Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >How to build a React family bucket environment
This time I will show you how to build a React family bucket environment and what are the precautions for building a React family bucket environment. The following is a practical case, let's take a look.
Environment setup
1. Build a webpack react development environment from scratch
2.Introduce Typescript
Installation dependencies
npm i -S @types/react @types/react-dom npm i -D typescript awesome-typescript-loader source-map-loader
New tsconfig.json
{ "compilerOptions": { "outDir": "./dist/", "sourceMap": true, "noImplicitAny": true, "module": "commonjs", "target": "es5", "jsx": "react" }, "include": [ "./src/**/*" ] }
Modify webpack.config.js
// webpack.config.js const path = require('path'); const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin'); const webpack = require('webpack'); module.exports = { entry: { index:'./src/index.js', }, output: { filename: 'bundle.js', path: path.resolve(dirname, 'dist') }, devtool: "source-map", // Add '.ts' and '.tsx' as resolvable extensions. resolve: { extensions: ['.ts', '.tsx', '.js', '.jsx'] }, module: { rules: [ { test: /\.css$/, use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader'] }, { test: /\.(png|svg|jpg|gif)$/, use: ['url-loader'] }, { test: /\.(woff|woff2|eot|ttf|otf)$/, use: ['url-loader'] }, { test: /\.(js|jsx)$/, exclude: /node_modules/, use: { loader: 'babel-loader' } }, // All files with a '.ts' or '.tsx' extension will be handled by 'awesome-typescript-loader'. { test: /\.tsx?$/, loader: "awesome-typescript-loader" }, ] }, plugins: [ new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ title: 'production', template: './index.html' }), new webpack.NamedModulesPlugin(), new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin() ], devServer: { contentBase: './dist', hot: true }, };
3. Introduce less and support import less modules
Install dependencies
npm i -D less less-loader npm i -D typings-for-css-modules-loader
Modularize the styles when packaging, we can introduce styles through import or require, and interact with each other Do not conflict.
//demo.less -> demo.less.d.ts //.demo{color:red;} -> export const demo: string; import * as styles from 'demo.less' <DemoComponent className={styles.demo} />
Modify webpack.config.js
// webpack.config.js const path = require('path'); const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin'); const webpack = require('webpack'); module.exports = { entry: { index:'./src/index.js', }, output: { filename: 'bundle.js', path: path.resolve(dirname, 'dist') }, devtool: "source-map", //add .less resolve: { extensions: ['.ts', '.tsx', '.js', '.jsx', '.less', '.css'] }, module: { rules: [ { test: /\.css$/, use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader'] }, //import less modules,name:demodemo_hash { test: /\.less/, use: [ 'style-loader', 'typings-for-css-modules-loader?modules&importLoaders=1&localIdentName=[name][local]_[hash:base64:5]&namedExport&camelCase&less!less-loader' ] }, { test: /\.(png|svg|jpg|gif)$/, use: ['url-loader'] }, { test: /\.(woff|woff2|eot|ttf|otf)$/, use: ['url-loader'] }, { test: /\.(js|jsx)$/, exclude: /node_modules/, use: { loader: 'babel-loader' } }, { test: /\.tsx?$/, loader: "awesome-typescript-loader" }, ] }, plugins: [ new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ title: 'production', template: './index.html' }), new webpack.NamedModulesPlugin(), new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin() ], devServer: { contentBase: './dist', hot: true }, };
4.Introduce react-routerv4
npm i -S react-router-dom
Create history
import { createHashHistory } from 'history'; export default createHashHistory();
import React from 'react'; import ReactDom from 'react-dom'; import * as styles from "./index.less"; import history from './helpers/history'; import {Router, Route, Switch, Redirect, Link} from 'react-router-dom'; import Hello from "./router/Hello"; import TodoList from "./router/TodoList"; const PrivateRoute = ({ component: Component , ...rest}) => { return ( <Route {...rest} render={props => ( <Component {...props}/> )}/> ); } ReactDom.render( <Router history={history} > <p className={styles.wrap}> <ul> <li><Link to="/">Homes</Link></li> <li><Link to="/todo">TodoList</Link></li> </ul> <Switch> <Route exact path="/" component={Hello}/> {/*<Route path="/demo" component={Demo}/>*/} <PrivateRoute path="/todo" component={TodoList} /> </Switch> </p> </Router>, document.getElementById('root') );
...ES7 syntax error
npm i -S babel-preset-stage-2
Modify .babelrc
{ "presets": ["es2015", "react", "stage-2"], }
5. Introduce mobx state management
npm i -S mobx mobx-react
Use decorator syntax
Modify tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": { "target":"es2017", //fix mobx.d.ts error "experimentalDecorators": true, "allowJs": true }
npm i -D babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy
Modify .babelrc
{ "presets": ["es2015", "react", "stage-2"], "plugins": ["transform-decorators-legacy"] }
I believe you have mastered the method after reading the case in this article. For more exciting information, please pay attention to other related articles on the php Chinese website!
Recommended reading:
How to use JS to implement json object array sorting by object properties
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The above is the detailed content of How to build a React family bucket environment. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!