid = $options[self::APPID];
    $this->_appkey = $options[self::PAYSIGNKEY];
    $this->_signtype = $options[self::SIGNTYPE];
    $this->_partnerkey = $options[self::PARTNERKEY];
    $this->_appsercer = $options[self::APPSERCER];
    $this->partnerid = $options[self::APPID];
  public function setParams($param, $paramValue) {
    $this->params[CommonUtil::trimString($param)] = CommonUtil::trimString($paramValue);
  public function getParams($param) {
    return $this->params[$param];
  protected function createNoncestr( $length = 16 ) {
    $chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
    $str ="";
    for ( $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++ ) {
      $str.= substr($chars, mt_rand(0, strlen($chars)-1), 1);
    return $str;
  public function checkParams(){
    if($this->params[self::BANK_TYPE] == null || $this->params[self::BODY] == null || $this->params[self::PARTNER] == null ||
      $this->params[self::OUT_TRADE_NO] == null || $this->params[self::TOTAL_FEE] == null || $this->params[self::FEE_TYPE] == null ||
      $this->params[self::NOTIFY_URL] == null || $this->params[self::SPBILL_CREATE_IP] == null || $this->params[self::INPUT_CHARSET] == null
    ) {
      return false;
    return true;
   * 生成package包
   * @params 初始化类时用setParams方法定义必要的9个参数
   * 排序后格式化url query形式 再md5SignUtil类签名,再给合URL
  protected function getPackageSign(){
    try {
      if (null == $this->_partnerkey || "" == $this->_partnerkey ) {
        throw new Exception("密钥不能为空!" . "<br>");
      $commonUtil = new CommonUtil();
      $unSignParaString = $commonUtil->formatUrlQuery($this->params, false);
      $paraString = $commonUtil->formatUrlQuery($this->params, true);
      $md5SignUtil = new MD5SignUtil();
      return $paraString . "&sign=" . $md5SignUtil->sign($unSignParaString,commonUtil::trimString($this->_partnerkey));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      echo ($e->getMessage());
   * 生成签名方法
   * @params appid appkey package timestamp noncestr 等参数而native事例代码中加上retcode reterrmsg两个参数
  public function getPaySign($signObj){
    foreach ($signObj as $k => $v){
      $signParams[strtolower($k)] = $v;
    try {
      if ($this->_appkey == "") {
        throw new Exception("APPKEY为空!" . "<br>");
      $signParams["appkey"] = $this->_appkey;
      ksort($signParams, SORT_STRING);
      $commonUtil = new CommonUtil();
      $signString = $commonUtil->formatPayUrlQuery($signParams, false);
      return sha1($signString);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      echo ($e->getMessage());
  //JS API 签名 其中nonceStr是作为订单号 灌穿整个支付流程
  public function createJsApiPackage(){
    try {
      if($this->checkParams() == false) {
        throw new Exception("生成package参数缺失!" . "<br>");
      $payObj["appId"] = $this->_appid;
      $payObj["package"] = $this->getPackageSign();
      $payObj["timeStamp"] = $this->getParams(self::TIMESTAMP);
      $payObj["nonceStr"] = $this->getParams(self::OUT_TRADE_NO);
      $payObj["paySign"] = $this->getPaySign($payObj);
      $payObj["signType"] = $this->_signtype;
      return json_encode($payObj);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
   * 构建发货状态数组 主要三个参数openid transid orderid
  public function createDeliverPost(Array $params) {
    $deliver = array();
    $deliver[&#39;appid&#39;] = $this->_appid;
    $deliver[&#39;openid&#39;] = $params[&#39;openid&#39;];
    $deliver[&#39;transid&#39;] = $params[&#39;transid&#39;];
    $deliver[&#39;out_trade_no&#39;] = $params[&#39;out_trade_no&#39;];
    $deliver[&#39;deliver_timestamp&#39;] = current_time(&#39;timestamp&#39;);
    $deliver[&#39;deliver_status&#39;] = 1;
    $deliver[&#39;deliver_msg&#39;] = &#39;OK&#39;;
    $deliver[&#39;app_signature&#39;] = $this->getPaySign($deliver);
    $deliver[&#39;sign_method&#39;] = &#39;sha1&#39;;
    return $deliver;
   * 生成扫描或者点击原生URL后,响应的XML格式
   * @params $retcode $reterrmsg 定义该商品的状态
  public function createNativePackage($retcode = 0, $reterrmsg = "ok") {
    try {
      if ($this->checkParams() == false && $retcode == 0) {  //如果是正常的返回, 检查财付通的参数
        throw new Exception("生成package参数缺失!" . "<br>");
      $nativeObj["AppId"] = $this->_appid;
      $nativeObj["Package"] = $this->getPackageSign();
      $nativeObj["TimeStamp"] = $this->getParams(self::TIMESTAMP);
      $nativeObj["NonceStr"] = $this->getParams(self::OUT_TRADE_NO);
      $nativeObj["RetCode"] = $retcode;
      $nativeObj["RetErrMsg"] = $reterrmsg;
      $nativeObj["AppSignature"] = $this->getPaySign($nativeObj);
      $nativeObj["SignMethod"] = $this->_signtype;
      $commonUtil = new CommonUtil();
      $xml = $commonUtil->arrayToXml($nativeObj);
    }catch (Exception $e) {
      echo ($e->getMessage());
   * 生成原生URL 以订单号为参数 这是灌穿整个支付流程
  public function createNativeUrl($productid) {
    $commonUtil = new CommonUtil();
    $nativeObj["appid"] = $this->_appid;
    $nativeObj["productid"] = urlencode($productid);
    $nativeObj["timestamp"] = time();
    $nativeObj["nonceStr"] = commonUtil::createNoncestr();
    $nativeObj["sign"] = $this->getPaySign($nativeObj);
    $nativeString = $commonUtil->formatPayUrlQuery($nativeObj, false);
    return "weixin://wxpay/bizpayurl?".$nativeString;
   * 取IP地址
  public function getIp(){
    switch(true) {
      case !empty($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]):
        $ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"];
      case !empty($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]):
        $ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];
      case !empty($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]):
        $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
        $ip = "";
    return $ip;
class MD5SignUtil {
  public function sign($content, $key) {
    try {
      if (null == $key) {
        throw new Exception("财付通签名key不能为空!" . "<br>");
      if (null == $content) {
        throw new Exception("财付通签名内容不能为空" . "<br>");
      $signStr = $content . "&key=" . $key;
      return strtoupper(md5($signStr));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      echo ($e->getMessage());
  public static function verifySignature($content, $sign, $md5Key) {
    $signStr = $content . "&key=" . $md5Key;
    $calculateSign = strtolower(md5($signStr));
    $tenpaySign = strtolower($sign);
    return $calculateSign == $tenpaySign;
class CommonUtil {
  public function genAllUrl($toURL, $paras) {
    $allUrl = null;
    if (null == $toURL) {
      die("toURL is null");
    if (strripos($toURL,"?") =="") {
      $allUrl = $toURL . "?" . $paras;
    } else {
      $allUrl = $toURL . "&" . $paras;
    return $allUrl;
  static public function createOrderNo() {
    $nonce = CommonUtil::createNoncestr(4);
    return strtoupper(date(&#39;ymds&#39;).substr(microtime(),2,4).$nonce);
  static public function createNoncestr( $length = 16 ) {
    $chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
    $str ="";
    for ( $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++ ) {
      $str.= substr($chars, mt_rand(0, strlen($chars)-1), 1);
    return $str;
  public function splitParaStr($src, $token) {
    $resMap = array();
    $items = explode($token,$src);
    foreach ($items as $item){
      $paraAndValue = explode("=",$item);
      if ($paraAndValue != "") {
        $resMap[$paraAndValue[0]] = $paraAndValue[1];
    return $resMap;
  static function trimString($value) {
    $ret = null;
    if (null != $value) {
      $ret = $value;
      if (strlen($ret) == 0) {
        $ret = null;
    return $ret;
  public function formatUrlQuery($paraMap, $urlencode) {
    $buff = "";
    ksort($paraMap, SORT_STRING);
    foreach ($paraMap as $k => $v) {
      if (null != $v && "null" != $v && "sign" != $k) {
        if($urlencode) {
          $v = urlencode($v);
        $buff .= $k . "=" . $v . "&";
    $reqPar = &#39;&#39;;
    if (strlen($buff) > 0) {
      $reqPar = substr($buff, 0, strlen($buff)-1);
    return $reqPar;
  public function formatPayUrlQuery($paraMap, $urlencode) {
    $buff = "";
    ksort($paraMap, SORT_STRING);
    foreach ($paraMap as $k => $v) {
        $v = urlencode($v);
      $buff .= strtolower($k) . "=" . $v . "&";
    $reqPar = &#39;&#39;;
    if (strlen($buff) > 0) {
      $reqPar = substr($buff, 0, strlen($buff)-1);
    return $reqPar;
   * 输出一级数组的xml格式
  public function arrayToXml($arr) {
    $xml = "<xml>";
    foreach ($arr as $key=>$val) {
      if ($key == &#39;TimeStamp&#39; || $key == &#39;RetCode&#39;) {
      } else
    $xml .= "</xml>";
    return $xml;

##Summary: The above is the entire content of this article, I hope it can be helpful to everyone Learning helps.

Related recommendations:

php Curl’s method of obtaining a json object and converting it into an array

PHP implements a tool class that can accurately verify ID number

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The above is the detailed content of Detailed explanation of usage examples of WeChat js-sdk payment interface class in PHP version. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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