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The li part of the code above actually has eight implementations of this interface. <br><p><img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/192/893/2f9db835a2fedc2d99f37ea68e51ed01-0.png?x-oss-process=image/resize,p_40" class="lazy" alt=""></p><p>Because the li codes are all the same, I won’t list them one by one. Just everyone understands. <br></p><p>ok Everyone here understands ;The following is the js code for interaction using ajax<br></p><p>Add a js code block below<br></p><p class="jb51code"></p><pre class='brush:php;toolbar:false;'><pre name="code" class="javascript"><script type="text/javascript"> var str=""; $.ajax({ type:"post", url:"postDemo.php", data:{ "code":"201", "user":"admin" }, success:function(data){ var result=eval("("+data+")"); alert(data); for(var i=0;i<result.length;i++){ if ((i+1)%4){ var str = "<li class='hot_sale_li left' >" + "<p class='pic'><a style='width:260px;height:172px;' href='" + result[i].titleURL + "' title='维多利陶瓷 自然石系列'><img style='width:260px;height:172px;' alt='" + result[i].title + "' src='" + result[i].imgURL + "' /></a></p>" + "<p class='tit'><a href='" + result[i].titleURL + "' title='" + result[i].title + "'>" + result[i].title + "</a></p>" + "<p class='price'><span class='right'>预订:<b class='yd_num'>" + result[i].number + "</b>件</span><span class='bx_price'>¥" + result[i].Nprice + "</span><span class='store_price'>¥" + result[i].Oprice + "</span></p> </li>" } else { // var str = "<li class='hot_sale_li left'style='margin-right: 0px' >" + "<p class='pic'><a style='width:260px;height:172px;' href='" + result[i].titleURL + "' title='维多利陶瓷 自然石系列'><img style='width:260px;height:172px;' alt='" + result[i].title + "' src='" + result[i].imgURL + "' /></a></p>" + "<p class='tit'><a href='" + result[i].titleURL + "' title='" + result[i].title + "'>" + result[i].title + "</a></p>" + "<p class='price'><span class='right'>预订:<b class='yd_num'>" + result[i].number + "</b>件</span><span class='bx_price'>¥" + result[i].Nprice + "</span><span class='store_price'>¥" + result[i].Oprice + "</span></p> </li>" } $(" .index_hot_sale #hot_sale").append(str); // var oneTitle = result[i].title; // $(".hot_sale_ul li:eq("+i+") a").attr("title",result[i].title); // $(".hot_sale_ul li:eq("+i+") a").attr("title",result[i].title); } } }) </script><p>
<p><p>上面的ajax的几个属性大家映带都懂 我简单说一下 type就是提交的方式 一共有post和get两种 我用的是post<p>url就是服务器php的路径就是提交数据到的地址,data就是我们提交的数据,就是进行向服务器进行提交,然后服务器代码就是以下代码:<p><p>
<?php </p>/** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Administrator * Date: 2016-7-15 * Time: 17:28 */ include "data.php"; if($_POST["code"]==201 && $_POST["user"]=="admin"){ // echo json_encode(array("code"=>111)) ; echo json_encode($hotSale); }else{ echo json_encode(array("code"=>402)); echo json_encode($hotSale); }<p><p>The php file included by the server code is a php file that stores data. The code will be attached below; let me explain this simple server-side code
if($_POST["code"]==201 && $_POST["user"]=="admin"){ // echo json_encode(array("code"=>111)) ; echo json_encode($hotSale); }<p><p>This judgment is based on the data sent from the client. If the code and user are correct, the data will be returned to you. If not, return
else{ echo json_encode(array("code"=>402)); echo json_encode($hotSale); }<p><p>This was decided upon during development with colleagues on the server side
<pre name="code" class="php">echo json_encode($hotSale);<p><p> is the sentence echo. Everyone knows that it is a keyword in php. json_encode is to get us to load data.php
"./百姓商城-百姓广场网上商城-郑州建材_郑州家具_郑州建材网_郑州装修公司-价格最低,保障质量_files/56945f40088bc0491409db204dab9be3e0a3.jpg", "title"=>"南方家居 Q23025床(带床垫)", "titleURL"=>"http://www.baixingmall.com/item/52a297380d2c004b75090030180f9be3e0a3.htm", "Nprice" => "1980", "Oprice"=>"1980", "number"=>"53" ); $hotSaleContent2=array( "imgURL"=>"./百姓商城-百姓广场网上商城-郑州建材_郑州家具_郑州建材网_郑州装修公司-价格最低,保障质量_files/56945f4d0b610045fe09f8604dab9be3e0a3.jpg", "title"=>"富魄力 M-66型沙发", "titleURL"=>"http://www.baixingmall.com/item/5178d9660f230049d10847f06de39be3e0a3.htm", "Nprice"=>"3600", "Oprice"=>"8600", "number"=>"60" ); $hotSaleContent3=array( "imgURL"=>"./百姓商城-百姓广场网上商城-郑州建材_郑州家具_郑州建材网_郑州装修公司-价格最低,保障质量_files/56945f570129804eec0921e04dab9be3e0a3.jpg", "title"=>"和木轩 HK8005电视柜", "titleURL"=>"http://www.baixingmall.com/item/526a0f8704a540492c0a3960345b9be3e0a3.htm", "Nprice"=>"3600", "Oprice"=>"8600", "number"=>"60" ); $hotSaleContent4=array( "imgURL"=>"./百姓商城-百姓广场网上商城-郑州建材_郑州家具_郑州建材网_郑州装修公司-价格最低,保障质量_files/56945f5f0cb640412e0aeb104d589be3e0a3.jpg", "title"=>"怡品源12F07-12E07餐桌椅", "titleURL"=>"http://www.baixingmall.com/item/52fec2ee0d0a4041ca08954018d89be3e0a3.htm", "Nprice"=>"300", "Oprice"=>"800", "number"=>"600" ); $hotSaleContent5=array( "imgURL"=>"./百姓商城-百姓广场网上商城-郑州建材_郑州家具_郑州建材网_郑州装修公司-价格最低,保障质量_files/56945f5f0cb640412e0aeb104d589be3e0a3.jpg", "title"=>"怡品源12F07-12E07餐桌椅", "titleURL"=>"http://www.baixingmall.com/item/52fec2ee0d0a4041ca08954018d89be3e0a3.htm", "Nprice"=>"300", "Oprice"=>"800", "number"=>"600" ); $hotSaleContent6=array( "imgURL"=>"./百姓商城-百姓广场网上商城-郑州建材_郑州家具_郑州建材网_郑州装修公司-价格最低,保障质量_files/56945f5f0cb640412e0aeb104d589be3e0a3.jpg", "title"=>"怡品源12F07-12E07餐桌椅", "titleURL"=>"http://www.baixingmall.com/item/52fec2ee0d0a4041ca08954018d89be3e0a3.htm", "Nprice"=>"300", "Oprice"=>"800", "number"=>"600" ); $hotSaleContent7=array( "imgURL"=>"./百姓商城-百姓广场网上商城-郑州建材_郑州家具_郑州建材网_郑州装修公司-价格最低,保障质量_files/56945f570129804eec0921e04dab9be3e0a3.jpg", "title"=>"和木轩 HK8005电视柜", "titleURL"=>"http://www.baixingmall.com/item/526a0f8704a540492c0a3960345b9be3e0a3.htm", "Nprice"=>"3600", "Oprice"=>"8600", "number"=>"60" ); $hotSaleContent8=array( "imgURL"=>"./百姓商城-百姓广场网上商城-郑州建材_郑州家具_郑州建材网_郑州装修公司-价格最低,保障质量_files/56945f4d0b610045fe09f8604dab9be3e0a3.jpg", "title"=>"富魄力 M-66型沙发", "titleURL"=>"http://www.baixingmall.com/item/5178d9660f230049d10847f06de39be3e0a3.htm", "Nprice"=>"3600", "Oprice"=>"8600", "number"=>"60" ); $hotSale=array($hotSaleContent1, $hotSaleContent2,$hotSaleContent3, $hotSaleContent4,$hotSaleContent5, $hotSaleContent6,$hotSaleContent7, $hotSaleContent8); <p>这里面就是所有的服务器提供的数据 然后进行获取那个数组<p>$hotSale;<p>然后传到我们html的ajax的data里面即使这个:
<p><span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"></span><pre name="code" class="html">success:function(data){ var result=eval("("+data+")"); alert(data);<p><p>This is inside the function funcation() that is executed when ajax is successfully obtained. The data of our array is obtained. In fact, it is a json file, but we still need to convert it to the array format.var result=eval("(" data ")");This sentence is to convert it into a real array array that we are familiar with;<br><p>Then we need eight pieces of data to traverse<pre name="code" class="html">for(var i=0;i<result.length;i++){ var str = "<li class='hot_sale_li left' >" + "<p class='pic'><a style='width:260px;height:172px;' href='" + result[i].titleURL + "' title='维多利陶瓷 自然石系列'><img style='width:260px;height:172px;' alt='" + result[i].title + "' src='" + result[i].imgURL + "' /></a></p>" + "<p class='tit'><a href='" + result[i].titleURL + "' title='" + result[i].title + "'>" + result[i].title + "</a></p>" + "<p class='price'><span class='right'>预订:<b class='yd_num'>" + result[i].number + "</b>件</span><span class='bx_price'>¥" + result[i].Nprice + "</span><span class='store_price'>¥" + result[i].Oprice + "</span></p> </li>" }<p><p>result.length is our maximum length,
<p>After the final traversal, eight items will be output; but someone must ask you how to load the array passed from the server into HTML; let’s explain the content in the var str above:<pre name="code" class="html" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">var str = "<li class='hot_sale_li left' >" + "<p class='pic'><a style='width:260px;height:172px;' href='" + result[i].titleURL + "' title='维多利陶瓷 自然石系列'><img style='width:260px;height:172px;' alt='" + result[i].title + "' src='" + result[i].imgURL + "' /></a></p>" + "<p class='tit'><a href='" + result[i].titleURL + "' title='" + result[i].title + "'>" + result[i].title + "</a></p>" + "<p class='price'><span class='right'>预订:<b class='yd_num'>" + result[i].number + "</b>件</span><span class='bx_price'>¥" + result[i].Nprice + "</span><span class='store_price'>¥" + result[i].Oprice + "</span></p> </li>" }<p><p>You can see that this is a custom array and then add a "" to each line. Everyone understands that this is a link in js Method; the data replacement inside is
result[i].XXX; i is the traversed data. Each different i gets different data from the server json because it can be used to obtain it after it is converted into an array. ;
XXX refers to each array key, to get the value inside and put it into the attribute, and then write this html!!!
<p>The above is the entire content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study. <p>
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The above is the detailed content of Use PHP as the server to interact with the web front-end interface. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!